Jian Songyi habitually sat in the back seat, while Bai Huai didn’t know why he sat in the front seat of the car.

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Jian Songyi looked at the back of Bai Huai’s head and finally felt better. He slumped lazily on the leather seat before he took out his cell phone and clicked on WeChat group chat wherein Zhuo Lao and Li Qi Feng are.

Lu Qi Feng: [Is Bai Huai really back? ]

Jian Songyi: [Mm]

Zhou Luo: [Brother Song, look at the posts in the top stories!]

Jian Songyi: [Do I have the time for that? ]

Lu Qi Feng: [No.1 Middle Schooler in Post Bar Exam is about to explode because Bai Huai is back.]

Zhou Luo: [Really, Brother Song. Our school hasn’t responded yet, but No.1 Middle School really blew up. The new guy seems to have a lot of cultural and historical background.]

Jian Songyi: [Are you two like those liberal art students to phrase him like that?]

Although Jian Songyi said he didn’t want to, he still cut out the WeChat interface and clicked on the webpage of No.1 Middle Schooler in Post Bar Exam.

It did blow up.

There are twenty posts on one page and ten of those with Bai Huai’s name on it.

The title of the hottest post is “That man, he’s back”.

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Once he had clicked the post, he was welcomed by Bai Huai’s picture at the south gate yesterday. Bai Huai was under the rain with his umbrella while his crisp white shirt was showcasing his Alpha superior shoulder. 

He is taller and more mature than he was when he was fourteen years old. He seems to be much stronger too. The only thing that remained the same was the small mole under the corner of his eye. 

Jian Songyi’s eyes then travel down the caption that went on like this, ‘After leaving Nancheng for three years, Bai Huai came back and became even more perfect.’

Then there goes the comments:

[The male god is back!]

[The best A in Nancheng is finally back! My unrequited love has no Bad End.]

[What’s wrong with this man?! How did he get more handsome?! My eyes are pregnant today.]

[As for you? Even if Bai Huai comes back, what can you do?]

[There is one less independent enrollment quota for Beicheng and Huaqing this year. I’m going to do some exercises. Good-bye, everyone].

[I will go too!]

[Ah, why did the male god go to Nanwai? Is it too late for me to enroll there now?]

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[Why didn’t Bai Huai return to the No. 1 middle school here?]

A few hundred stories of high-rise buildings came to an abrupt end because of the last question.

It’s like some kind of tacit taboo.

Jian Songyi quickly closed the post and then let out a soft sigh. This group of people hasn’t forgotten about what transpired in the past.

And as for it, Bai Huai was only 14 years old when he left. Where and when did he get so handsome? Now everyone is talking about him and blinded by his charisma. They’re saying that he is the Alpha of Nancheng. 

Wait, he is an Alpha?

Jian Songyi thought about this for a second. He could not help opening the post again and looking at the picture clipped to it as well. He stared and analyzed the photograph for three seconds.

Well, it’s probably true that without him, the middle school that he was in will be left with people like Zhuo Luo- non-aesthetic people. 

Anyways, looking at the photo, he suddenly realized something that made Jian Songyi sit up straight.

Didn’t this guy forget his umbrella?

In fact, he made fun of Jian Songyi’s height even after letting him walk under his umbrella. The nerve of him. 

Jian Songyi pursed his lips into a straight line, feeling the same dissatisfaction he felt that very moment when they were under the rain.

Meanwhile, Bai Huai was looking at the rearview mirror to watch the dark clouds pressed upon the city. The sky is dim because of that while raindrops continuously fall onto the street buildings. The way the city gives of a grayish sad atmosphere- that’s all that he can remember. 

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Jian Songyi’s and Bai Huai’s family are friends. They are expected to be like brothers since their grandfathers were born. In fact, Jian Songyi’s and Bai Huai’s grandfathers were assigned together to Nancheng and their whole family moved from the North and became neighbors.

Unfortunately, Jian Songyi’s grandfather died and the family was taken aback because of that. Because of that, Jian Songyi’s father had chosen to venture into business. While his father returned to Beicheng, he rose to prominence with the assistance of Bai Huai’s father.

Originally, the two families are about to drift apart after that, but Bai Huai’s sister-in-law followed Jian Songyi’s father into the sea. The two of them jointly monopolized the real estate and retail in Nancheng. With that, Bai Huai’s father refused the promotion and transfer in Beiching as he felt nostalgic for what had happened. Thus, they have decided to simply buy a house and live both of their families together.

The residence area is in the center of the city. The European-style building was shaded by buttonwood trees. It is separated by a boulevard and two lawns, opposite each other, with windows and doors seen across one another. 

Jian Songyi and Bai Huai grew up in such an environment wearing open-crotch pants.

However, the Jian Songyi’s family loved their son so much that they picked up the best private schools from primary school to middle school for fear that the young master would be a little aggrieved. Meanwhile, Bai Huai’s father took care of his son and sent him to the public under the nine-year compulsory system, and later transferred him to Beicheng in the third year of junior high school. With that being stated, there were not many confrontations between the two in the real sense.

Jian Songyi thought that if Bai Huai were a girl, maybe they could achieve a beautiful legend wherein he has a childhood friend that will then turn into his beautiful lover. 

It’s a pity that Bai Huai is a man.


Jian Songyi looked out at the car window to witness the leaves getting knocked out of the tree due to the heavy rainfall. As soon as the car stopped, he let out yet another sigh and got out of the car.

After Bai Huai transferred to another school, the father and son never went back to Nancheng. In fact, it was only during the Spring Festival that Bai Huai’s father would go to Beicheng to visit and check upon them. So technically speaking, Jian Songyi spent more time with Bai Huai’s father than Bai Huai himself.

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Nevertheless, when Jian Songyi entered the Bai household and ate dinner with them, it felt like Bai Huai is more of an outsider than he is. In fact, he had been telling his grandfather what to avoid due to his high blood pressure. 

But still, his grandson is still his grandson. He would still worry about him all the same. That’s why grandfather Bai shook Jian Songyi’s hand and stated, “Little Song, I know you have good grades. Now that Bai Huai transferred into your class, please help him whenever you are free. Otherwise, I am afraid this kid won’t be able to keep up.” 

Jian Songyi glanced at Bai Huai, who was sitting on the opposite couch. He then quickly remembered the way Bai Huai insulted his height earlier. He had to get back on him for that.

He forced a small smile towards grandfather Bai. “okay, grandpa. You can count on me. Although, you know how impatient I could get so don’t expect me to be able to teach Bai Huai all the time. Else, we might get into an argument, especially if he is incredibly slow to grasp the lesson.” 

With the corner of his eye, he watched Bai Huai’s every move. 

On the outside, Jian Songyi pretended that he is okay with teaching Bai Huai. He replied so ever so gently to grandfather Bai with a warmhearted smile. But on the inside, he strongly disagrees with the idea. He despised the idea so much that he felt like screaming internally until his lungs give out.

Jian Songyi doesn’t really like the idea of tutoring Bai Huai. Bai Huai is too serious and short-tempered. Would he even let him tutor him?

It is impossible. It will be chaos waiting to happen.

He is expecting that Bai Huai would say no anyways.

But surprise, surprise. Bai Huai only lifted his chin and looked at Jian Songyi and his grandfather with a question. “Your house or my house?”


What’s he talking about now?

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