When I Returned From Another World I Was A Silver Haired Shrine Maiden: Chapter 20

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In The Bath


I entered the bathroom while being pushed from behind by Yuna. After that, I sit down on the chair in front of the shower that I was guided towards.


「Well then, this is how you should wash your hair. First, you need to comb your hair before getting it wet.」


Yuna says as she moves the comb through my hair. Having my hair touched feels pleasant. When the comb was passed to me halfway through, the silky hair flowed smoothly even when I did it myself.


「After that, wash it with hot water for around 30 seconds.」


Turning on the water and confirming the temperature, Yuna started washing my hair.

It was a comfortable warm feeling. Yuna moves the shower head around while spreading my hair with her fingers.


「Next, lather the shampoo in your hands, then gently move it along your scalp with you fingers,  try to become familiar with how to massage it… Ah, you shouldn’t use that. Use this one instead.」


The shampoo I had picked up was the one used by my dad. Following Yuna’s advice, I picked up the shampoo she pointed to and lathered it in my hands before putting it into my hair. The scent was the same good fragrance that Yuna’s hair has.


「After that, spread the foam to the tips of your hair and gently wash it.」


I let the shampoo bubble and spread it out over my hair. Since it is so long, it is a fairly laborious process.


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「When you’re done, rinse your hair thoroughly with the shower head.」


I rinse the shampoo out of my hair with the shower.


「After you finish shampooing, you need to apply conditioner to your hair from the tips to about halfway to the root — try to avoid touching the pores with it. Finally, rinse out your hair again and you’re done.」


I finish with my hair by following the instructions that Yuna gave me.


「Since I can use restoration magic, can’t I just do that…」


「Though it can’t be helped if it was already damaged, girls shouldn’t handle their hair to the point where it gets damaged to the point where it needs that!」


「… Yes.」


I feel like I understand what she means… However, I think it’s a little troublesome to have to go through all these steps.


「Next is your body. How have you been washing it up until now?」


「I just put body soap on the towel over there and scrub my body with it.」


「What are you doing! If you do that, you’ll hurt your skin!?」

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「Yeah, my skin got red and sore… So, I washed using my hands yesterday.」


「… Washing with your hands in good. Alicia seems to have sensitive skin. Come to think of it, how did you do it, Alicia?」


『I just rinsed myself with water, then used restoration magic to fix my skin and hair…』


「Like that, you managed to attain… I will show you an example, so please remember how to do it.」




「First, rinse yourself thoroughly before you start washing your body. Normally you won’t have to worry about it since you will have already done so when washing your hair. … Actually, you should just always wash your hair first before washing your body.」


As she says that, Yuna begins to wash her own body in the shower. The bathroom in our house is an ordinary one that only has the single shower. It was unreasonable to use the shower at the same time as Yuna. Having both of us using it at the same time makes it very narrow and our skin frequently touches.


「Next, wash your body with body soap after foaming it in your hands. Make sure to clean the places where you sweat and are dirty methodically, but make sure to rub gently.」


Saying so, Yuna spreads the foaming body soap over her body.

The appearance of Yuna’s hand crawling across her own skin is very sexy, I feel like I’m watching something I shouldn’t see.


As I was hit with such feelings, I remembered that I should also be doing the same and started to cover my body in the body soap.


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My neck, shoulders, arms, sides, … Chest… Stomach, navel, waist, … the bottom of my crotch… Thigh, calf and my feet.


… I allow my hands to innocently crawl as I follow the movements of Yuna in front of me.


『… Nn…』


Does it tickle? Occasionally I could hear Alicia’s sighs, but I decided to try and ignore them.

I haven’t even soaked in the bath yet, yet my body feels dizzyingly hot.


… I may have been in the shower for too long.


When I finished washing, I took a breather and was pointed at by Yuna who was watching me.


「Alice, did you thoroughly clean your groin?」


「Th, that is… That…」


After receiving that tsukkomi my head went blank. I had seen Yuna start to wash there while I was watching her. However, I had quickly turned my gaze away from Yuna and didn’t see any more.


Therefore, I don’t actually understand how to wash it… I only went over it timidly when I did.


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「I understand the embarrassing feelings, but it’s a dirty place, so you have to wash it properly.」


「Bu, but… Such a thing…」


「You do know that if you don’t wash it, it will smell, right?」


「I don’t want that. But, when I touched it while in the restroom… I didn’t know what to do, I don’t understand it.–」


My eyes went watery.

I didn’t want to damage it by touching it strangely. What if I broke the hymen? But, it would also be unpleasant if Alicia smells because of me.


「Haa… If you don’t want to do it, I can wash it for Alice today… What will you do?」


「… Please.」


So long as I can avoid touching myself, I grabbed on to Yuna’s suggestion.

However, when I think over it calmly I realize that I asked for a terrible thing.


… I honestly don’t want to recall anything after that.


I underestimated the feeling of a finger that covered in body soap.

I’m honestly grateful that Yuna pretended not to notice the state I was in…

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