“At that time, Bai Huai was only 14 years old and watched helplessly as his classmate fell right in front of him.”

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“And I heard from my friend in Beicheng that after Wang Shan was rescued, Bai Huai and his other classmates went to visit him in the hospital. And to his surprise, everything he had done for Wang Shan, Wang Shan told Bai Huai that he hated him.”


“Why? What’s wrong with him? Isn’t Bai Huai the only person that was there for him?”


“Yes, Bai Huai is very kind to him, but Wang Shan thinks that if Bai Huai didn’t ask for a leave to go out that day, then nothing would’ve happened to him. Wang Shan is such an ungrateful person. Well, it was a little extreme and he is indeed a little bit abnormal in the head.” Lu Qi Feng said as he tapped his fingers against his head. 


“However, according to the saying, there must be something else in the middle, and I don’t know exactly what it is. Anyway, the matter was soon suppressed, and Bai Huai also transferred to another school. It’s normal for people in Beicheng not to talk about it.”


Lu Qi Feng turned the can in his hand as he continued speaking: “To tell you the truth if I were a young man like Bai Huai, I don’t think I would be able to graduate. I am a good student to everyone even to the most bullied man in school. The man jumped off a building in front of me and then was maimed. After that, he hated and blamed me. I will definitely be depressed on the spot. So when Bai Huai came back, I was very surprised. I was even more surprised that he could still act normally after everything that happened.”


Before he could add some more, Zhuo Luo poked Lu Qi Feng as hard as he could on his waist. Lu Qi Feng was surprised at first but then realized that Yu Ziguo was still there with them. He was extremely sorry for a moment, but he doesn’t know how to explain the situation to him. 


Yu Ziguo waved his hand as if motioning that he doesn’t mind. “Not all elite students are the same. Besides, I belong to the kind of attractive people, don’t you think so, monitor?”


Yang Yue blew raspberries which made Yu Ziguo giggled a little.


In order to ease the atmosphere, Zhuo Luo spoke in a gentle manner: “I’ll let you all in for a secret. At that time, after Master Bai left, Brother Song might’ve been quite emotional.”


“Do you know Master Bai at that time? If you should know, he and brother Song are more like mortal enemies than friends.”


“Although I do not know Master Bai at that time, Brother Song and I are in the same class. It was that time when we have to write weekly notes. I remember it so clearly because it was the only time that Brother Song remembered to write his piece ahead of time. Guess what is the title of it?” Zhuo Luo murmured. 


The other four shook their heads decisively, saying that they do not want to know nor hear about it. 

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“Why are you all so uncurious? Brother Song titled that weekly note with ‘Remembering my friend, Bai Huai.’ You fuckers, are you not aware? Do you not know how godly Brother Song when he wrote that piece? I almost wanted to buy a wreath for this martyr named Bai Huai after I read the full text.”




“Why are you all looking at me like that? Don’t tell me you don’t believe me. Back then, I really thought that Brother Song had a friend Bai Huai who died heroically. I felt sorry for him for a long time. But then, this Bai Huai man suddenly transferred to our school. How shocked must I be? Hey! Why are you all still looking at me like that?!” 


Zhuo Luo kept protesting, but when the others didn’t even move an inch, he had a pretty bad feeling about it. He gulped before looking behind his shoulder.


He froze to the ground.


Lu Qi Feng moved his chair forward to block Zhuo Luo who was shivering in fear. He gave him a you-are-dead-look in his eyes.


Bai Huai then turned to face Jian Songyi curiously, his eyes beaming with interest. “Now what’s this in memory of your friend, Bai Huai?”


Jian Songyi didn’t look at him but answered calmly: “An Artistic creation.”


“Would I get the chance to read it?”


“No. but maybe after a hundred years, I could make another narrative for you.”


“Oh? Thanks for your utmost kindness then.”




Between them and everyone, it seems like that revolutionary friendship has completely been forgotten in just a blink of an eye.

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It was confirmed that the unity and friendship between the two men during military training was an illusion, and that life and death were their true colors.


After a few words of resentment against Bai Huai, Jian Songyi looked down to check the time. It’s already 6:30. He usually leaves school at this time around. So he picked up his bag and put it over his shoulder. “You guys should eat slowly. I am sleepy already, so I’ll go home first.”


As if on cue, Bai Huai also carried his bag. “I’m going with him.”


The two men swayed slowly in the direction of the sunset, not far from each other. No one spoke, and their pace was relaxed. They were not as resentful as they imagined, and they looked quite harmonious too, to their surprise.


Yang Yue scratched his head: “It sounds a bit tragic to me as an outsider. Why do the two of them still look like it’s nothing? How can they still go home and sleep together? “


Lu Qi Feng yawned: “Or what? This happened years ago, and everyone knows that Bai Huai is not responsible. The only mistake that he made is that he is too kind to others and makes others push their luck. Who else do you think he is compatible with besides Jian Songyi? He is only being good with us because Jian Songyi is friendly with us. So as long as Jian Songyi is friendly with us, Bai Huai will have nothing against us. “


The others are confused as they are so dense about the situation they are in. But Lu Qi Feng was too lazy to explain so he went ahead to take his phone lazily instead.


With the sound of his ringtone, Jian Songyi’s WeChat rang.


Lu Qi Feng: [I want to ask, during the military training… What’s going in between you and Bai Huai?]


Jian Songyi doesn’t know what Lu Qifeng is talking about: [What’s going on?]


Lu Qi Feng: [Don’t you like him? Aren’t you going to drive him out of Nanwai? How come the relationship has been so good lately? Has a friend become a lover?]


Jian Songyi quickly replied: [My lover? Why are you talking like Yu Ziguo now? I fancy soft and cute Omega. Not a tall, hard, and venomous Alpha. Bai Huai and I are brothers at best.]


After sending it, he felt that it was not appropriate enough so Jian Songyi sent another message: [Of course we get into arguments, but I still have to be loyal to a brother.]

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Lu Qi Feng smiles.


He screenshotted it and saved it to the ‘in your face’ category.


Sent to Bai Huai: [Congratulations, Bai Huai! I am happy to bring a brother up.]


Lu Qi Feng then turned to Yu Ziguo. “Hey, you. Do not write about Leonardo and Song Xiaobao anymore. You should just right a story about a clever dog and a foolishly dense man. It will fucking blow up, I promise.”


Meanwhile, Bai Huai who was standing by the roadside with Jian Songyi while waiting for a taxi received the screenshot. He tapped his fingertip twice to enlarge on the word ‘brother’.


He then turned his head to lean a little closer to Jian Songyi. He squinted his eyes at him with a slight smirk. “I suddenly remember Brother Song who is a man of his word.”


Bai Huai is smiling but his tones sounded ice-cold. He looks like a frivolous male wolf with his tear mole as he showcases a hint of mischievousness towards him. But Jian Songyi being dense as he is, didn’t even notice the underlying motive behind that smile of him.


Jian Songyi laughs a little before tugging his bag slightly. “Of course. I always mean what I say.”


“Then what happened to what you said earlier? You said you’re going to flatter me, but haven’t you done that yet?”




“I haven’t received my hug yet either.”


“Two big men hugging? Hug my ass!”


“But I am very unhappy now. So so sad. What am I supposed to do?”

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Originally, Bai Huai just wanted to tease Jian Songyi for him to relax. He does not expect that he will really do it for him. The fact that he is making is already enough for him too. Accidentally, though, he had let himself be caught in the act- that he is looking at him way too long that is.


Jian Songyi did not know the reason why he is so upset as he is telling him. Nevertheless, Jian Songyi notices that behind that sarcastic smile of his, he could tell that Bai Huai is really unhappy.


It was what he said, and he could not turn his back on it. That is why if Bai Huai said he is unhappy then all he could do is coax and flatter him enough to make him feel better. He won’t break that promise to him.


So Jian Songyi clenched his hands against his bag strap while gritting his teeth. It took him a couple of seconds before he straighten his back and look up at him directly: “Although I could not understand why a big man like you is asking to be hugged, I’ve still decided to give you humanistic care. Just give me a fucking hug right now. Give me a hug. Make sure to let go as soon as you feel better, okay? Plus, this is the first and the last time. I won’t do any more of your hypocritical and sticky requests in the future. Don’t blame me if I pretend to not recognize you afterward.”


And with that, two slender arms abruptly wrapped around Bai Huai. Just like that.





Author’s Note:


Jian Songyi: No, you listen to me. We are just brothers for real. Just brothers! Plus, I am fierce. Really really fierce. 


All: Aww. Okay. Whatever you say.


The cute cub has only two instances in his life wherein he doesn’t mean what he said:


I can never make out with Bai Huai in my life! I will never hug you again, Bai Huai!


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