“Oh, it’s Anheine! Welcome.”

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Beatrice welcomed Anne-Heine with delight.

In the back, I was completely ignored. But I didn’t feel bad.

It’s obvious.

Since the heroine appeared, it was right that all attention was focused on the heroine.

“Are you okay now?”

But, why is this person still interested in me? Rodrigo spoke to me.

“It’s all right….”

Before I could finish my words, Beatrice suddenly shoved Anheine in front of Rodrigo.

“Rodrigo! The Blanche woman I told you about!”

Did she mention Anheine while I’m away?

“Anheine, come and say hello! He’s the half-wit boy who saved my gutter-like life that I’ve been telling you time and time again!”

Somehow the explanation was a little strange. Standing in front of Rodrigo, Anheine blinked because she didn’t know what was going on. That look was very cute.

“Yes, it’s Anheine Blanche.”

“It’s Rodrigo Develi Erhardt.”

He greeted her like a gentleman.

“What are you doing? You should stick out the back of your hand!”

As the two stood awkwardly, Beatrice stabbed Anheine in the waist.

“What? The back of my hand?”

Anheine asked in surprise.

“That’s what everyone in the Empire does! It’s a greeting when a man kisses a woman on the back of her hand. Right, Rodrigo?”

Beatrice said excitedly.

“It depends.”

He immediately declared that he had no intention of doing so and turned to me.

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“We better go back today. Beatrice has a visitor.”

“I think I’m also your guest too. Beatrice, I want to rest. Do you have a room?”

“I think I’m a guest, too. Beatrice, I want to rest. Do you have a room?”

I spoke coldly and approached Beatrice. Beatrice’s eyes grew cold. Somehow, it’s like the eyes that knew what kind of family I’m from. Her eyes were reproachful, criticizing me for being greedy as the very person that has been harassing Rodrigo so far. It’s never going to happen, but that thought crossed my mind.

“I have a room on this floor, but I don’t think you’ll like it…?”

Even if she dies, she can’t show respect to people she doesn’t like.

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I thought that if I had met her before Rodrigo, I would have made friends with her.

“I don’t care, I’m taking a break.”

“Then me too….”

Rodrigo tried to follow. I looked back at him.

“I want to rest alone.”

Rodrigo, you should get acquainted with Anheine.

Apparently, she fell in love with Rodrigo at first sight. Her red cheeks looked like a lovely girl.

“Estiya, if you’re not feeling well, let’s go back.”

“Is there a place to go back? Don’t forget what we’re here for. You’ve got a great opportunity, so make sure to grab it.”

I gestured towards Anheine. We came to find out about the Blanche family. But the daughter of the Blanche family came to us. Is there a better source of information than this? Rodrigo looked at me with dissatisfied eyes, but he did not catch me as I ascended the stairs.

It’s almost done now. Better to hand him over to the heroine before marriage. Neither he nor I have to fill out the paperwork twice.

I lay on the bed with an empty, very light heart. There was a creaking sound.

Get some money and get a better bed. It was when I closed my eyes with that thought. Another creaking sound was heard. I didn’t even move?

Something’s weird.

I opened my eyes. I had to scream. But I couldn’t scream. The wizard with one nostril pressed my mouth harshly.


[Rodigro’s POV]

Rodrigo was constantly concerned about upstairs. After meeting Beatrice, Estiya was strange. The usual bright face disappeared all of a sudden, and Estiya continued to have a gloomy face.

Rodrigo thought she was doubting Beatrice and his relationship, so he talked eagerly about them, but she was not interested at all. Then, after going outside, she got really cold.

What is the reason? What did I do wrong?

“Are you curious about our family?”

At that moment, a clear voice interrupted Rodrigo’s thoughts and intervened. It was a sweet voice. However, unlike Estiya’s, it is a voice that flows and somehow made people listen. Rodrigo looked at the woman in front of him. She was a beauty. There was not an inch of contradiction from what Beatrice had praised before this woman appeared.

‘I said I was curious about Blanche, and she talked about her.’

I wondered how I got close to Beatrice, who doesn’t like nobles very much, but the curiosity quickly faded.

“Yes, I’m curious about the Blanche family, but I don’t think it’s a story I’ll hear from you.”

Rodrigo gently drew a line with her.

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Anheine asked.

“I’m investigating the conspiracy of the Duke of Blanche.”

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At this point, most of the nobles would be angry that he insulted their family or tried to convince him that there was a misunderstanding. But it wasn’t the case for her.

“I’ll cooperate.”

Rodrigo’s eyes narrowed at the unexpected answer.

“I said I’d help you uncover what our family has done.”

There was confidence in the voice that spoke determinedly.

I know it’s like our family dog.

For some reason, Estiya kept coming to mind.

A woman who helps himself even though she knows it will harm her family, and a woman who tries to save herself.

Even before Anheine, Rodrigo’s whole mind was towards Estiya.

“You said it’s Rodrigo?”

“I’m sorry, but could you call me properly, Miss?”

Calling by name is only possible between close friends. Be it a lover like Estiya, a long-time acquaintance like Beatrice, a family member, or an old friend.

“Oh, yes… I’ve heard a lot of stories from Beatrice, and I guess I’m the only one who thinks you’re familiar. I’m sorry, Sir Rodrigo.”

“That’s all right, Miss Blanche.”

That was then. There was a loud noise from upstairs. Rodrigo jumped up.

“Excuse me for a moment.”

“I’ll go up there!”

Beatrice dissuaded Rodrigo, but he went to the stairs without even listening. There were no other guests upstairs except Estiya. An ominous feeling engulfed Rodrigo’s whole body.

04. New Plan

Crazy, crazy, crazy.

Estiya cursed inwardly.

Why is this happening!

Kidnapping, confinement, and unknown misfortune were the monopoly of the heroines in the novel.

I’m just a villain! I’m the one who kidnaps and imprisons, not the one to be beaten!

No matter how much I shouted inside, my voice didn’t come out at all. My body trembled uncontrollably. Whether these guys didn’t know how to use the carriage or they didn’t need it, they ran with me on their backs.

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I was turned upside down and was swaying left and right to the point of causing motion sickness. It made me feel somewhat unfair to think that I was getting motion sickness that I didn’t get when I first rode the portal. I shut my mouth and closed my eyes. As I calmed down after struggling, the hand that gripped my thigh loosened a bit.

What, these guys? Did you think I’d run away? Not at all.

The moment I found out they were crazy wizards, I gave up the thought of running away in the first place. If it was an assassin, it would have been wiped out, but the opponent is a wizard.

Even if a swordsmanship genius comes, it’s hard to win.

I have to look for gaps.

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I fiddled with the poison bottle in my arms. A poison bottle that will give me one chance to escape. I checked the poison bottle and was relieved. Rodrigo said that the long sword stood out and didn’t want me to hold it. I agreed with him. The rest of the various attack tools were kept in the bag.

When I was kidnapped, I couldn’t say, ‘Wait a minute, I’ll take my bag.’ So all I had left was this medicine bottle in case of an emergency. So, from the beginning, I had no intention of fighting them. The same goes for escaping. What I struggled with earlier was finding a more comfortable posture.

They held me and ran nonstop. Even though I kept moving my body while he was running with me in his arms, his breathing was calm.


I only opened my eyes after confirming that they were gone. I thought they would take me to some cave or a dangerous place, but the place they brought me was a nobleman’s room. Clean and old-fashioned furniture. And where I was sitting was a soft sofa.

“It’s much better than Beatrice’s inn.”

A smirk came out. The place where you were kidnapped is more comfortable than where you used to be. I got up and looked around. I put my ear to the door first. It was quiet, but the sound of footsteps could not be hidden. There were five people in the hallway.

“I’d do it if I weren’t a magician.”

In case it was a wizard, I gave up going out the door. And headed to the window.

“It’s about four floors.”

It’s a four-story mansion. I could see that the owner of this building was quite rich. Going out the window would be fine, but the problem is that it’s broad daylight. What is the probability of going down the wall safely without being noticed by others? 

Very little.

I’ll have to wait until night.

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I concluded and sat comfortably on the sofa. I sat on a fluffy sofa and waited for someone to come to me. Then I fell asleep quickly.

“… You are amazing.”

I woke up to an unfamiliar voice.

“I can’t believe you’re sleeping peacefully.”

The man was gazing down at me. Rubbing my eyes, I got up and sat up straight.

“Hello, I’m Estiya Cartina. Now, Now, tell me about your business.”

I yawned as I watched the ugly man’s face crumple at my words. I decided not to hide my identity as long as I was caught. Cartina’s name is widespread throughout the continent.

If this man knew my family, he wouldn’t treat me badly.

I stared at the man proudly.



Rodrigo shouted at Beatrice. shook her head with a pale face.

“I, I didn’t know. I’m just, just…….”

“If anything happens to Estyia, I won’t be able to forgive you. Where did she go?”

A vein swelled in Rodrigo’s hand holding the sword.

“Don’t speak ill of her, Sir Rodrigo.”

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Anheine stepped forward.

“You stay out of it.”

“How can I stay out? I think it’s my father who took this woman, Estiya.”

She said. Rodrigo’s eyes bent sharply.


“Ahh, Lord Blanche.”

When I revealed my identity, the other party also revealed their identity. It’s because they know that the story will only go in circles when they hide their identity.

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“I’m arresting you as a spy now.”

“For a legitimate arrest, I feel like I’m being held in a very private space.”

At my point, Blanche smiled.

“We don’t want to lose to Cartina. I’d like to get the goods supplied by Cartina as usual.”

Cartina’s stuff?

I remembered the special thread that I gave to the emperor. I heard that Cartina’s stuff was going around in Veloki, and Blanche bought it.

“So you must return to the Empire calmly. I don’t want a fight.”

He was scrawny and spoke nervously. He seemed very annoyed by my unexpected appearance.

Like that or not.

“Do I have to thank you for sending me back? You’d understand if I said it in a gentlemanly way, wouldn’t you?”

“This… I think I’m offended. But I couldn’t help it. I can’t treat a spy who has come into my country like a guest.”

He laughed. With a forced smile. I stopped short of laughing. I’m sorry for Rodigo, but I decided to return to the Empire as he said. It was better like this.

Rodrigo will take care of the rest.

Seeing that they caught only me, it seems that Rodrigo’s identity has not been revealed.

Hide well, and come back safely.

I said something that wouldn’t reach Rodrigo and got up.

“Let’s go.”

“Let’s do that.”

But I, no, we couldn’t get out of the room.


The door disappeared with a loud noise. Someone entered with a ferocious look through the cracks in the smoke. It was Rodrigo. Rodrigo quickly looked inside. And found me.

For a brief moment, our eyes met in the air. His eyes were kind, but there were goosebumps. He was so angry that words were not enough to describe.

TL/N: The names in this novel are kinda complicated. Thank goodness for the glossary Jassie passed me LOL. Also, I love how Rodrigo keeps setting clear boundaries!

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