Jian Songyi found out that he thought that Bai Huai is becoming more and more attractive in his eyes recently. He knew Bai Huai is good-looking, but it was only a concept back then. Unlike now when he suddenly just realized that Bai Huai is so handsome that he just makes people’s hearts beat faster than normal.

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Jian Songyi had never thought anyone to be so good-looking before. 


Therefore, to be fair, Jian Songyi must know whether Bai Huai thinks he is good-looking or not. if Bai Huai thinks he is not good-looking, he should not think that Bai Huai is good-looking as well.


As soon as this question was asked, the other people in the private room were stiff and didn’t recover for a long time. We didn’t play this game to ask this kind of primary school chicken question. Hello!


Bai Huai tried to stifle his laugh, but his drunk self failed him. ‘You’ve seen it. No one else is better looking than you.”

“Don’t laugh! What could possibly be funny? I am being serious here. You should too!”


Jian Songyi also realized that the question he asked was really stupid, but he was forced to keep a straight face. There’s no turning back now, so he wanted to use the momentum to make the question look and sound a little less childish.


But it so happened that whenever Jian Songyi feels ashamed, his ears redden. And this didn’t leave unnoticed from Bai Huai’s point of view. He could clearly see how his white and round little ears have become red.


Bai Huai wondered in his heart how Jian Songyi could manage to be this cute?


Even his question is adorable.


“I am not laughing. I am serious too. You’re the prettiest.”


Although Bai Huai restrained to form a smile on his face, his smile appeared as his eyes crinkled in delight. It was so obvious that Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was being dishonest and he is just coaxing him like he would a child. 


Looking at the expression of “I know you are narcissistic but never thought you would be so narcissistic” on the faces of a few people next to him, Jian Songyi felt ashamed and embarrassed.


‘I obviously didn’t drink, so how could I have a short circuit in my head?’ He thought.


Bai Huai wasn’t like this before he came back. As soon as he came back, he starts acting silly.


Jian Songyi hates this man.


His ears were burning. He could feel it to himself that he stood up with a straight face. “I’m going to the bathroom.”


Xu Jiaxing was shocked: “Brother Song, you just got back from the bathroom. You are not young– “


Bai Huai cuts off Xu Jiaxing.

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Bai Huai stood up and naturally put his arm on top of Jian Songyi’s relaxed shoulder and leaned against it. “Jian Songyi is willing to help me. Do you have a problem with that?” He asked.


Hu Jiaxing immediately looked back down. “I don’t have a problem with that.”


Without saying anything, Jian Songyi motioned that Bai Huai put his arm around his shoulder and go to the bathroom together. 


When turning the corner, he bumped into Lu Qi Feng who was just about to return from the comfort room.


Lu Qi Feng witnessed their posture, and he could not help but smile. He left after patting Bai Huai’s shoulder as he could not wipe the playful expression he had upon seeing them.


Jian Songyi cocked an eyebrow. “Why is he looking at us like that? What does that mean?”


Bai Huai leaned on Jian Songyi again, looking a little uncomfortable: “I don’t know, there may be something wrong with him. I couldn’t see clearly, I seem to be a little drunk. “


“Why were you so stubborn? Will I die if you give me a little to drink back there? Do you think that I am not a better drinker than you? You’re not allowing me to drink, and I don’t know why.” Jian Songyi questioned angrily.


He was about to continue complaining to Bai Huai, but Bai Huai’s body collapsed a little, and he hurriedly went to help him. As a result, Bai Huai’s hand is on his shoulder as he did not know how to push him away while Jian Songyi found himself leaning against the corridor wall.


Bai Huai placed one hand around his neck while the other feebly around his waist. He then buried his face against his neck for ‘safety’.


“I seem to be a little drunk. Would you please let me lean against you like this for a minute?” Bai Huai’s tone was soft as if he was muttering a little prayer towards him.


Where has Jian Songyi ever heard Bai Huai talk like that? How dare he disobey him after he heard him talk like that?


But he didn’t know how to make Bai Huai more comfortable. Jian Songyi could only lean his body against the wall. He didn’t even know where to put his hands while the skin on his neck is being stirred by his warm breathing.


What is this KTV thinking? Why did it turn on the heater this September? It’s fucking hot.


Hot and dry.


They both maintained this position. No one dared to move even an inch. They stayed like that while the time is ticking ever so slowly.


Just when Jian Songyi thought Bai Huai was asleep, Bai Huai suddenly said, “Jian Songyi, I have someone I like.”


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“Hmm? Oh, congratulations. I hope you get your beauty soon. “


Jian Songyi tries his best to say this sentence in a tone that best suits the identity of a good brother and not an emotionless blessing machine.


Bai Huai thought that Jian Songyi was very kind to congratulate him.


While Bai Huai’s forehead was against Jian Songyi’s relaxed shoulder, his face was buried out of his sight. With that, he didn’t stop himself from smiling so helplessly.


“Jian Songyi, you really are a fool.”




Jian Songyi immediately reached out and pulled Bai Huai off of his body. “I’m not going to be your brother anymore. It’s over between us.”


Bai Huai straightened up with an expressionless face: “That’s good. I don’t want to be your brother for a long time now.”


With that, he turned to the corner and walked towards the bathroom while shaking his head slightly.


Jian Songyi was used to oppose Bai Huai in ordinary times. He didn’t think about why Bai Huai suddenly scolded him and didn’t take Bai Huai’s words seriously.


He was afraid that Bai Huai would eventually fall, so he took two long steps to catch up to him. He put his arms around him to assist him and then spoke: “Will you be okay? Can you handle your drunk self? If you can’t then I can help you.”


Bai Huai stood at the bathroom door. He tilted his head while narrowing his eyes towards Jian Songyi. “If I can’t handle myself, then what would you do to help?”


“I can support and assist you do your business.”


“Well then, help me.”


Bai Huai looks indifferent still.


Jian Songyi: “…..”


Damn it.


Is it that great to be drunk? Can he be that shameless and use being drunk as an excuse? Jian Songyi hates the fact that he couldn’t beat him even if Bai Huai is drunk.

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Jian Songyi can only hide his red face: “Forget about it. I am an Omega. It is not convenient for me to enter the Alpha-toilet. You should be self-reliant.”


Bai Huai could not help laughing. With regard to someone’s cheek, he dared to talk about it. He had the courage to flirt and did not have the courage to bear the consequences. He would always pay the price in the future.


While thinking, Bai Huai turned on the faucet and put his hand under the cold water, trying to wake up. In fact, he was not drunk, but there was some confusion. He wanted to take a breath and straighten it out.


Now he’s not sure if it’s too abrupt for him to say he likes someone.


Bai Huai felt that even though Jian Songyi thinks of himself as a straight Alpha, there seemed to be some different signs and feelings between the two of them, and maybe it was time for Jian Songyi to face the fact that there might be another possible relationship between them.


And this guy said “congratulations” to him?


Bai Huai is a top alpha and has been deliberately trying to seduce an Omega for a long time now, but as a result, this Omega still doesn’t have an inch of an idea of what’s going on?


So whose problem is this?


Bai Huai smiled mockingly, thinking that he might as well directly seduce him, and walked out while pulling at the collar of his shirt.


As soon as Bai Huai went out, he saw Jian Songyi leaning against the wall of the corridor while playing with something in his hand.


Upon Seeing Bai Huai come out, Jian Songyi dragged his left wrist and tied something around it: “You should put this on before we go back. Otherwise, you will de so drunk and end up having a hangover because you are so unlucky and face-saving. I can’t have that. I have plans for tomorrow.”


Jian Songyi said that he has plans for tomorrow.


Bai Huai smiles as he looks down at his wrist.


It’s an exquisite woven black rope strung with several obsidians. There’s a round crystal grape stone in the middle which is engraved with a row of words.

When he looked carefully, Bai Huai realized that it was not a row of characters, but only half a row. It just so happened that it was vertically divided into two rows from the middle. 


On Jian Songyi’s right wrist, there is a string exactly the same. 


Bai Huai immediately looked up at Jian Songyi, waiting for an explanation.


Jian Songyi seemed to be a little embarrassed. He did not look at Bai Huai for a while. He even bowed his head and fiddled with the beads on his wrist.

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“I bought this grape stone at Dajue Temple yesterday. The old monk said that the grape stone is a stone for luck. If there are two stones exactly the same and carved with two people’s names on each half of them, then I can eventually share my good luck with you.”


“Don’t laugh! Don’t you dare laugh! I know it’s feudal and superstitious. But it’s just… I think you are really a little unlucky, and then I am just a bit too lucky. It’s so good that I feel too lucky that I am living without challenges, so I will give you a little bit and then both of us will have it just right. “


“Don’t dislike it too! I mean, I had to beg my mother to teach me how to knit for a long time. It’s more difficult than you think. It took me hours to complete it. It’s my mother’s intention, but… But if you think it looks okay, then at least wear it.”


“Besides, what if this thing can really share my good luck with you? You have nothing to lose in wearing this. Just please try it out first…”


“Bai Huai, I do not mean anything else. It’s just that I hope that after you are 18 years old, you will be luckier and happier. You are such a nice person. There’s no reason for you to suffer all the time. Just don’t laugh at my superstition and trust me for once, okay?”


Bai Huai has probably never seen anyone who can say such gentle words in a ferocious tone that he wants to hold him, rub him into his arms, and not let him go.


Bai Huai is right. Jian Songyi is really a fool. If he is not a fool then who else would want to share their good luck with others?


Bai Huai’s fingertips gently caressed the grape stone. “I am not laughing over your superstition belief.”


After all, the person who wrote “I wish to be with you” on the red cloth is not much better.


When Bai Huai was a teenager, he began to understand everything but ended up realizing that he didn’t fully understand anything.


It seems like everything in the world is too difficult for them, but in reality, they can make the world bow down to them if they want to.


But it seems that they are so young that everything seems powerless and overwhelming, so they can only carefully and clumsily try all the methods, even if they know that the method may be ridiculous.


But so what? Even if they’re young, if they try their best, they might get what they want one day.


With that, Bai Huai raised his left hand and looked at the half characters engraved on the grape stone. He smiles firmly before saying: “I also think that I will be very lucky when I step into my eighteenth year.”


‘For example, if I ever happen to catch you, then I will be very lucky.’




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