“I have to leave.”

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“Absolutely not.”

“I can protect my own body.”

“I know, but you still can’t leave.”

Rodrigo was condemning himself for not holding on to Estiya tighter.

He didn’t expect Günter to arrive the moment she left.

Günter, on the other hand, begged for Rodrigo to remain still. It would be dangerous for him to leave now.

“Kill me first if you wish to leave.”

As Günter slapped the back of his neck, a series of brutal screams could be heard from outside. Heavy footsteps reverberated through the halls, alongside an echo of screams. Estiya was there, to protect him. No, didn’t she say she would be protecting others this time around?

Either way, she was defending Erhardt against Cartina. It didn’t make sense for him, the head of Erhardt, to sit idly in his room.

“A-a-are you going to kill me?”

Günter stuttered in fear as Rodrigo gripped his sword.

“No, I’m going to hit you instead.”

Rodrigo swung his sword out of its sheath while Günter moved away from the entrance to avoid him. However, there was a problem.. The door flung open with a bang, and a handful of assassins dressed in black swarmed into the room.

They aimed relentlessly  at Rodrigo with their weapons. Rodrigo remained calm as he skillfully avoided their swords. He didn’t forget to roll backwards in order to widen the distance between them.

Subsequently, Erhardt’s knights then rushed into the office as well. The office was quite spacious, but it still felt narrow with 20 twenty strong men occupying the space.

A bloody scene soon took over. The assassins mercilessly took down those who stood before them. Erhardt’s knights were not without skills and held their ground without using any dirty means or tricks. Naturally, the odds favored the assassins based on their numbers. However, there was a person who obliterated the playing field in an instant.

It was Rodrigo.

Rodrigo held the sword firmly in his grip and delved into the fight without delay. If there existed even a sliver of opportunity amidst the exchanges of the swords, he would enter immediately to widen the distance between them.

“Günter, back!”

Rodrigo shouted for Gunter to cover him from behind. In the meantime, the knights began to fall down one by one, while two assassins vomited blood.

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Damned Cartina.

Rodrigo clenched his teeth. It was then that he heard a voice coming from the window.

“What’s all this?!”

It was Estiya with her clear, pure voice that jarred against the bloody battle.

With people pursuing me, I pretended to move towards the stairs by the corridor to fool everyone and then threw myself out of an open window in the midst of confusion. I then quickly climbed up the wall to Rodrigo’s room. If not for the light but firm specialized rope made by the Cartina, I would’ve had to use my bare hands instead.

I would’ve been nagged at by Jane for the calluses. First, I needed to meet with Rodrigo to explain the situation calmly, and then control Erhardt’s knights. After that, Rodrigo and I would work together to drive the assassins away.

I had everything planned out. However, the current situation I entered into was so chaotic that I couldn’t carry out my plan. Simply observing the people as they battle fiercely in the small space left no room for any other thought. My mouth parted in dismay at the sight. This was not a war! Why is there so much massacre?!

“Will you continue to ask when everything is laid out before your eyes?”

Rodrigo was smoothly avoiding the assassin’s blade until he suddenly halted as a sword pierced his side. 

What are you doing?! How could you not have avoided that?

“Move quickly!”

Rodrigo struggled to shout as he thrust his sword into his opponent with force.


I ignored Rodrigo’s warning and lightly jumped into the office.

“I’ll sort out the situation so please cover your mouth.”

I could only hear the sound of death from this battle. I was the only person right now that could sort out this situation.

I tossed my bag onto the floor. The glass bottle that was inside shattered instantly. A pungent scent soon filled up the room.

Tuk, Tu-tu-tuk.

The sound of swords dropping could be heard one by one. Not long after, heavy bodies collapsing could be heard as they hit the ground with a loud thud. 

“Ugh, what is this?”

“Oh? You didn’t cover your mouth as well?”

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I helped the light-headed Rodrigo to a chair. This allowed him to rest more comfortably instead of falling to the floor. I straddled his body and covered his mouth with my hand.

“It’s a very powerful sleeping gas.”

Rodrigo’s eyelids began to close even  as he worked to keep them open.

“I don’t know whether or not to rejoice over the fact that you are very competent or worry over your fearlessness.”

His lips tickled my palm as he spoke. I pressed down harder, feeling strange from the sensation.

“Please remain quiet. I can’t handle this matter myself. You mustn’t fall asleep too.”

Rodrigo nodded. Soon after, the thick smoke dispersed from the room and it was easier to breathe. It did not linger after completing its purpose.

I lifted my hand and left his lap. I couldn’t help but sigh with relief. Rodrigo shook his head to clear his head and then looked at me.

“Why are you staring at me?”

I grumbled awkwardly as he focused on me with intense eyes.

“Why are you staring at me?”

Estiya grumbled.

Right…just why was he staring at her like this?

Her mask was slightly loosened as sweat glistened against her forehead.

Was it just simply curiosity? Why was she so desperate to help him?

Rodrigo quietly observed Estiya. A face he hasn’t figured out despite their time together. Her round forehead, clear skin, well-formed cheeks, and red lips. Everything was harmonious. A beauty like her was capable of having anyone glance twice back at her upon their encounter. Such a gentle and clear impression she presented that one couldn’t possibly imagine someone like her possessing the talent of creating poison.

Let alone wielding a sword or aiming a dagger at someone.

Perhaps she wasn’t a Cartina?

He briefly held that thought before shaking his head to clear the ridiculous notion. She was a Cartina but not only that, she was highly cherished by the Cartina family as their beloved treasure. Therefore, he needed to shake off his interest in her.. Rodrigo spoke to Estiya in a blunt manner.

“The situation has now reached a crucial stage, so you must take responsibility for it. Erhardt will hold the Cartina family liable for this. Do you understand?”

Estiya slowly turned her head to meet Rodrigo’s eyes. Rodrigo’s stomach churned as he faced her gaze.

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What should he do? Was she offended by his words?

Rodrigo grew curious of what her response will be. As a matter of fact, there was nothing that could be argued upon. Erhardt couldn’t show weakness to Cartina. It would be generous if they didn’t kill her to collect the damages. However, Rodrigo was very interested in Estiya’s reaction.

How would Estiya respond now that he meant obvious harm to her family?

Whether she grew angry or kept a straight face, he wouldn’t be able to believe her claim of protecting him from the Cartina Family. Rodrigo stared intently into Estiya’s clear eyes.

As expected…she too was a Cartina.

His chest tightened. He wanted to open all the windows and take in some fresh air. He shouldn’t have asked and now regretted his decision to do so.

What? Regrets?

He was surprised. He was unfamiliar with the concept of ‘regret’. To Rodrigo, Estiya resembled a stone thrown into a lake. She had somehow made her way deep within and settled down inside him.

“Are you worried? Are you afraid I’d ask Cartina for a large compensation?”

Estiya shook her head. He held in his urge to sweep aside her sweaty hairs. Estiya then swiftly moved to rearrange her hair. She pulled out a feather accessory and placed it between her lips as she haphazardly sorted out her hair. Even her small gestures were clear and defined in its movement.

Crap, what is this?

Rodrigo frowned.

“Are you angry?”

Estiya asked.

“I apologize for my inability to prevent the incident from occurring.”

It was common for Cartina to send assassins. He had already been aware of the existence of the Dark Corps. There was no reason for her to feel guilty. It wasn’t a small matter, though it was considered nothing special when it came to Cartina and Erhardt. 

“I beg of you, Rodrigo.”

Rodrigo raised his eyebrows.

“I will ask for money to hold the funerals of the dead knights, and we will take responsibility for their families. What else would you like?”

Estiya hesitated. She was somewhat anxious for the amount of compensation she would owe Rodrigo. There would, of course, be plenty of money if that was his demand. No…if Rodrigo’s anger could be easily solved with money, wouldn’t everything have converted to a simple business long ago? He would have been loaded with money to cease his resentment towards Cartina. If only.

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Estiya was prepared to comply with any of Rodrigo’s demands. Anything but the lives of the Cartina members. She intended to persuade her parents to accept his requests.

“Hah? Do you know what you’re talking about?”

His suspicion of Estiya ceased, like a grain of sand being swept away by the tide. Rodrigo’s tension alleviated. He leaned against the window frame and faced Estiya.

“I said I’d compensate you.”

“Do you understand what it means to compensate?”

Estiya smiled gently.

“Of course I know.”

“Your family’s reputation will fall to the bottom.”

To begin with, did the Cartina Family even have a reputation for it to fall? People already bowed down in fear before them, while simultaneously whispering behind Cartina’s back.

However, whenever there was any dirty work to be done, they’d go to Cartina.

“That isn’t important.”

“Your reputation doesn’t matter?”

Rodrigo tilted his head. Nobles wouldn’t hesitate to risk their lives for their reputation. They all trembled after committing all kinds of scandals in the dark.

Well, if reputation was considered important, the Cartina Family wouldn’t have committed all kinds of evil activities.

The den.

There wasn’t a person who wasn’t aware that the Cartinas were the true mastermind behind the guild. The guild which would commit all kinds of evil acts in exchange for money.

“Now that we’re on the topic, let’s settle what compensation you’ll demand. My house has more than you might think.”

Estiya tapped the armrest. She maintained an elegant and noble appearance amidst the carnage.

It didn’t suit her in the least.

Rodrigo took a seat beside Estiya and swept back his disheveled hair.

“Is that so? That’s great then. Let’s carry out our duties well then. I will take the most precious possession from Cartina.”

Rodrigo’s eyes gleamed fiercely for a moment. After that, the two of them did not speak again. They silently wrote a long list while listening to the wheezings sounds of those that were injured.

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