*The second half will be from the third-person, the Demon King’s perspective.

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I was summoned to a place that looked like an office, and I was looking up at the Demon King who was holding his hands together on a splendid desk. 


Hya~, I’m scared~. 

Afraid of the disgruntled Demon King, I clung to Tiara’s skirt. 


“Were there any injuries?” 


He looks at me in amazement.




I don’t think he seems angry.


“I just got soaked…” 


Earlier, I asked Tiara to change my clothes, and I also had my head shaved. 

It seems that I have a talent for quickly ruining cute clothes.

Even so, I have nothing but gratitude for Tiara, who didn’t complain and let me change clothes with a worried look. 


“Presea-sama’s body is weak, so I’m worried about catching a cold.”


Literally, Tiara looked at me with concern. 

Well, I changed my clothes right away and it should be fine. 

I’m fine. I’m fine.


 “All right, let’s stay quiet in the room for a while.” 


The Demon King nods as he says so. 




When I involuntarily raised my voice in protest, the Demon King turned his sharp gaze to me. 


“What are those dissatisfied eyes?”


 “Well, because I’m free…” 


“Is that why you left the room again?” 




“You guys are too lax in management.” 


Tiara, along with Yuki and Vanillie who were standing behind her, shook their shoulders. 


“I’m sorry…” 


They whispered in a mosquito-like voice.   


“It has nothing to do with the three of them! I just deceived the three and left on my own!” 


I’ve come to regret it now, and if I rushed to explain, I was told that it was only natural that I was stupid.


 “I didn’t expect you to get out of your room without permission and ruin my garden.” 




 “Why on earth did you do that? Did you not like the garden?” 


“That, that’s not true… Um, I’m trying to water the flowers…”


I muffled my excuses. 

In the first place, everyone probably didn’t know that I could use magic. Tiara’s eyes widened as I explained in a low voice. 


“I knew you had magical powers, but… you can use magic now. That’s amazing.”


Somehow she is interested in it. 

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On the other hand, the Demon King was in a bad mood. 


“Did you ruin the garden to try to water it?” 


“That-that’s not what I mean…”


I’m not lying. 

I tried to give the flowers water.


“I thought I’d use water magic, but… for some reason, I can’t control it well…” 


Since I was released from the circlet, my magic power control has become quite unstable. 

Feeling that the output is only large or small. I can’t control it well.


“…was it always like that?” 


Asked by the Demon King, I shook his head. 


“Uh no, before…” 


I was at a loss for words. 

It reminds me of Circlet.

I can’t say that here.


 “Well, I didn’t use magic before, so I don’t know.”


The Demon King was staring at me intently. 

Somehow, it seems like my thoughts are being discovered, and I’m scared.

Even so, no further digging was done.


“Your magical power is too great for that body.” 




For a moment, I was startled. 

Magic power increases as you grow.

That’s why I thought it would look quite unnatural if the magical power I had when I was 15 years old was inherited by my 5-year-old body. 


“If you don’t have the skill to manipulate it, don’t use it for a while.”




The Demon King sighed and closed his eyes. 


“If there were no injuries, well, that’s fine. I Forgive you.” 


“Re, really?” 


“Yeah. Apologize to the gardener later.” 


Uwa~, I’m glad.


“Um um! I will apologize, I will apologize!” 


I’m really sorry too, to Tiara and the others.

Let’s apologize properly later.

As I nodded, however, the Demon King opened his eyes. 


“Aside from that, should you accept the punishment now?” 


“… Eh?”




What, punishment?


 I had a bad feeling and clung to Tiara.  


Maybe the time for torture has finally come.


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“Uh… don’t hurt me…” 


“Well, what do you think?” 


That night.

After changing into my pajamas, I was in the Demon King’s bedroom with Bunny in my arms. 

To receive punishment for what I did today. 

I was told to come to the bedroom before I went to sleep.


The Demon King-sama’s bedroom was surprisingly simple. 

The black-based room was furnished with high-class furniture, and there weren’t many unnecessary things. On the small shelf next to the bed was a half-read book and a jug of water. 

Sitting on a large, fluffy bed, the Demon King was waiting for me in comfortable clothes.


“Come here” 




I fearfully stand in front of the Demon King.

Tiara just left, so it’s just me and the Demon King.

No matter what happens, Tiara won’t protect me anymore.


I was so scared that I closed my eyes and was suddenly hugged. 




I was carried to the bed and laid down.


And a blanket to put on. 




When I unintentionally opened my eyes, the Demon King was about to enter the bed. 

I was so surprised that I couldn’t move.

He gently hugs me.

When I involuntarily looked at the Demon King, he was also looking at me. 


“Body pillow” 




“Would you like to be my hugging pillow today?” 


Saying that, the Demon King laughed. 




I feel like screaming unintentionally. My body is 5 years old, so it might be safe, but I’m 15 years old on the inside, so it’s unnatural.

This person really is a lolicon…I thought, but nothing more was done.


No, I want to sleep alone~


“You are warm and nice” 


This seems to be a “punishment”, so when I couldn’t say anything good, I was stroked on the cheek. 

When I noticed it, it was inflated, and the air escaped with a pus. 

Suddenly, I noticed that Demon King-sama had taken off his gloves. Long, beautiful fingers…. 


“Demon King-sama’s hands are a little cold.”


Speaking of which, do I really hate the Demon King? and tilted my head. 


“…not really” 


it can not be helped. 

Let’s just let it go.

I will do as I please.


While I was being stroked on my cheek, I became somewhat sleepy. I’m insensitive right?  


“Are there any inconveniences?” 

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Asked by the Demon King with this question again.


“… I want to go outside”


When I said that while dozing off, the Demon King laughed. 


“I’ll wait until your body gets better. Then I’ll take you out of the castle as much as you want.” 




“Yeah. Anywhere. Wherever you want to go.” 




“Isn’t it painful?” 




Before, my body was so sore that I had a hard time falling asleep.

Every day, bow my head at the temple, recite Norito, and pray to God. 

Set up a barrier, purify the monsters, and heal the wounded.

It was really hard, and there wasn’t anything that I thought was fun.

Every day, I was desperate to fulfill my role as a saint.


I can’t say anything. 


“Here… it’s pretty fun…” 


But instead, what I was thinking spilled out of my mouth. 




Demon King’s voice is much gentler. …This person did not harm me from the beginning. 

I wonder what I really learned in the human world.


In the temple, we were taught that the Demon King was an enemy of this world, a ruthless and dirty existence that was hostile to God. But why is this person looking at me like this?

With such a gentle face.



I don’t know that kind of gaze. Don’t really know…….


Suddenly, I was overwhelmed with guilt. 

Am I okay? I lied like this, staying by this person’s side.

I thought it was kind of suffocating to keep silent about myself.


I can’t sleep because it’s so restless. That’s what I thought, but am I insensitive or just tired?

I gradually fell asleep while being stroked on my cheeks and back. 

If you pat me on the back with a constant rhythm like a child, I’m at my limit.


I just fell asleep.





The demon lord was staring at Presea’s sleeping face without sleeping. 


Presea curled up and fell asleep as if to protect herself from something.


That small hand gripped the sheet tightly. 

A groan overflows from her tiny lips like petals. 

Her eyebrows were raised and tears were dripping from her eyes.


“Uh… no, no…” 


She twists her body as if she is running away from something.


“It’s hurt… already, no…”


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When the Demon King lifted Presea up, he hugged her to his chest. 

Even though Presea is unconscious, she struggles and rejects the Demon King. 

Even so, the Demon King did not abandon the young child.

As he hugged her and stroked her back, her painful voice gradually subsided.


“Sorry, please… don’t do anything terrible… I want to stay, I’m scared…” 




I’m sorry. 


The Demon King embraced Presea as she muttered.


“… it’s okay. There’s no one here to do bad things to you anymore.” 




“No pain, no hurt. It’s all over.”


At the corners of Presea’s eyes, tears glistened. 


“Sorry to keep you waiting”


He patted her on the back. 

Before long, Presea’s breathing became calmer. 




Leaning back against the Demon King, with a calm expression, she began to sleep soundly. 

After confirming that she was completely asleep, the Demon King quietly laid the girl on the bed. 


“I’ll wipe the tears left on your cheeks.”  


 ──Is this the “night crying” that Tiara was talking about…?


While stroking Presea’s cheek, the Demon King remembered Tiara’s report.


『Presea-sama can’t seem to get a good night’s sleep.』 


It was right after Presea came to this castle that Tiara reported to the Demon King.


『I wonder if she’s having a nightmare, and she wakes up many times in the middle of the night crying. If I calmed her down, she would be able to fall asleep, but she would wake up again and again like she had a seizure…』 


Tiara’s face looked painful as she said that. 

“What could have caused such a small child to be in such a state?” Tiara asked.


──Who is “really” Presea-sama? 


However, the Demon King didn’t answer. 

He didn’t think it was the right time to answer, and even if he didn’t know Presea’s true identity, hệ decided that Tiara would serve Presea from the bottom of her heart.


『She is dozing off during the daytime. It seems difficult to stay awake for a long time.』


Presea’s body was thin and stick-like. She was malnourished. Also, even though she’s a child, her body temperature is quite high. It was always hot. 

The person herself doesn’t seem to notice it, and is acting cheerfully. That’s probably why she gets sleepy so quickly. Although the fever had decreased since the beginning, it was still not normal.


“What should I do…”


The Demon King said to the bewildered Tiara.


──Could I give this girl peace of mind?


The Demon King is probably not liked by Presea that much.

He somehow thought so.

Rather than taking care of himself, he thought he needed a woman who would gently wrap him up like a mother.


The Demon King lovingly caressed the sleeping child in front of him.


“Presea ──”


The demon king gently dropped his kiss on the glittering eyes.

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