“Estiya, Estiya!”

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Kaylan, Eyla, and Ether jumped into the messy greenhouse. At the same time, Erhardt’s knights, who were ambushed somewhere, also appeared.

“It’s an assassination! Protect His Excellency!”

At the knights moving in unison, Kaylan jumped in with his shuriken. Perhaps he thought that it would be difficult to find him, so he hurriedly dug inside. Kaylan swung his mace.


There was the sound of something hitting the mace and exploding. I saw Kaylan giggle and laugh. But soon his face contorted. An expression full of anger. I could tell who his anger was directed at.


Suddenly I felt sorry for him. Kaylan stepped on the shoulders of the knights and flew away. He found me wrapped in Rodrigo’s jacket.

Please stop, bro.

I gasped, but Kaylan couldn’t read my mind.


Kaylan screamed and threw a commendation at Rodrigo. A bizarre scene unfolded before my eyes, with flowers scattered all over the place and blood splattered through the cracks. Now, Cartina cannot be stopped.

(3rd person pov)

Estiya had to watch Eyla, Ether, Kaylan, and Rodrigo fighting from the rear. Eyla, Ether and Kaylan were struggling. Erhardt’s knights were much greater in number, and Rodrigo’s skill was beyond imagination. Clearly, Cartina, who had a little advantage, was pushed back little by little.

It was time to decapitate the knight who was about to turn around and attack from behind. A dagger flew out of nowhere and slashed Kaylan’s sword. The dagger changed the trajectory of Kaylan’s sword and the knight survived.


It is not something anyone could do: to accurately insert a dagger into a target while people are entangled.

There are talented people. When did Erhardt’s knights become so strong?

As Kaylan’s doubts deepened, Estiya’s face turned white. And she was about to fall over a narrowly draped steel frame.


Kaylan exclaimed. He mercilessly slammed the knight approaching sideways with his feet and swung his mace towards those blocking his path.

“Estiya, it’s dangerous!”

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Did she hear his voice?

Estiya’s and Kaylan’s eyes collided. But Estiya had no intention of moving. Kaylan was frustrated. The steel frame slanted as if it would soon crash over Estiya’s head.

“Ether, Eyla!”

Kaylan shouted urgently. Ether and Eyla also grasped the situation and flew to Estiya. But there was someone who ran to Estiya faster than them. It was Rodrigo.

“Evacuate everyone!”

Rodrigo knew intuitively that the greenhouse could not withstand the aftermath of the blast and would soon collapse.

“But sir, the assassins and…”

“Evacuate everyone! I will take care of my life!”

Rodrigo replied nervously. Estiya is in danger. He felt frustrated that he had to take care of his subordinates in that situation.

Why doesn’t that woman run away? What’s up with her?

Rodrigo pondered, then shook his head. He was now focused on saving her. He hoped she wasn’t hurt.

The greenhouse made a strange sound. The sound grew louder. This was a sign that it would soon collapse. Suddenly, the remaining shards of glass fell to the floor. And the steel frame fell exactly toward Estiya’s head.


The four of them shouted at Estiya at the same time.



A greenhouse collapsed into a tragic appearance that could not be imagined in its original form.

“Your Highness…”

The eyes of the Knights of Erhardt turned red. Rodrigo’s last voice, which was shouting to evacuate, was still ringing in their ears.

“Your Highness, woo, save us…”


Sadness spreads easily to others. Distracted knights forgot their shame and shed tears at the thought of losing their good owner.

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“Hey, hey, hey!”

The sniffle was turning into wailing. At that time, a young knight jumped while pointing to a pile of greenhouse debris with his hands.

“There! What am I seeing?”

The knights quickly recovered their emotions and stared, wiping away the remaining tears. There was a rustling movement.

“Your Highness, not Cartina!”

Three Cartinas jumped up. They were holding Rodrigo. Kaylan has two legs, and Ether and Eyla have one shoulder each.


(Estiya’s pov)

It was at the height of their fight that I predicted the greenhouse would collapse. Kaylan, Ether and Eyla wanted to get me back.

I hoped everyone would get out of the greenhouse safely. To do that, the fight had to end. There was only one way. Just turn your attention to me.

Without delay, I put my hand into the dress. The dagger hanging from my thigh flew at Kaylan.

Rodrigo was quick-witted. He ordered the knights to leave. Now I just have to go out at the right time. I thought everything would be fine. But there was one thing I didn’t anticipate. The greenhouse collapsed faster than expected.

It was the last time I saw Rodrigo’s surprised eyes as Kaylan, Ether, and Eyla rushed to me.

I was safe thanks to the three Cartinas who made space for me. I could feel my body shaking and hitting something, but it didn’t hurt.

Pls read at pink muffin tl only.

But what about the Cartinas?

No matter how healthy the people of Cartina were, if a heavy steel frame fell from that height, it would have been a huge shock.


But it was just a small moan.


The reason was discovered only after the greenhouse collapsed. When the haze of dust settled and all the glass shards that had been falling like rain fell to the floor, and the Cartinas let me go,


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I saw Rodrigo collapsing sideways.

“Rodrigo! Rodrigo? How did this happen!”

Rodrigo’s face turned pale. The always relaxed smile was the same, but there was no energy.

“He hit the shield.”

Rodrigo was not in a position to answer. Eyla gave the answer. It was a voice that seemed very angry, but it wasn’t a sharp reaction as usual.

“Damn, I was able to save Estiya without any shields.”

Kaylan was annoyed as he saw Rodrigo collapsed. It was a situation that I should be thankful for, but instead, I was angry with myself for creating this situation.

As Rodrigo exhaled hard, I sat next to him and glanced up at Cartinas. Eyla, Ether, and Kaylan took a deep breath. I was angry with them. But I thought I was the culprit.

Instead of shouting, I sighed.

“…Bring Rodrigo to the carriage, quickly.”

I have to take him home. The outside was in good shape, but there was a high possibility that he suffered internal injuries. Rodrigo is not a skilled wizard. It could leave a serious side effect.

Now it was clear that he had fallen because of magic. The magic he used to save us must have been a burden.


Ether, Eyla, and Kaylan responded very little, whether they were just now aware of the seriousness of the situation.


“…Go to sleep.”

Rodrigo fell and laid down in the carriage. The carriage was large, but too small for him to lie on right away. He had no choice but to lie down in a slightly uncomfortable position with his legs folded on his side.


Every time the carriage bounced, I had to hold him tight to keep his body from being thrown forward. Otherwise he would fall to the floor.

“I don’t sleep in front of other people… No, I can’t even sleep, that’s weird.”

I looked down at Rodrigo. Suddenly, he turned around and lay down on his back. His long legs were folded.

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My heart ached.

“You seem to be having a hard time using too much magic, so just sleep.”

Suddenly, slowly, Rodrigo’s eyelids closed and opened.

“It’s strange, it’s really strange…”

Rodrigo murmured.

What’s so weird? If you’re tired and you can’t sleep, are you asking me to sing a lullaby? Or do you need an attachment doll to sleep? Well, he’s a difficult person.

I hid my worries from his sharp grin.

“…I have never slept comfortably.”

Suddenly, Rodrigo confessed.


“Because you never know when, where, and who will draw the sword.”

I slowly shut my mouth. It was a heartbreaking speech. Rodrigo was exposed to death from a very young age. The only grand duke of the Empire was perfect for being kept in check. I felt pity for him.

“This is a carriage with Cartinas in the back, and if I sleep on a Cartina’s knees…”

As if the answer had already been decided, Rodrigo closed his eyes.

“Come on, that’s okay. I said I’d protect you,”

I said as I ruffled his messy hair.


Rodrigo tried his best not to sleep, but he couldn’t resist. Cartina was near him. It was a situation in which the back of his neck was stiff.

Even on days when he thought Cartina’s behavior was strange, he slept while sitting. With his sword right next to him.

If not, Rodrigo could not sleep deeply. He got up halfway through the night, looked out his window and listened to every sound. Only by confirming that was he able to sleep at least a little bit.

He thought he got used to it. He had to live like this for the rest of his life, so he gave up on comfortable sleep. He was sometimes afraid to fall asleep. But today, he wanted to let go of everything and just fall into chaos.

What if he dies here? On the knees of a funny woman with a sweet scent. Well, it won’t be a bad death.

Rodrigo’s consciousness was cut off as he beat himself up, saying that he had all sorts of strange thoughts because his body was weak. He fell into a deep sleep after a very long time.

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