"Ugh..." Light started to spill all over my eyes, like cold liquid being poured over my face.

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I felt it warming up my senses, and was also awoken by the brightness that filled my vision. As the haziness faded away, I found myself staring at a wooden ceiling which I recognized. In addition, I also felt the familiar softness of my futon rubbing against my back.
‘I think I know where I am...’ There is no mistaking it, I was in my room. I turned my head to the side and my eyes landed at my window from where the morning sunlight came in and shone on my face.
It was morning, so that means I’ve been sleeping all night?
My last memory was of me fighting against the Majin. Does that mean I have been unconscious since then? How long has it been? Before I could further bury myself in confusion, I heard a gentle voice call out to me, "Ah Rust, you're awake."
I shifted my gaze up and calmed down when I saw her face and greeted her, "Mother…"
My mother stood by my doorway and looked like she had been contemplating for a while whether to enter my room or not, finally she took the first step inside. I saw that she was carrying a tray with her. On it was a plate filled with chopped fruit. It was probably the substitute meal for my breakfast.
I sighed in relief. It’s good that my mother is here, I’ve got a ton of questions and she may be able to answer them for me.
While she focused on the mechanical motions of setting the plate down on my side table, I quickly tried to ask her a question. However, before I could even voice it out, my mother had spoken, “A guard found you laying in the middle of the forest where you had fallen, and helped you return to the village.”
"Really? Is that what happened?"
So I ended up getting helped by a guard. I vaguely wondered if it were the woodcutters who had called for him? She said the guard helped me get back to the village. Does that mean he also carried me back to my home?
Regardless of my ‘other’ interesting questions, I was most curious about one thing, I turned to my mother and stared at her intently, "Where is the girl who was with me?"
“There is no reason for alarm. She was found near you and bawling her eye's out, but she wasn't injured and she was safely rescued.”
"Is that so?" I'm glad to know that she was safe.

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I learned from my mother that after we were found, the young girl returned back to the village without further issues. I felt pride well up inside me, helping out the girl was a pretty good reason for fighting the Majin.
Just then my mother gently touched my hands and spoke to me, "Rust, you saved that girl."
I stared at her in confusion, "Huh?"
"I heard it from the girl. She said you protected her from the scary Majin. She also said that she wanted to thank you when you wake up. That's good, huh Rust?”
I was taken aback and dumbfounded by this unexpected news. The kid wanted to thank me? Really? I couldn’t understand what I was feeling about that. Somehow, I felt mixed emotions of fear, pain and also pride. More than this, I was at ease knowing that I managed to defeat a Majin and saved the girl. If seconds ago I was still in disbelief about that, now it was quickly dawning on me that it was the truth.
I had been silent for a while and so my mother spoke once again, "Nevertheless, you beat that Majin. When I heard about it, I was delighted."
"Eh? Why?” I thought my mom would just be relieved I was alive but she was even happy about it, I wonder why?
My mom gave me a look like I asked the most obvious question in the world before answering, “…Because you are always going to the forest in order to get rid of monsters and returning home like a worn out dishcloth. From an outsider such as myself, it was easy to tell that you are a pretty weak fighter.”
"A dishcloth…" Did my mom just compare me to a dishcloth? That is just too cruel!
But, I have to admit she is right. It is undeniable that even though the monsters in the forest were relatively weak, I still came back looking quite beaten up and haggard. However, in my humble opinion, given that I was gifted with a weak F ranked weapon, it's only natural for me to struggle.
This time though, I defeated a Majin and saved a girl! It truly must have been a delightful surprise for my mother who knew what I was capable of since she had always been watching over me. Truthfully, I am still shocked about it, too.
"You've gotten stronger, Rust." My mom complimented and I gave her a sheepish smile.
"In addition to you saving the girl, the guards and the mayor are also very grateful since you’ve saved the Red Village. If you hadn’t defeated that Majin and it made its way to us, then the villagers would have been exposed to great danger. You've become quite the hero of the village, Rust."
At my mother’s statement my eyes widened, "Me… a hero?"

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That comment had taken me aback and for a few seconds I didn’t know what I felt about that.
How should I put it? I did not feel all that bad. If I did protect not only the girl but also became the hero who protected our village, does this mean I am getting a little closer to becoming the hero I've always wanted to be? Regardless if those cases are true or not, it doesn’t change the fact that currently, I'm still a novice and not even an adventurer.
Therefore, this means I should keep doing more in order to reach my goal to become an adventurer.
Having decided what I should do, I made an attempt to confide in my mother about my new found plans. I stared at her with a serious look on my face, "Uh um mother. I…"
But, once again, my mother was ahead of me. Even before I could start the discussion she already gave me a knowing look, "Aren't you trying to become an adventurer?" She asked.
"Well aren’t you constantly trying to become an adventurer? When you’ve gotten stronger, I reckon you'll start to actively pursue your dream, won’t you?"
I could only reply in silence. It seemed like my mother could read my mind. She was right, I want to go. I want to go and become an adventurer right now!
I have been given a golden opportunity and I want to use this power that is capable of defeating a Majin, and become the adventurer I've always wanted to be.
I gave my mother an apologetic look and started telling her what has been concerning me, "I want to become an adventurer. But I've always wanted to help take care of you mother. I can’t just suddenly say goodbye, no matter how you look at it…"
My mother squeezed my hand and gave me a gentle smile, "It's fine. Please go."
"Is it really okay for me to leave?"

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My mom’s eyes slightly glistened, "It makes me feel sad, but…"
What I heard next from my mother made my eyes well up with tears, "…My son found something that he really wants to do, therefore pushing you along to accomplish that goal of yours is a mother's duty. So, do as you like, Rust."
"Mother…" I could feel the back of my eyes burning.
How is my mother always able to say the words I want her to say?
I've certainly been blessed with having good people around me.
It made me glad that I was born as my mother's son.
My mom seemed to have noticed the somber mood between us, so she tried to brighten it up by asking me a question, "For a long time, you’ve always liked hero stories. Finally, your dream is coming true. In particular, "Krista", was it? Was he the hero you always liked?"
At the mention of his name my face instantly brightened, "You're right! You've got a good memory, mom."
The hero Krista.
A hero whose name has been talked about for as long as I could remember.
Compared to other heroes, he isn't that remarkable, but since he was young, he was apparently bullied a lot. His sacred weapon wasn't all that great either, but to prove himself to all those who were making fun of him, he became an adventurer, and very quickly showed his true potential.
Before long, he became strong enough to be known as a hero.
That is the story of Krista. Compared to other spectacular hero stories, his was a little gloomy and plain, but his story really moved me the most!

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"I want to help more and more people. I want to protect those who are attacked by monsters. Even if I'm bullied, like the hero Krista… I'm sure I can catch up with Ruby."
My mother smiled broadly and laughed when I said this.
"If that's what you've decided, then I'm not going to stop you, Rust. Go wild! Seems like you've already gotten enough strength to defeat a Majin, therefore you should be fine."
"Thanks mother."
With that being said, I've taken my first step to achieve my dream.
"Ah, by the way mother, do you know where my sacred weapon is?"
"Huh? Sacred weapon? It's leaning over there." My mother pointed towards the corner of the room.
When I shifted my gaze in that direction, sure enough, my weapon was leaning there.
The guard must have picked it up and brought it here?
I wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but when I shifted my gaze to the corner, I opened my eyes wide and stiffened, "Wha-Why…?"
The reason why I was so flabbergasted was because not only was my rusted sword there but another pitch black great-sword was leaning there, as well.
It was the Majin's black great-sword.
On the other hand, my sacred weapon had reverted back to normal.

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