Chapter 101. Strange Voice

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Zenuit was embarrassed and angry that he had been deceived.


“You’re doing this intentionally……”


“No, it’s not intentional. I was really dozing off, and when I saw Zenu coming, I thought about trying it out.”


“That means intentional!”


He knew he shouldn’t speak informally when he was in the child’s form, but the words came out on his own. And since the man already found out that he wasn’t an ordinary child……


‘D*mn it.’


He asked Nelia not to tell the duke about his existence, but he didn’t expect to be caught in such a futile way.


“Seeing you speak casually to me, I don’t think you’re actually young.”


“About that……”


“Who are you?”




Zenuit was discovered to be an unordinary child, but he never intended to reveal that he was a dragon.


He was also a guide who would pave the way for Sigrid’s heart.


In other words, he would get through this whilst having to close his lips tightly.


Duke Hart spoke up as Zenuit bit his little lips.


“You won’t talk, so let me do that instead.”


Zenuit swallowed nervously because he felt so for no reason upon hearing the duke’s calm voice.


“On the day when I fought with Carlos, it was you who entered Nelia’s body and used strange powers with her body, right?”




“Guardian, as Nelia said.”


There was no hostility in the duke’s voice. It seemed because he was introduced as ‘Guardian’ by Nelia.


Zenuit flopped on the rock.


“You’re right that I went into Nelia’s body at that time. And as you said, I don’t intend to do any harm to Nelia. I will tell you this because I’m completely sure about it.”


“Yes, I know. That’s why you’re not tied up and interrogated now.”

Zenuit frowned.


“What do you mean by interrogating me? I’m a child now……”


“You’re in the form of a child, not actually a child.”


He didn’t want to say anything to that.


‘He’s a weary fellow after all.’


As expected, it was better for him not to go alone with this man. Even if it was a little boring, he should’ve stayed beside Nelia and the duchess.


“However, I need to know about this. Why did you approach Nelia?”



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“Do you happen to have an indecent desire for Nelia……”


“Don’t be ridiculous!”


Zenuit cried out.


“It’s impossible to have an indecent desire for Nelia!”


Duke Hart looked at Zenuit, who seemed to be very irritated with a blank face.


“You just don’t know. My Nelia is lovely no matter who looks at her.”


“I meant it. I’m sorry, but I already have someone I love.”


“That makes me more curious. Why are you hanging around Nelia despite having someone you like?”


Zenuit hesitated, and soon dropped his gaze, he muttered in a small voice that could barely be heard.


“Because she’s not around anymore……”


His voice was small, but the duke managed to hear it clearly, his sharp eyes gaining strength.


Zenuit lifted his drooping gaze and looked at the duke.


“As I said, I’m just staying beside Nelia to help her. And technically, it wasn’t him who approached her first, but vice versa.”




The duke didn’t say anything. Zenuit took advantage of the duke’s silence and asked a reversed question.


“When did you notice that I wasn’t just an ordinary child?”


The duke, who has been quiet, answered without hesitation.


“I found out after Nelia’s brother visited the mansion. I knew Nelia lied about her parents going to the fief and asked her to take care of Zenu.”


“Just that?”


“I’ve been watching you carefully ever since. I was half convinced when I thought of Nelia, who acted strange when I fought with Carlos. When I talked to you and observed you on our way to the duchy’s castle, I certainly had it figured out.”


Tsk, such a quick-witted guy.


“Then, why didn’t you tell me earlier? So that I didn’t have to pretend to be a child like this in front of you.”


“What? I couldn’t just ask for your real identity all of a sudden.”


He didn’t say anything a while after that.


Zenuit got up from the rock he had been sitting on.


“Just in case, don’t ever be upset because Nelia didn’t tell you about me. I told her to tell you lies after all.”




“So you have been messing up with me.”


Zenuit knew his words were quite acrimonious now, but he thought it wouldn’t matter if he said this much after being caught like this.


Of course, he was a bit nervous now. The man must have felt like having been played on by a young b*st*rd like him.


“I know. You’re too much to handle.”


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Why does he admit it easily?


Zenuit was annoyed by the duke who had a bitter smile on his lips.


“I’ll tell you something because you seem commendable for understanding my motive well.”


The duke lifted his eyes and met Zenuit’s eyes.


“Nelia and I know you are looking for Sigrid’s heart. However, you can’t find it even if you die and wake up again.”




“However, it’s possible if it’s Nelia. Therefore, don’t do anything that will all result in vain, just trust Nelia and wait. That’s what you have to do.”


Zenuit thought his mind was also very erratic.


‘However, I’m sure it’s fine to tell him this much.’


The man wouldn’t figure out that he was a dragon with just a few words.


“Zenu looks similar to them.”




“A fortune-teller. There is a great fortune-teller who does fortune-telling well in the capital city, and you sound just like them.”


“When I give you serious advice, you punk!”


Duke Hart smiled. His soft smile was just as beautiful as an angel.


Questionable yet understandable expression seemed to adorn his face as he wondered what good Nelia found in this man.


‘Nelia sees him a lot.’


Zenuit, who finally calmed down, glanced at Duke Hart and said.


“It’s surprising for a man like you to visit the fortune-teller.”


“Before I met Nelia, I often came to the fortune-teller because it felt like I’m blind about the things that were coming my way.”


The duke’s way of talking about the past was casual, but his dropping eyes held something meaningful.


“So if Zenu is really a fortune-teller, I’d like to ask you one thing.”


Zenuit tilted his head.


“What should I do if I hear a strange voice in my head?”


A strange voice……?


Zenuit was surprised by the duke’s question, but soon the man retrieved the meaningful questions with a smile that looked like a mask.






“Shall we return now? Of course, it remains a secret from Nelia and my mother that we’re not doing anything here.”


The duke said and walked on his own toward the path they had walked on.


Zenuit stood up and murmured, ‘Strange voice……’ with a frown.


‘No way……’


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The numbers on the calendars that he saw recently came back to his mind.


Huft, he breathed out lowly, Zenuit began to walk slowly.


‘It’s not going to be easy for the Duke.’


Zenuit felt his steps were heavier as they returned.




Time passed and the day before they left the duchy came.


The time they spent there was short, but she became so attached to the duchess that she wasn’t very happy to return to the capital.


‘After all this, we found nothing except for the books in the basement……?’


Fortunately, the duke didn’t appear to be impatient.


However, he often appeared absentminded a lot of times since yesterday, she had no idea what the man was thinking. Sometimes he was frowning, sighing, or dropped his head. When asked what happened, the duke only brushed her off by saying it was nothing.


However, she had to make sure the duke’s condition was fit before going out.


“Are you sure you can go to the festival? It’s fine if you don’t go, so don’t push yourself too hard if you’re not feeling well.”


Today is the day of the thanksgiving ceremony for plenty of crops in the dukedom. In the evening, they are supposed to attend the festival in the village.


However, the duke didn’t seem fit enough, so she was worried whether they could go out as planned.


“Of course I can. It’s because I have a little headache, but my body is fine.”


“There may be a lot more people than you thought at the festival, so your headache may get worse later.”


“That’s all right. If it gets worse, I’ll get back then.”


The duke said so and walked around to put his hands on Nelia’s shoulder.


“Come on, let’s come down. Mother and Zenu must be waiting below.”


Nelia reluctantly walked along because the duke was firm.




As they got downstairs, they spotted the duchess smiling and talking with Zenuit, who seemed much more excited than usual.


“Noona, why are you taking so long to go down?”


Zenuit cried out when he discovered Nelia and Duke Hart.


‘Strangely, I think he is less pretending like a child now.’


She asked if something had happened when he was walking around the castle site alone with the duke, but Zenuit replied that nothing had happened.


Still staring at Zenuit,  he tilted his head and blinked as if he had noticed her gaze.


Nelia shook her head as if it were nothing.


‘If nothing had happened, he wouldn’t have said anything.’


Zenuit couldn’t stay still even though they were just going to the festival venue for a short time.


He looked outside through the carriage window and constantly exclaimed in amazement.


In fact, Nelia was also surprised by the scenery outside the window.

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This was because the closer they got to the village, the more splendid scenery unfolded before them. Colorful lights illuminating the village as if embroidering the black sky.


There was a sea of people. The sight of them smiling together was enough to make her feel content.


Zenuit, who was practically clinging to the window sill, turned his head and asked the duchess.


“What do you do when going to the festival?”


How could he like it so much without knowing what it was until now…….


“We can do a lot of things. Such as playing games that come with prizes, selling delicious stuff, and acting in a drama.”


“A drama……?”


“Yeah, it’s quite fun to play because it’s based on old stories every year.”


Zenuit’s mouth opened slightly. The duchess covered her mouth to laugh quietly when seeing his reaction.


They arrived at the entrance of the village where the festival was held. The duchess got out of the carriage and said to Duke Hart.


“I think we have to separate here because there’s a lot of people I have to meet. Therefore, please take care of Young Lady Nelia and Zenu well.”


Zenuit looked sullen.


“Isn’t Your Grace going to hang out with us?”


At first glance, Zenuit seemed to be particularly fond of the duchess.


‘The gentle and pleasant atmosphere emitted by the duchess attracts people.’


Had it been in the capital, she would have definitely taken control over the society.


The duchess created a moon-shaped line on her eyes and stroked Zenuit’s hair.


“In reality, I’m in charge of the state, so I have to meet many people on a day like today. Instead, the duke will take you and buy you a lot of delicious food, just make sure you don’t get lost, Zenu.”


Zenuit nodded, a sullen expression still remained on his face.


“All right……”


The duchess said before leaving them to go on her own.


The duke said to Nelia and Zenuit.


“Shall we go inside now?”


Nellia and her party began to venture out in the festival earnestly.


Nelia had to walk while holding his hand firmly because she could see Zenuit’s eyes spinning about in the glitzy street.


Zenuit stopped frequently and expressed his desire to eat or do something.


As a result, he has already eaten five kinds of street food. Cookies, candy, grilled skewers, and so on…….


Nelia had to check on Duke Hart’s physical condition, so she couldn’t enjoy the festival properly.


While walking through the busy crowd, something caught Nelia’s eyes.


Nelia stopped in front of a tent, followed by the duke and Zenuit.


The duke looked at Nelia, who had suddenly halted in her spot.


“What are you looking at, Nelia……?”

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