When I Returned From Another World I Was A Silver Haired Shrine Maiden: Chapter 41

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After swim class, changing clothes went without any major problems.

I changed clothes even while there were a lot of people in the room, after putting on my skirt, I no longer had to be worried about other people’s gazes.

Because Yuna’s towel was ruined in the earlier incident, I passed her my towel after using magic to dry it in the restroom.

During my afternoon classes, I felt fatigued from the swim class and spent most of the time sleeping. Even after school, I was still tired, so I sent a message to my club members saying I would be missing club and went straight home.


When I returned to my room, I took off my uniform and hung it on a hanger, then I slipped into bed in just my underwear. Honestly, it was too much trouble to put on pajamas.

While feeling a slight headache, sleepiness attacks me, I surrendered myself to it without fighting.


※ ※ ※


… I had a dream.


In my dream, I am back to being Ikutari, it begins with Alicia transferring into my school.

When Alicia enters the classroom, as soon as she see me she runs up to me and hugs me while expressing her joy.

After that, Alicia introduces herself to the class. She blushes and smiles while giving her introduction, causing the entire class to shout in excitement.

Following that, Hisui rushes to greet Alicia, Souta teases her, and for some reason Yuna is in the same class giving a wry smile, it’s very lively… It was a scene that I wish could have been possible.


※ ※ ※


… Waking up is the worst.


The tiredness of my body is still the same as before, I don’t know why, but my heart was beating rapidly. Feelings that I can’t understand are surging through my body.

I raise my body from the bed. The surrounding have already become dark, so I’m not sure what time it is right now. I fumbled at my bedside table to grab my smartphone and looked at the screen.


「It’s already 12 am…」


Notifications of messages from Yuna were displayed beside the time.


『It seems like you’re sick, so I didn’t wake you. If you get hungry, there is leftover rice in the fridge that you can eat. Good night.』


That message was dated at around 2 hours ago. I sent back a message of 『Thank you, good night.』in response.


Because my mind was now on the food, my stomach makes a sound.

I seem to still have an appetite.


『… I’m hungry.』


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Alicia’s voice can be heard in my head.

Her voice had the same laid-back tone that she normally used, I felt a little relieved hearing it.


『Then, let’s go eat.』


After putting on pajamas, I made my way down to the living room on the first floor while trying not to make too much noise. The living room didn’t have any lights on, so I turned on the minimal amount to be able to see.

The meal that was left prepared in the fridge was rice and some pork, it was refreshing and delicious as I ate it.


『For some reason my body feels heavy, I wonder if I caught a cold?』


I talk to Alicia with as I clean the dishes.


『That may be the case, I haven’t felt very good since this morning.』


『As I thought, Alicia also feels how tired my body is?』





『That’s right… I should be feeling it the same way as Ikuto-san. Well, if I cut my consciousness, I can go without being able to feel anything.』


『So you can do such a thing.』


… That’s unfair.


『Because I can’t feel anything when I cut it, I don’t do it very often.』


『I see…』


I just want to be able to cut it because I’m feeling bad right now, however, not being able to feel anything doesn’t seem very convenient.


『Well, when feeling like this we should take a bath, then quickly go back to sleep.』


I flick the hot water switch in the kitchen so that I can take a bath.

Afterwards, going back to my room, I prepared a change of clothes then headed for the bathroom.


When I started washing my body, I noticed that I wasn’t very comfortable.


… It feels like my skin is more sensitive than usual.


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When I touch my body with a hand covered in foamed soap, it is ticklish and makes me feel dizzy. Though I endure it and keep washing, it’s hard to bear as my body feels a lot more ticklish than normal.


『Nn… Fua…』


A voice filled with seductive sighs can be heard in my head, a hazy feeling that I can’t describe comes over me.

I try to ignore the feeling as much as possible, doing so, I finish washing my body quicker than normal, I then collect my hair and wrap it in a towel before placing my full weight into the bathtub.


A comfortable warmth penetrates my body as I start to soak.

With this, I finally felt calm, I breathed a sigh of relief.


After enjoying the bath for a while, I try to raise my doubts about something to Alicia.


『Hey, Alicia… Has there been anything strange about me today?』


『Your body’s condition is bad…』


Alicia says that like I’m just sick and tired. Although I feel a little better after getting into the bath, my condition still isn’t as good as normal.


『That’s not it, I’m talking about my emotions. I feel somewhat unstable, like my emotions keep swinging and are hard to control. How is it from your point of view?』


『I didn’t notice anything until you mentioned it… Also, there were a lot of things today that you had no control over…』


While saying it like it was hard to talk about, Alicia said that.

As I recall my foolishness today, it fills me with shame and regret, I buried my face under the water’s surface.


『If your physical condition isn’t good your feelings will turn bad easier! It can’t be helped!』


Alicia’s words are both gentle and harsh.

Alicia knows about everything that happened.

… When I “played rough” earlier, I felt feelings that I shouldn’t, and my body reacted to them.

As I realized that fact, my face dyed red with embarrassment.


After I got out of the bath, I brushed my teeth and put on facial cleanser before returning to my room.


Today I want to get to sleep quickly.

I turned off the lights before getting into bed and closing my eyes.





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However, because of the long bath, my body is still hot and I have trouble falling asleep.

On top of that, when I close my eyes, the events from today kept circling around in my head.

The underwear that was flashed by the girls in the changing room. After that, the feeling of Jun’s chest…


… I can’t sleep.


As I remembered all of this, my body reacted and became hot.

This is bad, I tried thinking of other things to calm my body down, but the tips of my chest stiffened and rubbed against my arms as I moved them.




The heat underneath my stomach made me start to squirm, the portion of my pajamas near my crotch has become slightly wet.

I unconsciously rubbed my thighs together as my body desired stimulation.




At Alicia’s voice, I return to reality like I had just been thrown into cold water.

I’m in Alicia’s body–


『Ikuto-san… That…』


The situation with my body is obvious to Alicia, it would be difficult to gloss over it.


『S, sorry… I…』


『Ah, umm… It’s okay not to apologize. Umm, I’m also sorry,』


『… Why are you apologizing?』


『Because we’ve always been together… That, Ikuto-san hasn’t been able to do it for a long time. I hadn’t noticed it until now.』


『Th, that…』


『It’s okay! From today on I will cut my consciousness during the night… Please don’t hesitate to do what’s necessary in the meantime!』


『Though you say to do it, Alicia, umm… Are you sure you know what you’re saying?』


『I know that much! … Be, because I am an adult woman, I have also comforted myself when I can no longer endure it.』


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『Is, is that so…』


Uu… This is bad. That confession is foul play.

In other words, she was doing it while she was traveling with me, is that so.


『A, anyway, that being the case, please don’t hold back! Even me, I don’t want this haziness to stick around.』


『I, I understand…』


With that reason pushed out, I was okayed to pleasure myself in Alicia’s body.


『… However, there is one thing I want to request from you.』


※ ※ ※


I turn on the light and lock the door to my room.

After that, I prepare tissues and a change of underwear beside the bed, I move the full-length mirror to the side of the bed and tilt it so that the top of the bed appears.

When everything was ready, I sit down on the bed.


Reflected in the full-length mirror was a girl with flushed cheeks waiting in anticipation for what was going to happen.

The atmosphere of a female in heat that was emitted from my body was contrary to my childish appearance, honestly, it is every erotic.

The inside of my body is already full of a deep heat, I can see that my underwear is wet even though I haven’t touched it.


『Ikuto-san, thank you for listening to my selfishness.』


I was following Alicia’s request. That being, 『Can you take a good look at my body first? I want you to only think about me when you do it.』was what she asked.

『My chest isn’t big like Jun-san, and my style isn’t as good as Fumika’s…』

Alicia seemed to be trying to apologize while saying that, but for me, seeing her like this is a dream come true.

While looking at Alicia’s reflection in the mirror, I touch parts of her body. Although the thought that the reflection in the mirror is me comes to mind, it isn’t nearly enough to stop the desire of a male high school student.


『… Well then, I will be cutting my consciousness. Good night Ikuto-san.』


『Good night, Alicia.』


I say that while looking in the mirror.

And I no longer hear Alicia’s voice.


『… Alicia?』


There is no reply.

I don’t think it’s possible to wait any longer.

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