Chapter 23

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There’s a lot of provocation going on. 


Huang Ming grew up crawling and rolling in the mountain raves, His family was so poor that he could not afford to go to school. They did not even have enough to eat. At the age of 13, he had already started working. He had endured a lot of beating and hardships, and then he ended up getting into the army by chance. And because of this, he went to the worst places for several years. After his prime, he was discharged from the army with injuries and then became an instructor in a military institution.


He thinks he is a strong person who is capable of dealing with hardships, but he doesn’t think highly of young men who were born with golden spoons in their mouths. Particularly this Jian Songyi who looks like a dandy young man.


Originally if the person doesn’t want to follow the rules, he doesn’t really have much of a choice. After all, discipline should be strongly imposed. But now, he could see Jian Songyi fooling around with the gun. Well, there’s nothing  Huang Ming could do. He must not blame him if this upcoming embarrassment would kill his spirit.


“Get back in line!”


“At ease, attention!”


“Look to your left, and to the right. Align to your front and back!”


“Check your guns and arrange your equipment!”


“Take your position in range!”


Sixty-two people in the Alpha class received their guns one by one and went to the front part of the training ground to gather and take their positions, while the remaining three hundred people stood in place in a military posture.


The students are looking forward to watching the show.

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The instructors are waiting for Bai Huai and Jian Songyi to make a fool out of themselves while the students are waiting for their Brother Song’s triumph. 


These students were bullied all day by these group instructors. They were reprimanded and punished for nothing. They would like nothing more than to show their Brother Song who is boss.


Although it is known that Jian Songyi did not participate in the shooting lecture yesterday, all of the students still believe that he can pull this off, knowing that he is capable of everything. It was because of their experience in Nanwai all these years that made them feel that Brother Song can do anything in the world.


After all, Jian Songyi is the best in the whole wide world.


Huang Ming had also taken notice Bai Huai’s and Jian Songyi’s popularity among the other students. They were eagerly looking forward to him as if they were their savior. He thinks that it’s alright. After they fail, it will be a more powerful example.


Thus, he acted angrily and shouted in a voice that could be heard by the whole training ground. “You two, get out! State your name!”


“Jian Songyi”


“Bai Huai”


“Are you two sure to apply for target training with a type 56 semi-automatic rifle?’




“Good! Ten rounds per person. I have already stated the rules, but you are extra applications. Besides, you have also delayed everyone’s running time, so it is just right that your mistakes will affect everyone in the Alpha class. For every extra kilometer, you will have to run, the whole class will follow and run with you. Yes, and on top of the original five kilometers!”

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Now the people who were just watching is now confused. How could they decide upon this as if it’s just child’s play?


Huang Fuyi was the first one to complain: “Why? Why should we be punished for the trouble they caused? Oh my god.” 


“Huang Fuyi, come out of the line!” Huang Mine yelled.


Huang Fuyi was reluctant but did so anyway.


“In the team, if you don’t report, speak without authorization, and swear, you will be fined 50 push-ups!”


“Instructor, I-”


“A hundred!”


Huang Fuyi held his breath and didn’t dare say another word. He felt unlucky and did the push-ups next to him.


Jian Songyi was still feeling kind of lazy. It seems like Huang Ming didn’t take what he had said to heart at all. While wiping the gun in his hand, he casually asked. “Report to the instructor, can you apply the number of class to the times I need to be punished if Bai Huai missed our targets?”


As if worried that Huang Ming won’t understand, he continued to explain slowly. “That is to say, for every 62 students in the whole Alpha class, every time that I will miss the target, I will run an extra 62 kilometers. But if both of us hits the hearts, then today’s morning run for Class Alpha will be changed to free activities. Do you think that this is alright?”


The whole audience was so shocked that no one knows what to say.

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This fucking little shit is really testing the waters. Just missing a target will result in a 62 additional kilometers run. That is a fatal bargain. 


Huang Ming thinks this kid is crazy. He is crazy on a whole other level.


Unexpectedly though, he smiles and agrees. “Okay. I approve of your application.”


Jian Songyi got a satisfactory answer. He then tilted his head and looked at Bai Huai with his raised brow. “Well, Bai Huai, do you dare play with me?”


Bai Huai with a pocket in one hand and a gun in the other. He looked at Jian Songyi with ease. And narrowed his eyes at him before cracking a small smile.”Don’t worry. I’m here. I’ll make sure you won’t be punished.”


With that, as the warm orange morning sun has sprinkled with glimmer through the eastern sky, they both fire in position.


They lie down, reload and build the support, and then hold the gun in their right hand. With their left hand, they hold the magazine steadily. Then they touch their elbows on the ground and lean their heads forward. By sticking their chin naturally, they aim, press the trigger, hold their breath, and shoot.


Ten rings.


Ten rings.


Ten rings.



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From the beginning to the end, Bai Huai and Jian Songyi’s movements had been nothing but rhythmic. They reload and shoot at the same time as if the bullets are timed and they have practiced this beforehand.


Even if the target distance is less than 100 meters, which is much easier than the regular 400-meter shooting training, this standard lying position sniper action and target is enough for all the students from Nanwai to be amazed.


“Shit. Brother Song and brother Huai really picked it up.”


“It’s amazing. It’s really amazing.”


“Is there anything else you can’t see them do? They’re both handsome and godly.”


“Shit. These two are twins. How can they be so in sync? I thought my brain automatically copied and pasted.”


Compared with the shock and surprise of other students, Lu Qi Feng was much calmer. He had expected this turn of events already and whispered: “ They’re bought taught how to shoot a gun by the same hand. I bet they’ve even started together at a very young age. How can they not be different if that’s the case? How can they not be good at it?”


After he had said this, it was not surprising for others to think of Jian Songyi’s and Bai Huai’s family backgrounds. The origin of family learning is still different from the children of ordinary rich families.


Jian Songyi and Bai Huai put away their guns and stood up without smug expressions on their faces. Jian Songyi even let out a yawn as if he had just been using a squirt gun all this time. 




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