“Aaaah! You bastard!”

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Ikar was extremely calm.

Why was Seta yelling when he commanded humans? He crossed his arms with a sullen face befitting a blue dragon.

“We must not intervene heavily in the human world. It is equally taboo to give orders to humans unless absolutely necessary.”

“Then, say it! Is your mouth a mouth that exists only to exhale breath? Huh? Useless mouth! Useless!”

“It’s you red dragons who spew breath without covering the front and back.”


The quiet room, where only Laritte and Oscar had been, suddenly became noisy. The next moment, Oscar staggered up into a posture that seemed to protect the red sofa Laritte was sitting on.

“Cough, cough. So…”

Oscar coughed but worried. Why did the dragons come here? It seemed that Laritte didn’t seem to know why. In the first place, he was Ian’s friend and was a trustworthy figure, so Ian roughly told him how the Duchess came to life.

…The dragons play a big role.

‘I heard that she’s pretty close with dragons, but I can’t believe that at all.’

Although Ian and Laritte weren’t the ones to brag, it was a story about ‘Dragon!’ How could he believe that they were friends with a dragon who was revered as a God? Meanwhile, Seta and Ikar realized why they were here after a long quarrel. Something the size of a forearm came from Ikar’s front.


Butterfly stuck its head out of his chest. It must have been frustrating.

Seeing Butterfly popping out, Laritte smiled faintly.

“Oh. Is Butterfly here?”

“I stopped by the mansion again to see this cute and lovely cat… You are gone, and the cat is looking for you. So, I asked the one in black clothes and brought it.”

Laritte thought she needed to apologize to the maid, who must have been afraid of receiving the dragon’s questions.

“Since it’s a long distance and there are many people here, I left Butterfly after much thought. How did Butterfly come?”

Ikar proudly stuck out his tongue.

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“After transforming into my true form, I put the cat under my tongue and quickly fly away.”

When Ikar transformed into its original form, it looked like there was quite a lot of space under the tongue. Even though he was expressionless, he looked very proud.

Emperor Oscar was spinning his head round and round.


What was going on now? The dragon said that the cat was lonely and brought it to its owner… He found it too normal. Perhaps, Oscar had already been killed by the dragon’s claw for coming out to protect the Duchess.

Yes. Now it must have been a dream or a fantasy…!

It was then that Ikar found a foreign brown fur in Oscar’s brown hair. This dragon had raised hundreds of thousands of cats over a long period of time. So, the owner of the rough, stiff hair on Oscar’s head was clear.

“I think this male human also has a cat.”

Oscar lost his mind. Finally, he thought of a stray cat perched in a flower garden.

“Not that I’m raising them, ah, no… The cat seemed to need a place to give birth, so I brought it up, and she lived in a flower garden…”

“You are a good person.”

Ikar took his hand with a determined face and shook it up and down. While Oscar was losing his soul, Seta looked absurd, and he glanced at Laritte.

“This… If you were going to wear such a fabulous outfit, you should have invited me! Bad human! Bad human!”

Seta wanted to immortalize Laritte like this and decorate his lair.

Without realizing it, he bent his knees and gazed at Laritte, who was sitting on the sofa, like courting her. His reaction was not unusual. Laritte wore the art that Nicholas, the best designer in the empire, had worked hard on for a month.

The most beautiful bride in May…!

Ikar, too, recognized the dress Laritte was wearing. He found a small blue jewel embedded in the dress.

“Isn’t that the Lord’s disgusting scale? Then that old woman took it from the meeting place.”

That meant Olivia.

The dress of the former Duchess, which Laritte cherished, could not be worn as it was. The magical powers were lost because of Laritte. The designer, Nicholas, changed the design while repairing the dress using Lord Astrit’s scale, so the new dress, upholstered in black-dyed silk, was the perfect match for Laritte.

It became the pride of the Duchy again!

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Frankly, Laritte was more than happy to have this dress returned to her hands than the wedding. It was the greatest happiness after being able to live with Ian for a long time. Meanwhile, Seta melted like a liquid because of Laritte’s face, and Ikar was just preaching to Oscar about the cat’s sixtieth virtue.

The hustle and bustle were just right. Laritte smiled softly on the sofa in the middle of the small, crowded room.

It was then…

“I’m coming in.”

Ian brought Olivia back to the waiting room.

He knocked on the door a few times, and as soon as it opened, he witnessed the situation inside the room. Even Oscar opened his mouth brightly as if he had seen his savior, and it was a mess.

Ian’s expression darkened.

What? This…

Why was the situation next to Laritte like this? Wasn’t Laritte his? Even though the door was slammed closed and reopened to deny the situation… it was still the same.

“Everyone… Get out…”



* * *



Eventually, Seta and Ikar were driven out.

Butterfly was held in the maid, Alice’s arms so that she could attend the wedding in peace. The two dragons couldn’t be introduced to the nobles truthfully. In that case, Seta and Ikar would be scolded by the chiefs, so…

The two dragons murmured and disappeared as they flapped their wings into the May sky.

Olivia was also perfectly fulfilling the mission of the wedding, and the wedding finally started.

The wedding hall of the cathedral was covered in gold as if the third-story height had been erected without a ceiling while many nobles filled their seats to see the union of the Duke and Duchess.

Oscar dressed like the Pope and climbed up to the high altar. Behind him, three huge, long windows shone. Originally, the altar was a place where only priests who were cardinal or higher could go up and pray. However, no one said anything about Oscar going up there.

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Unlike other countries where the Empire and religion were separated, the Royal Family of Iasa, with dragon blood, had more royal power than the priesthood.

“Today, I want to stand before you and bless another couple.”

The congratulatory speech began.

Then, all of a sudden, everyone felt a slight leap forward. It was because the roar of a dragon was heard from outside. Everyone was contemplating, looking for a savior.


“Outside… what is that? How long has it been since the last dragon appeared?”

Everyone’s eyes turned to Ian, the sword master who had the power to kill dragons.


Ian also drew his sword with a frown.

This… Somehow, it didn’t seem like the screams of a rampaging dragon. Besides, why was it that it was a voice he had heard somehow?

He became very anxious in another sense.

With him as the lead, several knights went out of the cathedral. A huge red dragon descended on the flat ground where the entrance to the cathedral was.

It was obviously Seta.

He had returned to the form of a dragon whose end could only be seen when humans lifted their heads with difficulty. That wasn’t enough, he even drew a heart on the ground with claws the size of a human.

“Captain, should… should we attack? Why is the dragon scribbling?”

One of the Knights of Reinhardt got lost and dragged his sword to the floor.


Seta let out a cry in excitement.

Hehe, it’s a wedding present!

It’s glory!

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‘So, quickly give birth to a child and create a human that resembles the female human!’

Ikar was ashamed of Seta and had already flown away.

Seta closed one of his eyes like winking and then fluttered his wings and climbed into the air. Because he was huge, like a castle, not the cute wings it had when he transformed into a human, dust rose tremendously.

‘That punk… I will definitely make him into a grilled lizard later.’

Ian gritted his teeth inside.

Oscar, who rushed out, grasped the situation and calmed the nobles.

“This, this is… So…”

As Oscar was rambling, he smiled broadly as if he had come up with a good idea.

“It seems that the great dragon race came to celebrate the marriage of the Ducal couple, not just a low-ranking dragon who ran wild!”

The words caused applause to erupt.

“Oh, dear God!”

“Amazing! The reputation of the Duke and Iasa Empire has reached even the dragons!”

Thanks to the idea that the Iasa Empire and its people were the best, the nobility readily agreed. At the same time, Laritte grabbed her pure white dress and stood next to Ian.

“Seta gave me an interesting gift. Don’t you think such a deep and big heart will remain on the ground for a long time?”

Ian’s anger melted away at Laritte’s thoughtless words.

“That’s right.”

Under the bright May sunlight, there were pink roses in full bloom just for the day. Laritte and Ian gazed at each other and gently held hands.

“Congratulations on your marriage, Ian.”

“Congratulations on your wedding, too.”

Ian laughed in a different way.

Now, where would the couple go after the wedding was over?

…Of course, honeymoon!

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