The next day, I had a hectic day. After returning to their daily lives, the Cartinas did not have time to see each other’s faces because they were doing their jobs. Eyla and Ether went out to the western border to support Stefan, and Hela checked the housekeeping that Kaylan had been working on. I couldn’t see where Kaylan had gone.

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“Lady, what did you say would happen if you mix this medicine with this medicine?”

I had to take supplementary classes ahead of my poison class promotion exam next week.

“Well, I don’t know, sir.”

This time again, with a bright smile showing that I did not know at all, I made the teacher’s costume burst*

TL/N: Like his shirt bursting.

“Lady, you’re so mean! If you can’t get a promotion again this time, you have to take a class with your younger cousins from other Cartina families!”

Oh, right! I have to do that! But what can I do, if I pass this class, I have to take on various duties as a Cartina.

I didn’t want that.

“I can’t, sir.”

I had a very upset expression on my face and shrugged my shoulders. The teacher’s sad sigh fell to the top of my head as I bowed my head.

“Let’s call it a day.”

The teacher sighed and let me go. I walked back to my room with a light footstep. And I was surprised.


He appeared in my room again.

“Did you just come out from my bathroom?”

He even showed up dripping water from my bathroom. Rodrigo was only wearing pants. His strong muscular flexion was clearly visible.

I closed my eyes tightly and opened them again. Rodrigo was still there. He was undressing and wiping his wet hair with a towel. Naturally, he tilted his head to the left and asked.

“Aren’t you coming in?”

It was difficult to get into my room.

“This is called trespassing.”

I snapped back. Rodrigo raised his eyebrows.

“Don’t you remember? I got permission.”

He draped the towel over the chair and turned his back away from me. The shadows created by the broad shoulders and shredded muscles were revealed without adding or subtracting. I don’t want to see it, but my eyes keep moving. Rodrigo put on the shirt. I felt kind of sad. I fanned my hands to cool off the heat on my face.

“Rodrigo, what do you mean you’ve got permission?”

“I thought you wouldn’t remember. Yesterday I asked for your cooperation in the future and that I couldn’t stay with Miss Anheine.”

Was it? I think I heard it while I was sleeping.

Looking at Rodrigo’s decisive expression,  it didn’t seem to be a lie. I clenched my teeth and tried to prolong the time, but Rodrigo’s face didn’t look good.

“You…used magic, didn’t you?”

Rodrigo shrugged.

“How can I be here without using magic?”

I shut my mouth. Rodrigo’s magic was still unstable. If he continued to use magic, it was clear that his body would suffer.

“Don’t push yourself too hard.”

I couldn’t ask you to go back right away. You’ll have to use magic to go back. I sighed, checked that the bed was in order, and then sat on the sofa.

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Rodrigo clicked his tongue out of nowhere.

“What are you doing?”

“Preparing to sleep.”

I hugged the cushion and closed my eyes.

“Sleep in bed, Estiya.”

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“I can sleep tomorrow morning, so don’t worry. You have to ride a horse again.”

It’s just about what’s more efficient. But Rodrigo didn’t go to his bed as if he didn’t like my decision, but came to the front of the sofa and bent down. As he got closer, he smelled like me.

“You used my stuff carelessly, too.”

“I borrowed a little. I will pay you back tenfold next time.”

TL/N: Lmao imagery of Rodrigo visiting Estiya with 10 carriages of soap in my head.

It’s not because it’s a waste. For some reason, my stomach was ticklish and I just said anything. When I didn’t move or open my eyes, Rodrigo came a little closer. Cold hair touched my forehead.

“Breathe. I won’t eat you.”

Rodrigo said. I guess I was holding my breath without realizing it.

I opened my eyes slightly, squinting. His well-proportioned nose caught my eye.

I can’t help but admit that I’m a jerk.

“All right, get off. And do you think I’ll stay still so you can eat me?”

I can protect my body.

“I know.”

Rodrigo rose with a smile. He sat at the table and looked at me.  I got up with a face full of things to say.

“You have to run all day tomorrow, Rodrigo. Let’s not squabble and sleep.”

“I really want to sleep too. But it’s uncomfortable because the owner of the room is sleeping on the sofa, so where would I sleep?”

“What do you want?”

It’s funny to talk about the owner of the room when he’s the one who confidently invaded.

“Let’s sleep together.”


I hugged the cushion and shook my head.

“Then I’ll sleep on the sofa.”

“That’s a bit…”

“Shall we sleep together?”

Rodrigo said, cutting off the sentence. The snowball fight has begun. Rodrigo grinned, and I tightened my hand holding the cushion while keeping my lips in a straight line. The silence continued for quite some time. Eventually, I surrendered to Rodrigo.



“In bed.”


I threw the cushion and Rodrigo caught it up easily.

“Keep this line.”

I laid next to Rodrigo and divided the area with a cushion. My bed was very big and fortunately, there was a lot of room left even after the two of us lay down. Rodrigo laid flat on his back. He closed his eyes. The shadows cast by the back of his eyelashes are quite long.

He sleeps without saying good night.

I stuck my tongue out at the mean Rodrigo.

“I can tell you’re cursing.”

Oh my God, I don’t know if you have eyes on your forehead as well.

“No, I’m not.”

All the sounds became clearer when the lights were turned off. The clearest of them was Rodrigo’s breathing. His breathing was as soft and quiet as a lullaby. It was amazing that breathing could sound like singing. As I stayed still, I suddenly remembered Anheine, who would be alone. This is Anheine’s seat, but I felt uncomfortable because it felt like it was stolen by me.

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“How is Anheine doing?”

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“I’m sure she’s doing well.”

It was a very casual tone. To the point where Anheine feels like an object.

“Rodrigo, be nice to her.”

“……I’ve felt this for a long time, do you owe Miss Anheine?”


“Why are you trying to be so nice to her like a debt payer?”

The bed wobbled. It was obvious that he was looking down at me with his arms crossed. His gaze was clear even in the dark.

“It’s just… it’s pitiful.”

I attached a random reason.

“I am more pitiful. So can’t you be nicer to me?”

My heart pounded at the mournful voice. I couldn’t answer. I can’t give him what he wants.


I woke up to the hot sun. Reflexively, I reached out and checked the space next to me. Rodrigo’s spot was empty. The place where he lay was neatly arranged, as if he had never been there from the beginning.

“At least say goodbye.”

“What? Miss?”

It was Jane. I was surprised. Maybe Jane saw Rodrigo?


I got out of bed and looked into Jane’s eyes. Looking at Jane humming, she seemed unaware that Rodrigo had been here. I breathed a sigh of relief, washed my face briefly, and ate the meal brought by the attendant.

“By the way, I heard you’re going to study with young masters starting today.”


I forgot.

I ended up giving up on the drug and sword-fighting promotion test. As a result, I naturally took the same class as Gilter, son of uncle Schubert, Billian, son of uncle Schrun, and daughter Loa. Except for Gilter, they were all younger cousins. Loa was even ten years younger. 

TL/N: HaLpPP omg more names?!?!

Cute Loa.

I smiled as I remembered Loa’s plump cheeks. Unlike the pretentious Gilter and Billian, Loa was a lovely child. She even had talent as Cartina. It’s unfortunate.

“Yeah, did they decide to take a class at my house?”

“Yes, it sounds like they’re conducting field training at the monster hunting ground.”

Jane said it as if it was nothing, but I was very worried. Practical training will inevitably result in teachers being negligent in monitoring. Therefore, one often attacked the opponent, not the monsters, at the actual training ground. It was not uncommon for Kaylan, Ether, and Eyla to fight. The probability that Gilter, who is the same age as me, would pick a fight was close to a hundred. No, it’s a thousand, a thousand.

“Are you worried?”

Jane asked. I smiled awkwardly and waved my hand.

“Not at all.”

In fact, I am very worried. I’m afraid I can’t hold back my anger and kill Gilter.


Gilter Cartina, the son of my uncle Schubert, was the same age as me and has not been on good terms with me since childhood. When was it, at the 10th birthday party?

-You look so ugly.

That was what Gilter said as soon as he saw me. Of course, Naturally, Kaylan, Ether, and Eila ran wild, and Gilter was beaten so hard but just enough to not die that day. Schubert sued Stefan for damages and he gave him more than he wanted, feeling that he should take and leave.

Maybe he was scolded by Schubert. After that, Gilter avoided me when he saw me, but his ferocious eyes did not soften. Occasionally, threatening letters came in. Gilter was clear, but I quietly burned the letters without telling anyone. Because I didn’t feel it was worth fighting for.

But if we take a class together, the story will be different. Rather, I couldn’t understand why Gilter couldn’t get a promotion. Gilter wasn’t very talented, but he was a regular Cartina.

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What happened on the day of the promotion exam?

I felt a bit uncomfortable. Either way, I’m also going to screw up my promotion exam in two months, so my time with Gilter is two months at most.

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Is he going to fail again? If he falls again, he should be removed from Cartina. Maybe Schubert will make a fuss because he’s embarrassed. He might run away on his own.

“Good morning, Miss Estiya!”

The guards guarding the monster forest greeted loudly. It was a voice that was loud enough to ring in my ears.

“Thank you for your hard work today.”

I smiled brightly, added a few words to congratulate them for their hard work, and headed for the monster forest. The air suddenly became heavy. For some reason, the place where the monsters breathe is heavier than the place where we live. It feels like gravity is getting stronger. So it took a lot of force to move the body. It is not known whether this is due to simple psychological pressure or if the gravity is really strong.

The science here was terrible, and it was an irrational world where everything was explained by magic and mythology.

I put my hand on the sword handle on my waist and slowly made my way into the middle of the monster forest.


“It’s Estiya!”

n the middle of the forest there was a small open space for training. In the vacant lot to which the hut was attached, there was a table and chairs for a lecture made from rough tree stumps. There was a Loa with brown hair in two braids. Loa climbed up on the chair as she was happy and waved her hand over and over again.


How long has it been?

Loa didn’t get to see Cartina often either because her cousins didn’t get along well.

Was it my birthday a year ago? No, 2 years ago?

Loa was much taller than before and had longer hair. The chin has gotten longer and the nose has gotten bigger.

It still looks round like a child, but the baby’s feeling has faded a lot., I was proud at the same time as regretful of Loa, who grew up beautifully. I gave Loa a big hug.

“Don’t touch my younger sister.”

A blunt, low voice and a voice full of hostility were heard behind my back. It was Billian.

“Put the knife away and tell me.”

I hugged Loa tightly and said to Billian behind me. The dagger was pressing firmly on the center of my back. Kids these days have no manners. Even if it’s Cartina, he’s holding out his sword before saying hello. I don’t want to talk about home education, but I have no choice but to.

At least Stefan and Hela taught me, ‘Greet and then kill.’ Of course, there are exceptions.

“I told you to remove the knife.”

Billian was only 16 now. My birthday is coming up soon, so I’m two years older.

“If you can, throw it away.”

From an early age, Billian attacked me even though he knew he would lose. I sighed lightly and put  Loa down on the chair.

“Loa, wait a minute.”

“If you keep moving, I’ll stab you.”

You don’t have the courage to do that. I quickly leaned back and turned around. At the same time, I grabbed Billian’s ankle and pushed him with my shoulder.  There was a crash. The dagger that Billian was holding flew away like that.

“Billian, I told you to say hello properly when I meet you, right?”

Billian looked up at me with his butt on the ground. He didn’t look angry at me, even though he was hurt.

“I heard you go well with Erhardt these days?”

Suddenly Billian asked. It seems that the rumors have spread. If Billian, who is not interested in gossip, asks me about my story.

“What are you going to do  if you knew?”

“Sister, behave yourself.”

The word “sister” that came out of Billian’s mouth was unfamiliar.


“Sister, behave properly.”

Billian said over and over again, whether or not he thought I really didn’t hear it. Billian suddenly giving advice was strange. Even his tone made me feel like he cared about me.

“You… …did you eat something wrong?”

This is a natural reaction. Billian’s face crumpled.

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“Live your life!”

Billian yelled and Loa, startled, grabbed the hem of my dress.

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“Everyone is very strong.”

A swordsmanship teacher appeared. It didn’t look very good because the long scars on his face in his sloppy outfit seemed to say out loud, “I flew and crawled somewhere on the continent.” I liked the formal sword technique. The new swordsmanship teacher seemed far from formal. And my guess was right.

“Kill me by any means possible.”

With that, he climbed up the tall tree to test our skills.

“Brother Gilter hasn’t come yet!”

Billian said. Billian said. The swordsmanship teacher perched on a tree and wiggled his feet.

“He came early and was preparing for it. So don’t worry and just play.”

Dust fell from the sky. My body, Loa’s body, and Billian’s body were all covered in powder.

“That’s a nasty teacher.”

Billian and Loa looked back at me as I muttered.

“Do you know what this is?”

“A scent that stimulates male monsters.”

It was the scent of pheromones emitted by female monsters during mating season. Billian, who immediately understood, blushed, and Loa only tilted her head.

“Loa, sister will teach you later. Hold the sword properly.”

The black suit made for Loa’s size was cute and cute, but the blade was sharp.

“Yes, sister.”

After a while, there was a thumping sound. Not one, but dozens of monsters jumped over my head, Billian, and Loa. Fortunately, it was a low-level monster with a large size but not very strong attack power.

“Don’t be nervous, Loa!”

I fought to protect Loa as much as I could. I knew this wouldn’t be very good for Loa’s growth, but it was instinct to protect children.

How long did we fight?

The monster rush ended only after all the powder the swordsman had sprayed was washed away with the monster’s blood.

“Haa, haa.”

I heard a series of heavy breathing sounds. It wasn’t a difficult battle, but as I dealt with many monsters in a short time, my stamina was quickly depleted.

“What’s the next class, sir?”

I looked up. In Cartina’s class, it was more important whether or not the content of the class was achieved than time. If today’s swordsmanship teacher only aimed for a simple test, we can go back.

I really hope so.

The blood of monsters was more viscous than human blood, making it even more disgusting. It was unpleasant because something hot and thick flowed every time I moved my body.


When there was no answer to my question, Billian called the swordsmanship teacher. But still no answer.


All of a sudden, Billian flew away. Billian and I fell tangled up. His shoulder obscured my vision.

“What are you doing?”

I fell and hit my head on a wooden post. With a resounding Dang, I grabbed my head and pushed Billian away.

“Don’t move, you idiot.”

Billian poured out raw criticism. Over Billian’s shoulder was Loa standing in front of us with a sword. A long shadow fell over Loa’s head. It was Gilter.

“Did the ugly cousins decide to do it together?”

TL/N: I KNEW IT!!! Loa screamed “SUS SUS SUS VERY SUS” halfway through the chapter.

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