The atmosphere became a little heavier than intended. 

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Fortunately, Mr. Lao spoke in time to ease the embarrassment. “Before class, I’d like to make an announcement. As we all know, we have always had a tradition of organizing a mobilization meeting after the start of the school year to exercise willpower and boost morale.”

He explained furthermore, “Because this is the worst batch of third-year high school Director Peng Minghong has ever led, the school decided to train the students strictly and choose the mobilization meeting to be held at Eagle Base for a five-day special military training, which will officially begin next Saturday.

There was a howl of ghosts in the classroom.

“Didn’t you say that there was a shortage of time for third-year high schools? If so, then why do we have to do all this crap?”

“All of the other schools have their military training in first-year high school, but why are we having them in the third year when we already have our hands full. This is toxic.”

“I want to take the challenge. I’m willing to take it for five days.”

“You should be all willing to take this challenge.” 

Lao Bai handed a form to the students in the first row before speaking again. “If you sharpen your knives, then you’ll all be able to chop the firewood. Look at your wilting and pale bodies. If you don’t go discipline yourselves, then I am afraid that you won’t be able to take the college entrance examination.

This is true. More than half of the class extremely lacks exercise. They’re geniuses without the physical physique.

There was another wail that came out from the students.

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“Alright, there’s no use whining. Pass on the form. Fill in your name, height, weight, gender, and check the box of taking military training uniforms and classes for you. Don’t fill them in randomly. Hand them after class.”

Eventually, the form finally reached Jian Songyi’s row.

Name: Jian Songyi.

Height: 183cm.

Weight: 64kg.

Gender: undifferentiated Alpha.

He did not hesitate to finish writing his form and hand it to Bai Huai soon after. 

Bai Huai didn’t read it nor said anything about the forms. He wrote 188, 70, and Alpha, and ticked the checkboxes below before passing it. 

Jian Songyi’s secret must not be displayed for entertainment. It must be guarded well.

After the form was passed, he took out his cellphone from under his desk. He pressed his fingers to wake his phone screen and cover it with the hem of his school uniform.

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“Bai Huai.” Mr. Lao called him all of a sudden.

Bai Huai was worried that his cellphone would be confiscated and the chat records would be seen, so he quickly deleted the message he had sent out and then looked up in Mr. Lao’s direction.

Lao Bai pushed his glasses to readjust them. “Come up and get your and Jiang Songyi’s papers.”


As soon as he walked up, Lao Bai changed his mind. “Take yours but leave Jian Songyi’s.”

Jian Songyi’s head shot up innocently. 

Lao Bai explained.”I have to see how malicious he is. He only got an average score for my Chinese test while he gets full marks in both Math and English.”

The joint exam questions are simple. Both of them receive full marks in mathematics. While Jian Songyi also get a 300 in English, he only got 288. Then there’s Chinese wherein Jian Songyi received a score of 117 while Bai Huai get 130.

No more, no less. There’s only a one-point difference in the total score. 

If only Jian Songyi is a bit polite in his narrative, he will not be called Bai Huai’s father for fun. 

Their Chinese professor and headteacher, Lao Bai, was so distressed that he took another glance at Jian Songyi’s paper in his hand. Sighing, he took off his glasses to rub the corners of his eyes. He put on his spectacles again afterward and look at the paper, then sighed for the nth time.

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Jian Songyi curved his mouth into a frown upon watching his professor display a very frustrated look while looking into his papers.

Lao Bai seems to know what he was thinking and sadly asked him from the podium. “Jian Songyi, you seem very relaxed. As for the appreciation of a poem you learned in your first year, can you not remember any of it?”

This is the appreciation of modern poetry, Pushkin’s “If Life Deceives You”, probably everyone can recite one or two sentences, and it’s quite rare that Jian Songyi can answer every point incorrectly.

Bai Huai returned to his seat and put away his Chinese papers. He then browsed through his reading comprehension papers. 

Lao Bai had sharp eyes and was going to question Jian Songyi about the language, but he suddenly imagined the embarrassment that his student would receive once he wouldn’t be able to at least recite a single sentence from the poem.

But considering Bai Huai who crushed the Chinese scores in liberal arts class and his scores from his reading comprehension papers, he had decided to turn a blind eye and continue to press the simple and relaxed idea to Jian Songyi.

“Let’s take a look at the question first. What does it mean to say ‘when life deceives you’? These four points are a complete giveaway. It’s already a bonus question. Ah, Jian Songyi, can you give us your answer to this?”

Bai Huai heard a little grievance from the tone of his class teacher.

Jiang Songyi answered the question impolitely. “I didn’t write any answer for the question, but my teacher didn’t send back my paper after marking it.”


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“Does this count as life deceiving me?”


Mr. Lao Bai’s nose twitched twice before he looked back down at the paper. He tried to hold back his feelings before speaking. “But your answer said that the passage refers to incompetent people who blame the pot of life itself for their misfortunes.”

After reading it, he looked up at Jian Songyi and waited for an explanation from him.

But he received nothing. As a result, his eyes darted over to Bai Huai who was so focused on drawing a force diagram analysis next to him. He was very devoted to it than listening to his class, so he decided to hit two birds with one stone. “Bai Huai, please evaluate Jian Songyi’s answer.”

Bai Huai stopped writing before looking up: “It’s fine.”

“What part of it is good?”

“It’s the truth.”

“I know that it is true that you think it is fine, but what I am asking is as to why it is good for you?”

“The reason why I think it’s good is because he is telling the truth.”

Some of the students feel like there’s something bound to happen after this. The class took a turn to a worst, doesn’t it?

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