“Then I’ll come back tomorrow at a similar time. Even before that, if you have any thoughts to say something, you can always call me through the servant.”

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After the treatment, Aloken left the room shortly after with the tools used for the treatment. A new watchman bowed on his behalf, but Fanora didn’t reply and sat down on the bed.


The day ended like that, but the days of imprisonment in the duke’s mansion were hellish times for her.




From that day on, Aloken visited her room daily, making her suffer.


I hope he dies soon…


Even though he carefully fed her food, promising to release her if she revealed information, he could suddenly change his demeanor and began searching her body rudely, repeatedly shaming her for the reason that she might have a dangerous item with her.


He criticized her, saying she was nothing more than a lowly woman in society if she wasn’t his lover. Still, when Fanora started to cry, he would mock her and laugh, claiming it was just a joke.


Aloken’s unpredictable attitude was more stressful than she could imagine. It felt like she was living next to a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment.


It was a painful day. But the biggest reason the time was cruel was that no matter how deeply she fell asleep, she couldn’t escape like waking up from a nightmare.


* * *

It was a week later. It had already been seven days since Fanora was locked up in the mansion. Now that ‘Dangerous Love,’ which was seen every week at midnight, was completed, she was not needed to stay up all night. Nevertheless, Fanora spent the night with open eyes.


When she lay down, her heart thumped, cold sweat flowed unpleasantly, and her eyelids often trembled alone even when she tried to close them. It was insomnia due to anxiety.


It’s just as tough as back then. She had this experience once before. It was a few days before she decided to end her life.


“Is the water temperature okay, Lady Fanora?”


“Lady, would you prefer low-heeled or high-heeled shoes?”


She momentarily reminisced how she felt that day and returned to the present. There were several servants in front of her.


“A low-heeled one.”


Fanora scanned the servants who served her and thought quietly. How many people know exactly that I’m a murderer?


First of all, not everyone in this mansion knew about her crime. Not long ago, she had overheard the conversation of the knights beyond the door. Judging from their conversation back then, the knights don’t even know I’m locked in this room.


The knights mistook themselves for protecting Fanora. Sometimes, some doubted why the security was so strict, but considering Aloken’s usual personality, it wasn’t that strange, so they passed over it without hesitation.



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In addition, various rumors were floating around the mansion. The prospective duchess quarreled with her fiancé; Lady Fanora shouted to annul the engagement, and Aloken didn’t let her go. What was certain was that the majority didn’t know Fanora’s secret.


For now, who knows for certain is Aloken himself and the servant who tailed Naverius at the summer ball, these two…


Fanora glanced at the corner of the room. There stood the servant in a black butler’s uniform. He was the right hand of Aloken, whom she knew well.




Right, that person must be another witness to the murder.  Fanora soon remembered what servant Aloken usually took to the royal banquet.


Did he tell his family? It seemed that Aloken wouldn’t casually reveal blackmail material that he could use to hold and shake others. However, she couldn’t be completely at ease. Even if I deal with Aloken and that servant, what if someone who knows about my revenge comes out again?


Fanora’s face was automatically shaded. Then, the maid, who was in charge of dressing her, kindly asked a question. “Lady, don’t you like the clothes?”




“Maybe Lady had a bad dream last night.”


The young maid smiled with a cosmetic brush in her hand. “But don’t worry. Today is a fun day, Lady.”




“I will make you the prettiest lady in the world today! Please put your mind at ease.”


Fanora stared at the maid, then closed her eyes tightly to hide her miserable expression.



She had to go to a banquet today. The reason was that King Balmong’s concubine recently had a cute daughter. The royal family held a large banquet to celebrate this, and Aloken, who was invited to the banquet, decided to bring his fiancée.


You madman.


Going to a banquet under these circumstances? However, Aloken had already threatened to reveal her secret if Fanora behaved strangely at the banquet hall. So she had to behave as she normally would even though she knew everything. It was like another form of torture.




But is there any other sharp way?


Fanora was eventually led by the maids, ready to go to the banquet hall. Her hair, which was arranged with ointment, shone, and her dress was elegant. But there was no smile on her face. Her mind was a complete mess.


<Royal Banquet Hall>


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Soon they reached the splendid castle. The royal family welcomed the duke and his future wife with great grandeur. After a while, the society was lively.






As Fanora entered the banquet hall, she also met familiar faces. The Celsius couple who arrived first greeted her.


“I heard the story. When the winter is over, you have to think about the wedding, so you’re learning internal affairs at the Jalier Mansion.”

  “…Yes, Mother.”


When Hanar Celsius spoke, Fanora confirmed obediently. It was because Aloken Jalier was right next to her.


“I intend to stay at his mansion for a while…”


Aloken gave strength to the hand that held his partner. Fanora spoke helplessly, held in his hand. It was a prearranged excuse.


“The position of a duchess means not only one family but also the main pillar of this kingdom, so there is nothing wrong with learning to work early.”


“I see.”


Hanar was visibly flushed when she heard that she was learning internal affairs. This was good news for her as it meant their marriage was approaching.


“Fanora.” However, Bael Celsius had a rare dark expression. “Still, come home sometimes.”


Why do you say that? Because you’re in front of others?


Come to think of it, in the past, I thought there would be no hell as big as Celsius Mansion… I miss home now.


Fanora rolled her eyes and offered a customary answer. After that, the couple left to talk with other nobles.


“Though he never paid you any attention before, now that I’m taking his daughter, does he feel hurt so much?”


She wanted to yell at Aloken to shut up. But looking back, he often criticized people of Celsius from before. And Fanora herself had justified it.




She moved helplessly as Aloken led her. Just like he ordered, she smiled and greeted the nobles. But at some point.




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Once again, a familiar voice reached her. It was the voice of Princess Guelder, who arrived late at the banquet hall, calling her.


“I sent a letter to Celsius to meet you, but there was no reply.”


“Ah, I’m sorry. I didn’t get it.”


“It’s okay.”


Vasago Guelder. She approached, not caring at all if Fanora was in the middle of the crowd. Then Aloken took a step forward and cut between them.


“You’re very friendly to the person who will become my wife. Her fiancé, the duke, is right before you, so you must greet me first.”


He had a nice smile around his mouth, but it was just a sociable mask. Vasago was well aware of it.


“You mean to tell me that the Duke’s love is only for your fiancée? How can you cherish her so much that it’s so hard to see her face—”




“Just give her up this time.”


Princess Guelder blinked her flower-deer-like eyes.


“After all, the Duke will soon be her husband, and once you get married, you’ll see each other daily.”


Vasago said so and gently pulled Fanora’s hand. It meant to talk to her for a minute.




Fanora noticed Aloken at this moment. And then she said. “I’m sorry, Princess. I’m having trouble leaving my seat at the moment.”




“Next time, when I have time, I will write to you first.”


She quickly refused Vasago’s touch. It was because Aloken’s expression was stiff. He was a very unpredictable man, but there was nothing good to go against him. Anyway, I have to deal with Aloken with my own hands. There’s nothing good about being involved.


Staring the contract engagement and taking the man who was supposed to be Vasago’s partner was all her work. So Fanora thought she would have to do this with her own hands. That’s why she purposefully pushed Vasago away.




But Vasago didn’t back down. She spoke quietly as if she had made up her mind. “I’m glad you will write me a letter. By the way, I heard that your younger brother has a birthday party this winter.”

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“Is there anything I can do to help?”


The princess was asking if she needed help now. The woman who once made Fanora want to die would now step up and save her from the abyss.




Fanora closed her mouth for a moment. But the silence did not last long.


“No. It’s customary… to prepare birthdays with your own family hands.”




“It’s okay, Princess.”


Fanora again refused the touch of Vasago. Now things have come to this. She couldn’t bring Vasago into it.


Aloken already knows that Vasago has ulterior motives. If Vasago gets more involved, she might…


Aloken, who didn’t know this situation in detail, just thought Fanora would be scared to be found to be a murderer.


“Vasago, I’m sorry to say, but we have to greet my uncle from now on. Would you mind stepping aside?”


“Okay. Enjoy the banquet, Duke Jalier.” When he came out like that, Vasago eventually took a step back.


As the green hair of the Guelder family disappeared into the distance, Aloken spoke belatedly. “Still, I was sincere when I said I liked you more than the princess, Fanora.”


Now that she heard that, she was not impressed at all. Since Vasago is stubborn, he must be afraid that she will rebel against him.


Fanora turned her head as if she didn’t want to hear his whisper. Then Aloken’s eyes bent like a fox.




Fanora flinched for a moment. What’s going on with you making that face again?


But Aloken’s subsequent actions were completely unexpected.


“Fanora, come to think of it, you wouldn’t have been able to have a meal properly because you were dressing up, so let’s fill your hunger with this.”


He picked up a coin-shaped tart nearby. And then pushed it to Fanora’s mouth. 

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