Chapter 72. Cure

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When two of her fingers crossed firmly, Nelia spat out the words.


“I visited Griff today……. To see if he can develop a medicine to cure His Highness Carlos’ stiff arm.”


When Nelia confessed the truth, Duke Hart’s expression hardened bit by bit.


“May I ask why Nelia wishes to develop a medicine for His Highness Crown Prince Carlos?”


“I think…… His Highness Carlos has the key to Sigrid’s heart. I have come to the conclusion that I would have to offer a corresponding condition to His Highness if I wish to have access to the key.”


Duke Hart’s hardened expression slowly loosened.


“Do you think His Highness Carlos has the key to Sigrid’s heart?”


“Yes…… I’m speculating it that way.”


It wasn’t a speculation, it was the truth, but she couldn’t just say it to the duke. There was no explanation for this.


‘I can’t say that I’ve seen the original story of this world.’


“The key for what?”


“Elena Tears. Actually, I saw it when I went to his room.”


Duke Hart’s eyes grew slightly bigger.


“Nelia…… A lot of people had studied by Elena Tears, but it was just jewels.”


Nelia spat out an awkward excuse.


“Your Grace, do you remember that my brother came to the palace recently to see Elena Tears?”


“Yes, I remember.”


She thought he couldn’t remember…… that he turned into a snake and met Leighton.


“Leighton is so convinced that Elena Tears are related to Sigrid’s heart. I’ve actually heard about it before, but it has a point now that I think about it.”


Nelia thought it was a poor excuse while talking. As expected, the duke only rubbed his chin and didn’t immediately answer.


Normally, he would have followed what she said without much hesitation, but since it was about Carlos and not just anyone else, he seemed to be in a swarm of worries because Carlos was related.


“Your Highness…… my assumption might be lacking in some ways, but this time I’d like you to just take whatever I’m saying.”


She would never have thought of persuading the duke this way in the past.


However, a lot of faith and trust had been built between the duke and her, so she could say such nonsense so boldly.


Nelia has trust in the duke.


The duke stared at Nelia without saying anything. When any expression disappeared from his face, it created a slightly cold feeling on her.


But in the end, he sighed and replied.


“……All right.”


Nelia wrapped her arms around the duke upon the permission fell from his lips.


“Thank you, Your Grace!”


Nelia untangled her arms after giving a short hug. The duke’s expression became calm again.


“Did Griff say he could develop medicine to heal Carlos’ arm?”


“He said it would be difficult to make a cure, though it may be possible to relieve the symptoms.”


Nelia continued while studying his expression.


“So, Your Grace……”




“He needs money to develop medicine.”


Phew, she spun around in her spot when she finally brought up what she wanted to talk about. The duke gave a wry smile.


“That’s why you confessed to have met the pharmacist.”


“Uh…… About that…….”

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Nelia was hesitant about how to answer it, so she simply smiled, but spitting out an honest remark.


“……That’s right.”


Duke Hart picked Nelia up.


“How dare you ask me to pay for the medicine that will be used to treat another man?”


He took a hold of Nelia’s butt as if lifting a child. Nelia naturally hugged Duke Hart’s neck in fear of falling.


“I did it to find Sigrid’s heart…….!”


This is for the duke anyway……. Nelia murmured in a hushed voice.


“But I don’t like it. Nelia asked me to do this to treat another man.”


The silver eyes stared gently at her.


“Nelia, I want to be convinced.”


Nelia seemed to know where this conversation would lead just by identifying the duke’s tone.


“That Nelia doesn’t care for any other man……”


After reading the duke’s intention, Nelia kissed him. Their lips touched with a cupping sound. And she pulled away.


It was embarrassing to kiss him first even though she did it many times.


But knowing how it would end, she didn’t need to waste any time.


Nelia approached the duke’s ear and whispered.


“Let’s go inside……”




Time passed quickly after that. Several months have passed, but nothing barely changed for Nelia.


The duke still turned into a snake when he got separated from Nelia, and there weren’t any sightings of Carlos by other people.


The same happened to Nelia.


Whenever she had time to spare, she collected and explored any kind of information about the duke and the Legend of Sigrid.


Nevertheless, she didn’t find out much, but she tried not to be hasty. The more conscious she became, the more anxious she got.


However, Nelia looked forward to hearing any updates from Griff.


His role was considered important at this moment. She could offer a deal to Carlos only when a credible medicine is successfully developed and be shown Elena Tears in exchange.


And Griff finally sent her a package along with a letter.




Nelia hurriedly opened the package.


The small box that came as a package contained several vials filled with green liquid.




Nelia hurriedly opened the letter.


[I’ve developed medicine that can relieve symptoms by adding other ingredients to the energy circulator inhibitor. Take it for a while and see how it works.]


Nelia sat on the bed in the room and shook the medicine she had brought. The green liquid, which she had no clue what it was made of, shook inside.


‘It has to work, please.’


Someone knocked on the door.


“Nelia, are you inside?”


It was Duke Hart’s voice.


“Yes, come in, Your Grace.”


The door opened at the same time as she gave permission. The duke said while walking in slowly.

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“I was looking out the window, and saw Nelia rushing downstairs, so I came to see if something was the matter.”


“Oh, it’s just that I received a package.”


“Who sent it?”


Nelia shook the vials in her hand.


“Pharmacist Griff. He sent me the medicine I requested.”


Duke Hart walked up and quickly read the letter spread out beside the package.


“He developed it faster than I thought.”


The duke said while putting the letter down on the table.


“But I’m worried. He’s a man full of himself, so I’m not sure he’ll accept this deal easily.”


That was something Nelia was concerned about as well. But since the medicine has been developed anyway, she had to do her best to persuade him.


“I think I have to meet him first.”


“When’s Nelia going to meet him?”


“As soon as possible.”


Duke Hart stared at the calendar for a while.


“It’s difficult because my schedule for next week is full. Let’s do it this week.”


Nelia couldn’t understand what the duke tried to say.


This person…… Why is he talking like he’s going to come with me?


“Are you going to come with me……?”


Duke Hart turned his head from the calendar in a flash.


“Don’t tell me you’re going to meet His Highness on your own?”



They’re going to fight each other every time they meet.


“I’m despondent, Nelia. You’re seeing His Highness without me.”


“If Your Grace goes with me, Your Grace is just going to make the atmosphere bad…….”

“No way. I won’t fight His Highness this time.”


Duke Hart answered in a natural manner.


But Nelia couldn’t bring herself to believe her answer. Even if he promises it, he will quickly catch it if Carlos tries to provoke him even just a little bit.


“I can’t have Nelia going alone.”


Duke Hart’s gaze was quite stern.




Nelia eventually surrendered.


“I get it, but promise me you won’t fight with His Highness Carlos.”


“Of course.”


Duke Hart didn’t seem troubled at all.


Nelia thought while glancing at Duke Hart.


‘I can trust you, can’t I…….?’


Duke Hart told Carlos’ servant to deliver a letter to him about the medicine he had developed when he went to work at the Imperial Palace.


Nelia was anxious as she waited for Carlos’ answer.


When she asked Griff, she thought there was no way Carlos would refuse medicine to relieve the symptoms of his stiff right arm, but she grew worried at the duke’s words.


Would he accept this offer despite the strong pride he had in him?


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But it didn’t take long to get a response from Carlos.


Duke Hart entered the office and said after sitting down on his seat.


“I met His Highness’ servant just earlier. We will get to meet His Highness tomorrow evening in the drawing room of the Main Palace.”


Nelia jumped up from her seat.




Duke Hart nodded briefly.


“I’m glad he didn’t think about his pride this time.”


In the meantime, Nellia thought Carlos’ right arm might have gotten worse and he might not have had a choice. Meanwhile, Nelia thought Carlos’ right arm might have gotten worse and he might not have any choice.


When she met Carlos directly tomorrow, she would know how far his condition had become.


Nelia waited for tomorrow with a pounding heart.




The next day was the weekend, so she spent her day in the mansion while waiting for evening to come by, the part of the day when she had an appointment with Carlos.


Nelia read a book about Legend of Sigrid today.


If Zenuit and her could meet again in the evening after her conversation with Carlos turned out well, she would ask him what the holy dew was, so before that, she had to look up for hints in the book.


But there was nothing more she could get from the book as well. There were just things that she had known about.


As the sky outside turned red adorned with sunset, Duke Hart’s voice came from the other side of the door.


“Nelia, shall we go?”


It was time to meet Carlos at the Imperial Palace.


“Yes, we should get going!”


Nelia put on her outerwear and went out in a hurry, but she suddenly realized that her hair was too frizzy when she looked briefly in the mirror.


Her frizzy hair seemed to be disheveled after she spent a while lying in bed.


“Your Grace, wait a moment…….!”


Nelia opened the drawer and took out a comb.


But something was taken out along with it and fell on the floor. The spinning object was the unidentified gemstone in Charlotte’s pendant necklace.


The gemstone rolled over and stopped at the corner near the wall.


Nelia walked up and picked up the gemstone.


‘Come to think of it, I forgot about the existence of this gem.’


It was then.


Sparkle. The gemstone shone in her hand for a brief moment.


Nelia blinked.


‘What was that…….’


She wondered if the gemstone was reflected by the light, so she looked around, but there was no shining light to reflect on it except for the lighting.


However, to reflect the light of the lighting like that, it wouldn’t shine as shining as it was earlier even if the gemstone was brought close to the lighting.




Nelia felt a weird feeling in this gemstone.


When she saw the gemstone for the first time in Charlotte’s pendant, she also experienced this feeling.


Nelia soon found out where this weird feeling originated from after looking closely at the gemstone.


The color of this gemstone was a bit similar to Elena Tears.


Nelia opened her eyes wide.


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‘Don’t tell me it’s…….!’


Is this the holy dew that is separated from Elena Tears?


Nelia belatedly remembered the source of the gemstone.


Charlotte said she got the pendant necklace from the priest. And the book also stated that the origin of the holy dew was discovered by a priest and entrusted to the monastery.


If things turn out well today, she could meet Zenuit again and ask about this gem immediately to clear it out.


Nelia tried to pacify her excitement and went out after putting the gemstone in her pocket.


She found the duke waiting for her.


“My hair looked disheveled, so it took me a while to comb it properly.”


“Nelia is pretty no matter what your hair looks like.”


Duke Hart smiled lightly that reached his eyes and went downstairs to the carriage with Nelia.


When the carriage departed, she saw the duke looking out of the window without having any clue about what he was thinking.


The silence wasn’t uncomfortable, but she was a little worried about his unusual attitude.


Nelia asked cautiously.


“Your Grace, are you nervous to meet His Highness Carlos?”


The duke, who was looking out the window, slowly turned his head to the side.


“No, I’m not.”


He quickly gave a smile, but failed to hide his somewhat subdued eyes. When Nelia stared at the duke as if urging him to tell the truth, he eventually released a helpless laugh.


“As expected of Nelia, can’t be fooled.”


The duke continued while having his eyes opened lowly.


“I’m not nervous, I’m just…… feel like I’m doing something I don’t really want to do.”


Duke Hart offered to occupy her seeing Carlos first, even though he still hated him.


It’s hard to face someone we aren’t fond of.


However, there was a question in Nelia’s mind.


“Why do you hate His Highness Carlos?”


Of course, Nelia knew that Duke Hart had countless reasons to hate Carlos.


Carlos was the son of his enemy, acting cocky, and had a knack for picking on him, much more.


However, when Nelia watched Duke Hart and Carlos, she thought there might be different reasons, which were more than that.


The feelings of hating each other looked more complicated. Just like dogs and cats hating each other.


Dogs and cats obviously have different tendencies, but the differences were also a little subtle.


It’s ridiculous to expect that, but even the duke’s silver eyes and Carlos’ black eyes seemed impossible to match in the first place.


Nelia waited for the duke’s reply. The duke seemed to think about it for a moment, and spoke up.


“I don’t like the way Carlos looks at Nelia.”


“Is it really just that……?”


“That is enough to be considered a reason.”


Nelia thought, ‘Right…… I shouldn’t have asked.’ and was about to give up on asking him.




As soon as the duke muttered a word that indicated he added his words, Nelia quickly listened to him.


“I feel comfortable around him.”




“Yes……. That is what I actually felt at first when meeting Carlos.”

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