‘How can this person be so cute?’ Bai Huai thought to himself.

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“Didn’t you just ask me to put away the pheromone?”

Jian Songyi said nothing with a straight face, which was really uncomfortable. He is too embarrassed to say it out loud for the second time. 

Bai Huai smiles to himself and holds out his hand for him. “Here, you smell.”

His hand is beautiful. It’s fair and smooth. He could lay his head against it, and he’d still feel comfortable. Not to mention its bony structure. There is a kind of bone faintly visible under the skin of the blood vessels, soothing pheromones emanate from the blood little by little.

Jian Songyi sharpened his tiger teeth as he had the urge to take a bite of it.

But he felt like he should restrain himself. Jian Songyi needs to look reserved and aloof. He had already embarrassed himself way too much. Pretending to be disgusted, he took Bai Huai’s wrist and smelled it down. 

Like an antidote, but more like some kind of chronic poison, this will only temporarily relieve the pain. But eventually, this will only make Jian Songyi crave that scent even more as this progresses. When the time comes, one sniff won’t be enough. He would get greedy and want it all for himself. 

After several sniffles and a little relaxation, Jian Songyi slowly loosened Bai Huai’s wrist and lazily retracted back under the blanket. But instead of thanking Bai Huai, he proudly said, “Get on your knees and receive the reward.”

He didn’t realize how ambiguous he sounded like just now. 

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Bai Huai felt that it is necessary to teach Jian Songyi some safety knowledge regarding being an Omega. He seems to have no idea about the proper physical hygiene of his class. 

He withdrew his feverish wrist and turned it a little. “Are you aware of what bonding heat means?”

Jian Songyi’s face flushed red. 

Bai Huai nodded. “You seem to know.”

Unexpectedly, this person is still very thin-skinned in this respect, and it seems that they should pay attention to discretion in the future.

He thought so, but continued to be serious: “Do you know what it means to smell my pheromones when you feel sick?”

Jian Songyi: “…..”

‘It means you have something on me.’ 

“It means that our pheromones have a high degree of compatibility. At least more than 90% and are the right people to be partners.”

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“Who wants to be your partner? Wait a minute… ” Jian Songyi paused suddenly. “So you’re saying I should partner up with an Alpha now?!”

Bai Huai clearly saw from his expression that this is the only time he considered that setup. His tone revealed how hard it hit him.

Bai Huai felt that he was wrong and that the test report was not without influence. At least if the result was Omega, Jian Songyi would not become such a pure straight A.

Garbage institutions should be banned long ago.

Ignoring Jian Songyi’s expression of skepticism, he loosened the collar of his shirt.  “Within a month after differentiation, there will be the first time you’ll be experiencing heat. The time and intensity will vary according to the Omega’s physique, so you need to carry enough inhibitors at any time during this month of the rainy season. Do you understand?”

Jian Songyi had finally recovered from the bad news that he was going to marry an Alpha in the future. But then, he must hear another piece of bad news today. It’s starting to tire him out even more. “Why is being an Omega so troublesome? It is better not to be differentiated at all. It would be better to be a Beta too.”

“Instead of thinking about the collapse mentality that some people don’t have, it’s better to get some sleep and accept the facts.”

“Then why don’t you try to be an Omega? Let’s see if your state of mind won’t collapse.” Jian Songyi replied, but for the sake of Bai Huai’s hard work of taking him here and staying, he didn’t argue further. Instead, he displayed a little bit of concern. “If I sleep, what about you?”

“As your temporary guardian angel, Vigil, I will be here.” Bai Huai stretched both of his arms upwards like he wants to be stationed on the frontier. 

“It’s not necessary. There’s a class tomorrow.”

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“Grandpa will ask our school leave for us. Aunt Tang will also be coming here tonight. I guess, she’ll be here when you wake up so it’ll all be alright. Don’t worry.”

The tone is quite indifferent, but the faint porcelain blue under the eyes can not deceive people. Bai Huai’s grandmother is half European, and his hair color is lighter than that of ordinary people, so it is particularly obvious that he has dark circles under his eyes.

Jian Songyi felt very sorry for himself. “Just this time. Thank you.” 

“No problem at all.” Bai Huai then smirked a little.”After all, who told you to call me Brother Huai?”


Looking at Jian Songyi’s suddenly wide-open eyes, Bai Huai was finally satisfied and estimated that the discomfort on him should have passed. He doesn’t need to tease him anymore just for him to be distracted. 

He smiles softer than before. “Go to sleep. If you really feel bad, then be generous and don’t be angry with me, okay? I’m a dumb person. I’m not very good at coaxing.”

Who needs his coaxing?

Jian Songyi lets out a sigh of relief and murmur of dissatisfaction about how he could not bear the tiredness and fatigue of his body. Thus, he immediately fell into sleep as soon as he laid down comfortably.

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The fragrance of roses in the room suddenly gets thicker and thicker until there is nowhere to hide anymore. 

After watching Jian Songyi fall asleep, Bai Huai stood up and went to the bathroom. He locked the door and unbuttoned his shirt all the way to expose his chest. He then propped his hands against the sink to lean over and took deep breaths to compose himself. 

The radius on the back of his hand is visible while his knuckles turn white and his veins are vaguely protruding.

For a while, he scooped a handful of cold water and patted it on his face. 

The human body is simple and honest. Whenever he gets too close to Jian Songyi, he smells his pheromones. Because every cell of his body starts clamoring to mark him, occupy him, and eventually plunder him. 

Unfortunately, the initiator is still naive and ignorant of what he s doing to him. 

Bai Huai looked at his reflection in the mirror. It shows his indifferent pale face that is dripping with water. Restraint is written from the corners of his eyes. 

He is an Omega. An Omega of high degree.

To get along day and night would be so hard. What more spend the next year with him?

He smiled wryly. 

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