Fortunately, the public bathroom is not as disappointing as they thought it would be. It’s not that empty. In fact, one could have a nice view of the mountains. There are also wooden partitions next to each other for privacy.

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After 11 o’clock, there were no more students because there was no more hot water like Yang Yue told them.


Jian Songyi chose the cubicle in the innermost corner due to his sense of security and in case Bai Huai is really to pull a prank on him.


Bai Huai entered the cubicle next to him.


Jian Songyi was trying to relax when he noticed him. “Are you trying to spy on me? Why are you so close?”




Bai Huai slowly took out the toiletries. “Did you bring anybody wash, shampoo, and facial shampoo?”




Not really.


Normally, his auntie was responsible for helping him pack whenever he has a trip he needs to be on, but this time around, his mother was the one who packed for him.


Mrs. Tang, the noble lady.


Bai Huai continued to slowly pour the hot water into a basin, adjusting the water temperature to lukewarm. “That’s what I thought, so you could use mine. Or do you want to go across the mountains and rivers with your precious ass exposed and ask me to borrow them from the other end of the bathroom?”


Jian Songyi is about to go ablaze. 


But then, Bai Huai handed the basin over to him from above the cubicle board. “The water’s temperature should be just right. You better use this now. I’ll ready the other basin and make the water hotter so you could it later.”




Jian Songyi feels so relaxed that he doesn’t want to come out anymore.


Suddenly, Bai Huai brought the basin from above again. 


Jian Songyi pursed his lips, the tip of his ears turning a bit red. “Thank you.”

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Bai Huai nodded before unscrewing the shower faucet. He raised his head and let the water current come down to wet his light chestnut hair. The water dripped down along his face’s delicate outline, making its way past through his tear mole in the corner of his eyes all the way to his mandible. 


He raised both of his arms to massage his scalp slowly. Because of this, the muscle lines on his arms and shoulders became more visible under the cold water.


 And further down, his lower half was blocked by the wooden board and could not be seen.


Jian Songyi looked for three seconds and snapped back to his senses, he just actually felt that the wooden board was in the way because he couldn’t continue to look down?!


It’s probably because he just finished differentiation that his Omega hormones are acting up and is still a bit disordered. He could not blame himself. This is all but natural. 


Yea, all but natural. 


This is normal.


Jian Songyi turned the faucet to hide on the water current.


While washing, he suddenly remembered Bai Huai’s tear mole that looked really good on him. And after being soaked in the water, as it cascades to the outline of his face, it amplified his sexiness even more. 


Jian Songyi turned the faucet even more. 


It is over for him. Even his aesthetic has been affected by this differentiation. 


Although the bath has been uncomfortable, the two of them finished it at least.


They have to wake up at six o’clock the next morning. Then they also need to prepare and settle their things in before gathering at the training ground by 6:30. So as soon as they got back to their room, they didn’t have the time to mess with each other. They simply cleaned up a bit and then headed to bed.


The dormitory room is small. It’s about ten square meters in size. Thus, with two camp beds facing each other, the distance between it is no more than one meter.


The bed is only 1.2m wide, not to mention the fact that the quilt is not pure cotton and the mattress is not that thick and comfortable to lay upon.


For the first time in his life, Jian Songyi has never slept in such a difficult environment. Although he went to bed early, it doesn’t mean that he was able to sleep. 

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The bed made of steel frame kept cackling.


Meanwhile, Bai Huai plays on his bed flatly. Listening to the noise coming from the other side, he could not help but finally speak. “Disrelishing that the bed is hard?”


“It’s alright.” Jian Songyi muttered. 


With that, Bai Huai got up and bent down to collect his quilt into his arms. He then proceeded to go towards Jian Songyi’s bed. “Get up.”




“With one more cushion, you would be able to sleep at least.”


Jian Songyi shifted a little on his bed. “No. I’m not that high maintenance. You don’t have to do this.”


Bai Huai has been a little too kind to him recently.


“You kept turning and twisting, making the bed creak nonstop. I can’t sleep because of it either. I do not want to be late tomorrow morning.”


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Well, isn’t he being affectionate?


“It’s alright. I’m done. Won’t do it again. Go to bed.”


Bai Huai didn’t move a muscle. He kept standing across his bed with the quilt still on his arm. He doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.


Jian Songyi had no choice but to rub his nose and confess the truth, “It’s not because the bed is hard. It’s too hot, it’s a little itchy and uncomfortable.”



Bai Huai frowned, and then through the moonlight saw that indeed as expected, Jian Songyi was crouched against his quilt at the edge of his bed.


In early September, Nancheng is not cold, but it is definitely not hot. Not to mention the fact that it is a barren mountain on the outskirts of the city, where there is a great temperature difference between day and night. Besides,  how can it be hot after a shower?


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Jian Songyi also thought of this, so he placed his hand against his forehead and murmured, “You can’t catch a fever through cold water, right?”


“You should feel cold if you have a fever.”


Bai Huai put down his quilt. He bent down and propped himself at the edge of Jian Songyi’s bed. He leaned against his cushion while his other hand was pressed against his forehead.


“It’s a little hot, but it shouldn’t count as a temperature above normal. Do you have a headache? Do you feel dizzy?”


Jian Songyi shook his head.


Bai Huai pursed his lips as he thinks. “Do you feel something else besides feeling hot?”


“I feel hot and weak. I really want to use my strength, but I can’t move.” Jian Songyi replied softly. Even his voice is evidently soft. It sounds too tired like a flower slowly withering away.


Bai Huai bent himself even lower to lean against Jian Songyi and sniff his neck.


It was too close for Jian Songyi that it caught him by surprise. He instinctively wanted to push him away, but for some reason, he couldn’t.


Bai Huai did not say much. After a quick smell, he quickly raised his head. He looked at Jian Songyi closely, his eyes fixating to his as if he is observing him. “Apart from feeling too hot and lack of strength, do you feel thirsty? And perhaps have difficulty in concentrating? Do you feel like your mind is a little too out of control? A little impulsive, maybe?”


Bai Huai asked, but he already knows that this is the case. And because of this, he never felt even more powerful that he could not help but to bit his lower lip to avoid himself from smiling.


Bai Huai noticed Jian Songyi’s reaction. He tried looking him in the eyes, but Jian Songyi won’t meet his gaze. “Look at me.” He said gently.


“Hmmm?” Although Jian Songyi was a little bit uncomfortable, he obliged by looking at Bai Huai.


The room was dim while the moonlight outside the window was bright that it seeps through the window enough to vaguely illuminate Bai Huai’s face. It outlines a layer of light silver on his face that the already cold and delicate face of his became more abstinent and sexier in his eyes. 


As a matter of fact, Bai Huai seems to be quite the looker now in Jian Songyi’s eyes.


“Do you think I look good and attractive now?”




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‘I can’t believe this man can read minds!’ Jian Songyi mentally exclaimed as his eyes widened a little.


Bai Huai nodded: “It seems that that’s actually the case.”




Without waiting for Jian Songyi to scold him and let out his narcissistic remark, Bai Huai stretched out his wrist and sent it towards Jian Songyi’s nose: “Smell it.”


‘Who would fucking want to smell it?’ Is what he actually wanted to say, but Jian Songyi sniffed it and all he felt was relief afterward.


It smells good.


Lengxiang, which was simply a flower in the past, is particularly attractive today. Jian Songyi smelled something so good he could not control himself. He felt that his body temperature could only go higher, but he was reluctant to stop that even when Bai Huai withdrew his wrist, all he wanted was to wrap it up with his hands and pull it towards him.


Looking at him like this, Bai Huai understood everything and knew it in his heart. 


He hold on to the edge of the bed and kept his head down to enjoy the innocent and confused Jian Songyi.


It is said to be a sin- to provoke someone without even knowing it. 


He parted his lips slowly, his voice low and gentle with bewitching magnetism: “My beautiful omega, don’t you know that you have come to combine heat?”








“Bai Huai, how dare you lift my quilt! What are you doing, you monster?!”




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