Summer in Nancheng is always accompanied by the rainy season, and when it comes to August, there is no end to it.

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Outside the window, the sky is dim, and the rain crackles on the glass. In the classroom of Class 1, Senior 3, Nancheng Foreign Languages School, incandescent lamps are bright, and a group of people gathers around to write a copy of the answer.

“Xu Jiaxing, can you do it or not? Who can fucking recognize it when it’s written so ugly?”

“Is this how you talk to your father? If you do not want to copy then get lost.”

“Dad, I was wrong. Hey, please give me the answers for the English paper too. I’ll copy it with my left and right hands. I beg of you, my father! “

The noise of the rainstorm and the noise inside the classroom mingled together that the boy sleeping on his desk in the last row by the window was woken up, much to his dismay.

He scratched his head in annoyance before he sat up and straightened his back. His dark and delicate eyebrows furrowed together as his gaze became narrower. Xu Jiaxing at the front table looked back and knew that the young man was getting angry again.

“Brother Song, are you awake? Are we making too much noise? “

“Oh, it’s all right.”

Xu Jiaxing breathed a sigh of relief “But Brother Song, you’ve been sleeping all morning. Don’t you need to do your homework?”

Jian Songyi loosely picked up the end of his eyelashes and said, “Do I look like someone who has to do summer homework to you?”

The hoarse and impatient voice of the teenager because of drowsiness spread in the classroom, and the hard-working mending parties immediately stopped writing and looked up.

When you are a student, you always have a mentality that the law is not to blame and neither is the top-ranking student. When there is trouble, so long as you side with the teacher’s pet then you can easily evade it.

In their case, Jian Songyi is obviously the teacher’s favorite.

“Brother Song doesn’t do his homework.”

“Brother Song looks a lot handsome when he doesn’t do his homework.”

“Today is another day of love for Brother Song.”

Jian Songyi, as a straight man, couldn’t stand the loving eyes of his classmates. He bowed his head and took out his cell phone from his desk. He then added lightly, “I told Mr. Bai that my summer homework was too easy. I told him that I will find more challenging questions to answer.”


Nanwai, as the best private middle school in Nancheng, has never been easy in order to ensure that the reentry rate is above ninety percent every year, whether it is test questions or homework.

During the 25-day summer vacation, 25 sets of papers were handed out, with a total of 150 papers in six subjects, all according to the most difficult degree of the college entrance examination in previous years. Then the animal now says that the reason why he didn’t do his summer homework is because it’s too easy?!

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How can he say such foolishness?!

The crowd was enraged, but some just bowed their heads and played with their cell phones.

It seems that he was in a better mood just now because of the success of pretending to be in a better mood. The corners of his mouth stirred up a frivolous smirk. The chair under him was tilted back restlessly that he might’ve looked like a careless person.

He looked very pretentious with what he said just now.

They want to beat him.

But they can’t beat him, though.

Everyone bowed their heads and continued to finish their homework.

Forget it. Peace makes money. He should be generous and not make such a fuss for today.

The classroom finally quieted down. Jian Songyi loosely put on his headphones and then clicked on the voicemail, his mother, Mrs. Tang sent

‘Jian Songyi, did you go to school today?’

‘-You started schooling last August 10 and your school is located too far from us. Don’t worry, as soon as mom returns to China, she will complain to the Education Bureau.’

‘-But Jian Songyi, are you sure you don’t want to come to Los Angeles? Your father’s new villa here is in a great location with plenty of sunshine. It’s beside the beach too. Your father and I are having a great time, but we miss you so much already.’

‘-You should listen to your mother, come over for half a month and then we can return there together in September, okay? Half a month of not attending school is not a problem to you after all.’

Mrs. Tang doesn’t obviously have much consciousness as a parent of a senior high school student.

Jian Songyi loosely chewed his lip and was just about to click on the next voice message when the back door was pushed open with a bang.

A slender figure brushed in front of Jian Songyi, both of his hands were propped against the desk. Out of breath, he spoke, “Oh, Brother Song, do you know that a new person has been transferred to your class this semester?”

Jian Songyi raised his eyelids. “Is he sick?”

Good students in schools should stay in their original schools. It is certain that a school should push their students for the better but there’s no need to transfer them to this school at this juncture.

However, students who can’t reach this level turn to the key quality class of science in Nanwai in the third year of high school. Basically, they can only come in vertically and go out sideways, which is purely abusive.

It is hard to imagine that there will be any fool who can’t think so hard.

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Xu Jiaxing was also surprised and turned around with a skeptical face, “Really? Is your news reliable?”

Zhou Luo hurriedly said: “Really. Why should I lie to you? What I just heard in Lao Bai’s office he seems to have been transferred from Beicheng. It is said that he was the number one student in the city of Beicheng.”

As soon as they heard that he received the top rank, the crowd got mental: “Then he should be guaranteed to Beicheng University or Huaqing University. Why is he running to the south?”

Zhou Luo shrugged “Who knows.”

Jian Songyi was not interested in a fool’s history of self-destruction and pinned his eyes down to open the next voice message from his mother.

‘-But it doesn’t matter if you don’t want to come. It just so happens that Grandpa Bai asked you to go to his house for dinner one these days. The kid in his house came back too.’

Jian Songyi’s fingertips paused.

Zhou Luo, who is next to him, is still pushing “Hey, let me find out who was the city champion in the last North City joint entrance exam… Oh, my God! He is also handsome! Brother Song, do you all need to be so handsome to be schoolmasters now? The name sounds good too, Bai Huai … “

It just so happened that Mrs. Tang’s next voice was broadcast along the way.

‘– that Bai Huai, ah, you had a good time when you were kids.’

Jian’s lips pressed into a fine thin line.

Jian Songyi’s hostility to Bai Huai probably started from infancy.

At that time, the one-year-old baby Jian Songyi, after skillfully mastering the crawling skills, began to tremble to learn to walk upright. He fell at least 70 or 80 times as soon as he tried to walk. The baby Jian Songyi really couldn’t stand the grievance. His mouth frowned in a grimace and he began to cry out.

The baby Bai Huai is already one and a half years old at that time. After watching crying Jian Songyi for ten minutes, he finally put down his toy and stood up. He walked all the way to him. He said two words thereafter. “Look at me.”

The simple and ignorant baby Jian Songyi raised his small round face and blinked at his brother Bai Huai, thinking naively that he had come to comfort him.

Then his brother Bai Huai walked around the nursery in front of him.

It is so steady, it can be called a vigorous pace.

After walking, he gave him a condescending glance.

With a subtle disdain.

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Arguably, little babies should not know this kind of thing, but at that time, Jian Songyi firmly believed that he saw disdain from Bai Huai’s eyes, or he was rightfully scorned after being crushed.

This has left a great trauma on Jian Songyi’s young mind. In fact, it had spread and deepened with all kinds of irregularities in the process of growing up with Bai Huai.

So much so that Jian Songyi froze and pushed the physiological limits to remember this small matter of infancy for more than ten years.

The wound was not relieved and comforted for a while until Jian Songyi learned that his genetic test result was top Alpha and Bai Huai was just a weak Omega.

Forget it. It’s just a little Omega, let him go.

The nerve in Jian Songyi’s back loosened.

Then the back door was pushed open with a bang.

This time it was accompanied by screaming, “Ah! The new transfer in our class is an Alpha! He’s fucking handsome! When I just passed by him, I secretly smelled a little bit of pheromone. I thought I was pregnant with my second child! “


There was a collision between metal and marble in the back corner.

Jian Songyi’s tilted chair fell firmly to the ground.

Zhou Luo, who was next to him, flew up “Oh my God! Take me there! I want to smell it too! “

After the flight, he felt that there was something wrong with the aura around him. Thus, he immediately put on a righteous face.

 “But I think it is definitely not as handsome as my brother Song. When my brother Song is differentiated, he will be without a doubt the best Alpha all over Nancheng, not one of them can compare!”

After that, he looked at Jian Songyi “but Brother Song, you will be 17 years old this coming summer.  Why haven’t you differentiated yet? You seem to be the only one left in our grade. “

Jian Songyi was in a bad mood, but it didn’t affect him at all. “Our top Alpha all differentiated relatively late.” After a pause, he added, “because they’re strong.”

Zhou Luo thought about it and thought it made sense.

He met Jian Songyi on the first day of junior high school, has never seen him not the class top-notcher. He was good at sports and fighting. He was tall, with white skin, long legs, and a pretty face. He also has a pair of peach blossom eyes. No one would ever know how many Omega’s souls had been hooked because of those.

There is also a group called “want to give birth to Brother Song’s children”, which is not only packed with Omega and Beta but also some Alpha with lust for life and death.

It shows the charm of his brother Song.

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Thinking of this, Zhou Luo winked at Jian Songyi loosely “Brother Song, hurry up and differentiate already. I’m still waiting to chase you.”

Jian Songyi carelessly tickled the corners of his lips and said, “Why, if I’m not Alpha, then you won’t chase me?”

“That’s inevitable. Our sweet O only likes A with super A’s, and the rest can only be sisters.” Zhou Luo said confidently, “So Brother Song, don’t worry, I’ll be as good as jade for you before you differentiate into top Alpha!”

As soon as Zhou Luo finished, the simple and honest voice of the headteacher, Lao Bai, came from the classroom door “Students, be quiet. Stop whatever it is you are all doing and listen to what I am about to say.”

“First of all, a new student has been transferred to our class this semester.”

Everyone looked at the door together, only Jian Songyi bowed his head and fiddled with his mobile phone, looking indifferent.

What’s there to see? He’s not as handsome as him.

Then he heard Zhou Luo beside him swallowed “Well, Brother Song, I’m sorry. I broke my promise. I may not be able to defend myself for you. This is really a bit unbearable.”

“…..” Jian Songyi felt offended.

He raised his eyelids and looked angrily at the door.

It rained heavily outside. The sky was dark, and the room inside was quiet and brightly lit.

The teenager stood at the boundary of light and shadow. He was tall and indifferent. To top it up, the incandescent lamp glazed his cold white complexion, giving rise to a cold sense of awe among the delicate facial features.

There is a pair of gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose. It made his amber eyes look colder. The white shirt button is fastened to the top one, which happens to be stuck in the abrupt Adam’s apple.

The more forbidden, the more lustful. Even the small mole under the corner of the left eye shows the smell of a gentle, scum-clad beast.

He doesn’t like what he is seeing.

Jian Songyi was suddenly in an even worse mood.

Generally speaking, he likes to make others feel worse when he is in a bad mood.

His fingers on the table tapped slowly twice, and his voice was sleepy and lazy.

“Zhou Luo, he is not that very good-looking either.”

The voice was not too small, just enough for the man at the door to hear it.

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