Back to the hospital bed, Bai Huai placed his hand on top of Jian Songyi’s gland as he continues releasing pheromones unconsciously. Bai Huai could only furrow his brows in concentration.

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Jian Songyi laid all of his guards down due to drowsiness. By instinct, Jian Songyi rubbed his cheek against his palm innocent. Bai Huai almost chokes on his own saliva. 

He reminded himself to be a human being.


When Jian Songyi woke up the next day, the sun has already risen. 

Through the hospital white gauze curtain, the rippling circle of the warm sunlight sprinkled the room. 

The room is full of savage rose scents.

As Bai Huai said, it is not the kind of sweet rose in the greenhouse, but like the wild rose growing in the desert, on the cliff, and in the barren grass.

It smells a little wild as if you can see thorns.

It’s not very domineering, but it’s savory.

After the differentiation, the relaxed Jian Songyi stretched himself out. 

Bai Huai came out of the bathroom with wet hair: “Awake?”

‘My voice is slightly hoarse. I don’t think I had a good rest.’ Is what Jian Songyi wanted to say, but he suddenly couldn’t find his voice as soon as he was welcomed with such scenery.

Several buttons of his shirt were still undone enough to expose his long neck and Adam’s apple. Then there’s water dripping from his hair just to fall down his collarbone. Jian Songyi knows that he should not care, but Bai Huai looks more than promising. 

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The gene of Alpha is really enviable.

Bai Huai wiped his hair with a towel in one hand and threw a bottle of blockers to Jian Songyi with the other: “Spray it.”

Tasteless barrier.

Fortunately, there is no strange smell.

Jian Songyi shook the bottle loosely and sprayed it all over himself. 

Bai Huai leaned against the window as he fiddled with his hair. “Except for special periods, Omega can usually put away its pheromones and don’t make waves everywhere.”

“Who’s making waves?”

Jian Songyi sprayed the bottle around him and himself again. The air was clean and the smell of cedar and rose was gone. He looked down at the bottle with the image full of birds in his hand with satisfaction.

“It’s pretty easy to use.”

“It is a new product developed in Northern Europe. It is currently known to have the best effect, and you can’t smell it even if you’re a person or a ghost.”

Jian Songyi took it easy for a moment, thinking silently.

After a while, he realized: “The hospital is selling such high-end blockers now?”

“It is not from the hospital.”

“Hey.” Jian Songyi looked at Bai Huai with a slightly strange look. “What kind of Alpha are you hiding Omega blockers?”

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What kind of image is he in this person’s heart? 

Bai Huai laughed amusedly: “Your mother-” 

“Why are you still cursing?”

“I’m not swearing. I mean this bottle of barrier belongs to your mother, Mrs. Tang.”

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for Jian Songyi to get ready, the ward door was pushed open to reveal a noble and beautiful lady. She was quick to rush over to the side of the hospital bed and hold unto Jian Songyi. Her tears suddenly burst out as she hold him in her arms. 

“My son, my poor son, why is your life so bitter?!”

Jian Songyi: “…..”

If he remembers correctly, he had only differentiated and is not terminally ill.

He awkwardly raised his hand and patted Mrs. Tang on the back. “Mom, I am fine. Don’t Cry. Your eye cream is very expensive.”

“My eye cream is nothing compared to my son. Woo. Woo.”

Jian Songyi comforted her patiently. “I’m alright. It’s nothing” He said in a much softer tone. 

“What do you mean nothing? How come it’s alright?” Mrs. Tang straightened her blouse and then proceeded into crying again. “You’ve become an Omega. Can you still call it alright?”

Jian Songyi smiles weakly. “I can see that you value being an Alpha more than Omega, but this kind of feudal thinking is not good.”

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Mrs. Tang knew that her son must be upset and now he had to be patient to coax her to be happy. She feels like an idiot. 

Wiping away her tears while suppressing her sadness, she holds Jian Songying’s hand. “It’s alright, son. Although it won’t be easy for you to marry like this, your father has money and we can support you for a lifetime. Don’t worry. Don’t burden yourself with it.”

Jian Songyi: “…..”

Mrs. Tang became more and more aggressive when she continued speaking: “Blame me. For real. This is all my fault. At that time, the organization said that the genetic test was 100% accurate, and I believed it. I raised you as an Alpha when you were a child and became more relentless when Bai Huai differentiated into one. This is all my fault which reduced you to what you are today.”

Jian Songyi: “…..” 

‘What I’ve been reduced to.’ He thought sadly.

“Look at you. You’re tall with a bad temper. And don’t forget the abs!” She said as she touches Jian Songyi’s waist and sighed. “It’s hard. It’s not soft at all. Which family will be blind not to take you? You have the heart and the brains. Any Alpha would fancy to be with you.” 

Bai Huai: “…..”

Jian Songyi: “…..”

Mrs. Tang is very sad. Jian Songyi could tell so he just continued to comfort her. “Mom, it’s alright. I don’t like any Alpha anyway, and I actually prefer Omegas a lot more.”

“What’s the use? An O-O relationship? What are you going to do with each other? You look at him, he looks at you, and then you’ll cook eggs together?”

Jian Songyi: “…..”

Bai Huai thinks that Mrs. Tang is simply brilliant and insightful.

Mrs. Tang resigned with a sigh: “Oh, forget it. I really can’t. When you inherit the family business, we’ll buy, oh no, choose some Alpha with good conditions and poor family. In this way, you will not be bullied, and the child can still take your last name. If we can’t do one, we’ll find two or three. There are always obedient and honest people. “

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Jian Songyi: “…..”

That’s very thoughtful…

Bai Huai thinks Mrs. Tang’s idea is a little dangerous. 

He cleared his throat lightly. “Auntie, Jian Songyi is only seventeen years old. It’s too early to decide and plan what will happen to his future.”

Realizing that Bai Huai was still there, Mrs. Tang tried to even out her mood. “You’re right. It’s still too early. Take your time, Jian Songyi. But what if the blind cat meets a dead mouse?”

She sighed again: “To tell you the truth, when the test results came out, your father and I thought about setting a baby marriage. But then, you later became an Alpha so I lost the idea. Now that Little Songyi has become an Omega, I’m thinking of shoving Little Songyi to you with a clear conscience.”

Bai Huai’s heart moved a little. 

“But you can’t.” Mrs. Tang moved with true feelings, looking at Bai Huai with tears in her eyes, “I grew up watching you, how can I push you into the fire? How can I live with my conscience if I really give you my little Songyi? How can your father feel at ease in his grave? You are a good boy, I can’t let my selfishness harm you!”

Bai Huai: “…..”

Jian Songyi: “…..”


Author’s Note:

Bai Huai: [Why is my mother-in-law doing this?]

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