Chapter 16

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Jian Songyi doesn’t know what works, but he understands that the air conditioner in his heart counts and freezes his already cold heart.


He made up his mind that he would not have a relationship or anything to do with Bai Huai for the rest of his life.


With an ungrateful look, he chewed on the corner of his lip and glanced at him. “If I remember correctly, I’ve just said yesterday that I would make you leave Nanwai convincingly.” 


Bai Huai nodded. “If I remember correctly, what you said yesterday was that if you don’t get me to leave Nanwai convincingly, then you won’t be an Alpha.” 


Jian Songyi: “…..”


“You see. Didn’t it work out?”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


“I like a good young man like you who means what he says.”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


His teeth gritted together in anger.


“Little Songyi, don’t look at me with such hateful eyes.” Bai Huai tilted his head as he looks over at Jian Songyi with his soft and narrowed fox eyes. “I’d like to remind you that you can still use me.”


“You are shameless.”


“It’s a great honor.”


Being disturbed by Bai Huai, Jian Songyi felt more upset than when her mother had to go away to be with his father.


If he has time to be hurt from spring all the way to autumn, then he might as well just go back and do some Chinese reading comprehension. He has been thinking about this too much that he had wasted enough time already.


‘I am not mourning. I am not sulking.’ He tried to convince himself.


Did Bai Huai have a miserable day today? No.

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Did Bai Huai call himself father today? No.


Did Bai Huai go out to Nanwai today? No.


So he doesn’t deserve to sulk.


Jian Songyi was suddenly enlightened. He stood up, ready to go home and leave Bai Huai’s ruthless ass there.


Bai Huai knew Jian Songyi all too well. He knows how to get him out of those negative thoughts of his. He smiles behind him before shaking his head. He stood up and only took a few steps with his long legs to catch up to Jian Songyi and walk with him side by side.


But after the time that passed them by on the bench, the road they’re now walking unto has already piled up a thin layer of leaves. Thus, each of their steps made this rustling sound. 


As they walk, Jian Songyi finally remembered something: “how did you find me? Don’t tell me it’s just because you happen to just end up there.”


“Well, you used to hide there whenever you were unhappy when we were still kids. I’m used to looking for you there.”




It turns out that he still has that habit, and he doesn’t even realize that he has been doing that for so long since now.


Jian Songyi stepped on a dead branch in front of him. 


To think of it, it is not impossible to use Bai Huai occasionally.


Jian Songyi and Bai Huai asked for leave at the same time. 


This will eventually erupt in different kinds of gossip at school.


Not to mention the fact that Xu Jiaxing had no door to that mouth of his. He added vivid words about how Bai Huai provoked and angered Jian Songyi while the latter made a military writ out of it.


One student spreads it to ten students. The ten students became a hundred, and the process just continues in a never-ending cycle until the whole school knows the story. From there, everyone now knows that the boss and the new boss are extremely difficult to deal with.


Is it true? A king would always want to see another king bathed in blood.

It is said that the two men had a fierce fight but ended it with a draw. They’re both laying on the ground with each of their arms and legs lost. Afterward, they were dragged to the hospital by an ambulance to be rescued.

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Bai Huai also received some news from Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi before going to bed that night: [Bai Huai, that son of a bitch! He hit my cub! He hit my cub and put him in the hospital, that scumbag! Ahhhh!]


B.S.: […..]


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Why don’t you scold him? Don’t you love our cub? As the vice president of our support club, how can you not love our cub? Don’t you love Jian Songyi?]


Bai Huai: “…..”


Reality speaking, Jian Songyi scratched him yesterday. He is the one that must be subjected to domestic violence. But he could not talk about Jian Songyi’s differentiation.


Bai Huai kept a straight face: [Love. I love him. I feel distressed, Bai Huai is a scum man.]


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [And a violent maniac!]


B.S.: [Violent maniac].


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Curse him to eat instant noodles without seasoning all his life!]


B.S.: [No seasoning all his life.]


Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi: [Oh, forget it. Soft girls like you can’t scold people at a glance, which makes it hard for me to play. I’ll find other members who could sympathize with my anger and suffering.]


Bai Huai: “…..”


He clicked on Ice cream Xiaoyuanzi’s profile in accordance with the principle of learning.


Then he saw all the foul language he knew in this lifetime.




Bai Huai remembers that Lin Yuanyuan was a sweet and shy little girl. Is she the queen of grumpy Omega now?


He then wondered what would be the difference between a relaxed Jian Songyi and a grumpy Jian Songyi.

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With that line of thought, he had decided to cook some instant noodles for himself. 


He opened the bag casually and to his surprise… There is no seasoning.




Bai Huai felt that he had sacrificed too much in order to break into the enemy and spy on the military situation.


When Jiang Songyi and Bai Huai got out of the same car and walked into the classroom together the next day, onlookers rubbed their eyes.


Xu Jiaxing opened his eyes so wide. He scratched himself, pinched his arms, and patted his thighs just so he would wake up from this dream. But he didn’t. “Shit, this is reality! Why is there nothing missing?” 


Jian Songyi looked at him a little bit confused: “Huh?”


The informant, Bai Huai, expressionlessly carried away the claw that was feeling around Jian Songyi’s body: “Internal injuries.”


So that’s it.


 The crowd suddenly nodded in realization.


 Meanwhile, Xu Jiaxing clasped his fist: “I admire you for your mastery.”


Jian Songyi: “???”


What the hell is he talking about


Bai Huai’s fingertips point to the head: “He is here, you know.”


Jian Songyi suddenly realized what they were talking about, and lovingly stroked Xu Jiaxing’s head.


Xu Jiaxing: “?”


He felt like he was offended.

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After Jian Songyi sat down, he glanced behind his shoulder and noticed the last row with an extra table and chair. It looks like someone will be seated next to him.


Xu Jiaxing forgot that he was offended and explained, “You weren’t here yesterday, so you didn’t know that there would be an outstanding student that will join our class.”


The so-called intensive student is also known as poverty alleviation students. They don’t pay tuition fees and accommodation fees. They are the students that excelled from different townships to join the class.


Nanwai is a private school, which is expensive and has never accepted intensive training students.


Xu Jiaxing approached them and said in a lower voice. “I heard that the Education Bureau allocated an extra place for us to be able to walk in Huaqing University this year. In exchange, we have to accept this student.”


Yang Yue who also leaned closer, pressed his voice even lower: “I think we can make them transfer. How come they would join Class One? Isn’t Class Five good for gangsters?”


“Maybe it’s to show the sincerity of the school.” Xu Jiaxing stated.


Yang Yue said in a softer voice, “Aren’t they afraid that they can’t keep up? Forget about dragging your feet. What if it hits their self-confidence?”


Xu Jiaxing was a little out of breath: “I don’t know… how… ah…”


Jian Songyi butted in at the heat of the two people whisper fighting in the corner. He looked at the two of them with a disgusted expression plastered on his face: “Come on. Can you two stop nagging? Yang Yue will forget about this and Xu Jiaxing, you haven’t had that much of a taste of your own achievements. Has your self-confidence never been hit?”


Xu Jiaxing: “I was at least the twenty-second in our class the last time.”


There are thirty students in the class. 


Jian Songyi gave him two thumbs up: “Impressive. That’s some rapid progress.”


“Thank you, Brother Song!” Xu Jiaxing exclaimed enthusiastically.




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