Once Bai Huai was about to go out that evening, he happened to see Mrs. Tang coming out of the house. 

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As soon as Mrs. Tang saw him, She was quick to greet him. “Little Huai, are you looking for something?”

Bai Huai smiles and nods meekly. “Well, I have some questions I do not know how to answer. I’ll be asking Jiang Songyi.”

“If you’re going to work so hard, then you must go inside quickly. But you’ll have to wait for him for a while. I believe he is still in the shower. Well, I have to go now. I still have to pick up Jian Songyi’s father at the airport.”

“Be safe on the way, auntie.”

“Oh, alright. You guys should be safe too.”

After that short exchange, Mrs. Tang walked briskly. She was dressed up with a bouquet within her grasp. She was over forty years old already, but her eyes could not hide the girlish joy of finally seeing her lover again.

Obviously, though, she only came back two days earlier than Jian Songyi’s father.

Sure enough, the people who lived opposite their home are all very lovely people. 

Bai Huai smiles as he enters the house. He even did a little sway as he proceeds to the second floor. When he came face to face in front of Jian Songyi’s room, he knocked with his fingertips.

There was a faint sound of water from the other side of the door, mixing along with Jian Songyi’s distorted voice, “mom, I am taking a shower.”

“It’s me.”

Well, then come in first.”

Bai Huai can be impolite too. He really turned the knob of Jian Songyi’s room and entered like he was asked to do.

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The last time he was inside his room, Bai Huai was scared to death upon seeing him in such a sorry state as if he was dying in pain. He wasn’t able to take a closer look even.

Now that he could relax and take a look around, Bai Huai could tell that the room changed a lot. Someone did some major redecorating.

The hue of light blue has been changed to gray, black, and white. The little red flowers and awards on the wall are gone and become trophies on the bookshelf. Before, there was a four-wheel-drive track, but now it’s a huge lego. Big-ass computers have also been replaced by dual-screen high-end ones.

There seems to be nothing left of the past.

Bai Huai saw the milk candy that he gave Jian Songyi before. It was neatly placed on the nightstand.

It is true that Jian Songyi had grown up. He even grew taller than he had expected. And he definitely doesn’t like candy anymore too.

That span of three years after he left was the time when Jian Songyi’s growth became rapid. 

He blamed himself for being willing to leave him that easily. If he hadn’t missed those three years, then maybe he would’ve been better in persuading him. 

Instead of being clumsy and stubborn to go around the streets and alleys to find an old grocery store and buy a whole box of discontinued milk candy just because he remembered that he had been pestering him to eat it, he might’ve done something better for Jian Songyi.

Bai Huai would also like to bluntly ask him what he likes now.

But these thoughts have been hidden in the bottom of his heart for so many years, how is he supposed to mention them?

He was kind to him, but he was afraid that he might see it, so he couldn’t help teasing him.

He is afraid that after those secret drills out of the dust, they will not be able to blossom, and even their friends will not be able to do it.

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Bai Huai has been the best since he was a child. He never had even thought that there is anything he could not do.

Only this certain person he cherished so much dared to negate those thoughts abruptly. 

He didn’t mind, though. Because he was the only rose in full bloom in his lonely and barren days. 

Bai Huai picked up the milk candy and fiddled with it twice in his hand before trying to take it back into his pocket.

As if on cue, the bathroom door squeaked.

“Why did you steal my candy?”

Bai Huai turned around and saw Jian Songyi with only a bath towel wrapped around his waist: “….. “

Unaware of anything wrong, Jian Songyi took the sugar from Bai Huai’s hand, peeled it from the wrapper, and threw it into his mouth. “Why did you steal it back after you gave it to me?”

Bai Huai did not want to discuss this issue with him, and frowned coldly: “Jian Songyi”


Jian Songyi raised his head and the droplets of water fell down his forehead. These very same droplets traveled down his collarbone all the way to his abs, and finally into the bath towel.

Chewing candy in his mouth, his eyes looked a little confused. “Why are you looking too serious? I’m just having my candy. This is my candy, you gave it to me already. “

Bai Huai quickly returned his gaze back to his forehead. He swallowed the burning breath to his chest while subtly gritting his teeth. “Put your clothes on.”

“I’m just about to wear it. What do you mean?” Jian Songyi murmured as he walked to the bedside. He picked up his pajamas, untied the towel around him, and was about to put it on.

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In front of Bai Huai’s sight: Black underwear in between that snow-white legs and over that expensive luscious ass.

Bai Huai blocked his thoughts in one breath. He went straight outside and closed the door with a loud bang.

“Call me when you’re ready.” Bai Huai said coldly.

Jian Songyi’s expression was inexplicable. “You’re so hypocritical. It’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

Bai Huai leaned against the wall while hanging his head to the side a little. He pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. “You’re an Omega and I am an Alpha.” He said helplessly.

Then the silence breaks out inside the house.

Bai Huai imagined Master Jian Songyi’s expression after realizing it now. He could not help but laugh at his angry and amusing expression. 

When can this person think of himself as a member of the opposite sex?

But it does look good- White, firm, and wrapped.

In the end, Bai Huai could not help it and had an aftertaste of what was inside Jian Songyi’s room. 

Once Jian Songyi opened the door, he was already well-dressed in his pajamas. His face gave a look and Bai Huai knew that it was shame. 

Although this person is commonly rude, Jian Songyi is thin-skinned. To him, it is important to make sure he has the upper hand before starting an argument, but he rarely does so, so Bai Huai teases him whenever he gets the chance.

This time, though, he went straight to the task at hand. “Are you ready?” Bai Huai asked.

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“The first stage of training lasts for ten minutes at a time. If you can’t stand it for less than ten minutes… ” Bai Huai thought about it. “Then just call Brother Huai, and I’ll put it away.”

Even with that statement, Jian Songyi is confident that he would be able to hold on.

“Bai Huai, can you stop acting proud? In school usually pretend to be a cold and serious human but the truth is that you’re a-”

Before Jian Songyi could even finish his statement through, the smell of cedar suddenly broke out in the air. It then condensed into an invisible white wall, pressing Jian Songyi to ben down. He is being forced to bend his knees and bow his head for Bai Huai.

Jian Songyi clenched his teeth. He supported his knees with his hands. With every strength in his body, he straightened himself up and raised his head.

His body trembled as he forces to go head to head with the strong force confrontation.

The influence of genes, the power of Alpha, is really scary. It’s just so powerful.

Every cell in his blood is clamoring for his submission. As long as he bows his head, bends down, and pretends to be weak, he will be comforted. He can change the pain of struggle to the enjoyment of bliss. But he is trying to defy the absolute. So instead, every bone in his body seems like they’re going to be broken while his muscles are being torn limb by limb.

Nevertheless, Jian Songyi smiles.

He braced himself up and raised his chin. His pale red eyes show nothing but determination. While clenching his teeth, he pulled the corners of his lips and laughed with full arrogance.

“It’s too ruthless to carry out a sneak attack.”

Jian Songyi showcased his sharp chin and firm jaw as his head was finally raised. The line from his elongated neck is also visible, showing how beautiful it is in the light.

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