Chapter 51 - 17. There’s No Frustration (2)

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「February 3rd, Royal Castle」


February 3rd morning.


Today is the day of the debutante, which I suffered from before my regression. When I opened my eyes in my dream, I saw the view of the Great Hall, where the young men and women shyly made eye contact and danced in pairs.


In my dream, I leaned alone against the cold wall with a gloomy face. I stared endlessly at my fiancé dancing with another woman. The sadness of that time is still clear, but I had no time to hesitate. Because today is the chance to change those memories.




It is one of the important events in the Kingdom Kasius, where the young nobles officially step into the social world. Even at a younger age, the children of nobles can make small social events such as tea parties. Still, after their debutante, the range of events they can participate in has changed in earnest.


“Come on, everybody, come with me.”


First of all, the process of debutante of the Kingdom Kasius was like this. As the young nobles of each family showed their faces to the society for the first time, the first person they had to greet was the King.


“Then, each of you will come inside for one minute at a time. You can return the other way when you have finished greeting the King.”


Currently, the young ladies of each family were standing in a line in front of the huge audience hall, dressed in pure white and simple clothes. Of course, I was in that long line too. Although my family hierarchy wasn’t that high, I could stand quite in the front row because I’m Duke Jalier’s fiancée.


“…greetings to the King.”


Soon after, a high chair was placed under the guidance of the royal attendant. When it was my turn, I walked in front, bowed my head, and sat down on one knee just like a knight had sworn an oath.


“My name is Vanora Celcius, the eldest daughter of Count Celcius.”


And on top of that chair sat none other than the King of Kasius, Valmont IV.


That was the first ritual of the debutante. It was a procedure in which you presented your greetings to the King.


“Yes. You can get here now.”


King Valmont reacted reluctantly when I kissed his right hand as a sign of allegiance as a noble.


“Hoaaam… next!”


There was never a chance to see the King so close unless you were from the Marquis or Duke family.


The King yawned loudly, how bothersome the precious ritual was, without even paying attention to the people around him.




I knew it but quietly turned around and got out without changing my expression. Outside, there were countless ladies still waiting for their turn to say greetings.


It’s definitely too early.


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Since the opening ceremony of the debutante began in the early morning, when it was still the time for them to close their eyes, the hallways were lined up with the yawning nobles. But I never showed any signs of disarray.


“…Lilac Fort from Baron Fort is entering!”


“…Kate Livis from Baron Livis is entering!”


The event that followed was finally the ball, the core of the debutante. Usually, after waiting in the order from the lowest family, they entered the Great Hall with their mother or partner, according to the attendant’s announcement.


“Vanora, are you nervous?”


“I’m not nervous because Godmother is by my side.”


I looked at the huge door I would enter from the Castle hallway. Then Countess Maquil, who was standing by, slowly grabbed my left hand and said,


“The next time you go to Sir Ronwe’s condolences, please tell him.”




“I kept my promise.”


I felt strange.


Originally, I entered my debutante alone when I was 16 years old. So, as my name was called out loudly, many nobles laughed at the fact that I came alone at that time. The voices of them who pointed their fingers at me, asking why I came alone and how I could find a godmother or partner, and the vague memory of me looking at the floor of the hall was still there. But today was different. As Ronwe’s last will, Countess Maquil held my hand as I made my debutante.


“By the way…”


Besides, I was blessed with one more figure who was idly by my side today.


“Are you sure you’re alright by yourself, Aloken?”


I asked the person who had been staring at godmother and me. Then the black-haired man standing nearby replied.


“What if Lady Vanora desperately wants to throw her fiancé away? I have to do what I should do.”




“If you had such a great Godmother, I wish you would let me know in advance. Ah, Countess Maquil, I’m sorry for the late greetings.”


“Greetings to Duke Jalier.”


This is the first appearance of Aloken since the New Year’s festival. He had already made his debutante, but since he was qualified as my fiancé, he showed up dressed up here. Still, when he heard that the seat next to me was already full, he expressed exaggerated disappointment.


“But what can I do about it? With the sole intention of holding the hand of my beloved fiancée, I gave up my work and entered the palace… Thanks to you, I will go to a party by myself for the first time in my life.”


At his words, I glanced at my surroundings, then moved away from godmother for a moment, beckoning to Aloken. As Aloken bent down to my action to lend his ear, a cold voice pierced that man’s ears.


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“It is the punishment for making a habit of appearing without an appointment every time.”




Aloken, who was smiling softly like a fox, heard the words, nodded, and stood up again. Then he shouted as if to let everyone listen.


“From now on, you don’t have to be shy to say that you love me!”


He was a man who never lost from begging to the end.  


“Did he really propose to you first?”


“Yes, Godmother.”


After that, Aloken moved somewhere, saying he wanted to change his outfit before entering. Then Godmother glanced at his back and smiled faintly.


“If Ronwe had met Duke Jalier in his lifetime, he might not have sent me a letter.”




“It means you weren’t alone.”


With that, I also realized myself. I don’t know if it will be like this or that, but my second debutante must be that warmth.


“Lady Celcius, please get ready.”


“Ah, yes.”


After a while.


I was placed in the order of entry. What in front of the huge door of the Great Hall, which I often see after becoming an adult.


“What’s that? She said she’s getting engaged. Why is she alone?”


“Oh my gosh. A once-in-a-lifetime debutante, she is wearing a dress like that.”


“For that lady, you need to consider asking her to dance. Even if she pretends not to be, she’s an outcast child from her family. What good are you going to get involved with her?”


I stepped forward, trying to erase the fear of my debutante that remained in my memory.


“Vanora Celcius from the Count Celcius is entering!”


Before long, the voice of the servant who announced my name resounded in the air. The gold door opened wide, and the light of the gorgeous chandelier in the Great Hall poured down.




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I frowned for a moment as my eyes were dazzled by the light pouring through the door. As I walked forward, I held godmother’s hand even stronger so I wouldn’t fall.




And a few seconds later. When I got used to the light, I finally opened my closed eyes. I raised my eyes and captured the scenery of my second debutante.


It’s the same as back then.


As I entered the hall, the eyes of the nobles inside turned to me. Stabbed by those sharp gazes, I felt like a nightmare repeated itself.




(Is that Lady Celcius?)


(Countess Maquil, who had retired from society, took her as a goddaughter. Hoo~)


(She’s not that fair, but she’s really an eye-catching lady.)


I noticed that the faces of the nobles whispering from afar were different. They had curious eyes rather than faces that were laughing at ridiculous clowns.


“Well, let’s go inside.”


“Yes, Godmother.”


Then, what about the next step?


Originally, I crouched after entering and hid behind a pillar out of sight. Still, I could stand proudly in the center of the hall this time.


“Greetings to Countess Iva Maquil! It’s been a while.”


“How sad I was that I couldn’t see Countess while you were recuperating! I want to make a place to celebrate your return!”


“Your goddaughter is so mature!”


As soon as we appeared in the hall’s center, the crow gathered instantly.


It’s like bees gathering in nectar.


The goddaughter of the Countess. At the same time, I’m in the position of being the fiancée of Duke Jalier, so I was treated quite differently from the last time. But it was good. Gathering eyes like this were what I was hoping for.


“Hello. Even though I’m not good enough, please take care of me in the future.”




I greeted the nobles who gathered around me. I had a rather heavy expression until now, but I made a soft expression for this moment. To behave according to etiquette properly at such a young age. The Madams who participated as godmother to the young nobles admired this.


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“How can your greeting attitude be so perfect?”


“It’s all thanks to the good teachings of Godmother.”


“Hohoho. Lady Celcius, if you don’t mind, after the debutante, my family—”


It was around when we had been in the conversation for a while.


“Aloken Jalier from Duke Jalier is entering!”


At last, it was my fiancé’s turn to come in. When his name was called out loud, the people who were talking turned their heads at once.


When the man’s name was called out loud, the people who were talking turned their heads at once.


“It looks like little Duke Jalier is also participating in this ball… Ups, I should stop making this mistake.”


“Lord, how could you still get confused by his title? He’s a duke now, so be polite.”


After entering, Aloken looked around the hall leisurely. The outfit he wore today was a suit mainly made of white fabric, which says it’s time for a new start. There was also a dark blue embroidery on it, a color permitted only to high-ranking nobles.


“Oh my, he’s like a painting.”


“People in the North say that the climate is rough and people in there look thin, but when you see Duke Jalier, you can’t believe that word.”


Soon after, Aloken walked to me without hesitation. What followed was a conversation in a flat tone.  


“This year’s debutante is bigger than last year.”


“Aloken, is there a more powerful person than you?”


“Of course, there’s no one more powerful than me.”


Aloken stopped talking and then turned around. His gaze touched the entrance of the hall.


“But there is only one person who can match my power.”


At the same time, the servant finally called out the last participant.


“Vasago Guelder from Duke Guelder is entering!”


Aaah, that’s right.


At the slowly open door, the protagonist of this banquet and the protagonist of this world began to appear.




It was the prelude to the second chapter of the novel. 

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