Chapter 35 – I Miss You

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Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was the best drinker he had ever met.


Although drunk people eventually bite and act coquettish, they can miraculously remember other people’s door passwords and also navigate the second floor smoothly. In fact, Bai Huai even entered Jian Songyi’s room without a problem, opened the cabinet, and had chosen the most expensive pajamas he has for him to wear.


It was not until Bai Huai began to unbutton his shirt one by one in front of him that he remembered that Bai Huai was really drunk and began to play hooligans.


Seeing that Bai Huai had put his hand on the belt buckle, Jian Songyi hurriedly stepped forward and pressed it.


Bai Huai tilted his head and looked at him. “What are you doing?” He asked confidently.


“I also want to ask you why are you taking off your pants?”


“How can you take a bath without taking it off? Do you want me to sleep in your bed with the smell of alcohol? “


“Then you can’t take it off in front of me.”


“What are you afraid of? It’s not like you haven’t seen it before?”


Jian Songyi thought this sentence sounded so familiar that he was speechless for a moment.


Not long ago, in this room, it was this man who could not bear to see himself not wearing trousers, and that was how he refuted him.


Now that the roles are switched, he suddenly understands why Bai Huai slammed the door at that time.


Without thinking further, Jian Songyi opened the bathroom door and pushed Bai Huai inside. He then made sure to slam the door shut before getting his own pair of pajamas and walking down the first-floor bathroom.

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Bai Huai just simply pulled off his belt. It was not like he is deliberately trying to seduce him. He is drunk, he did not know. Jian Songyi is being too uptight.


By the time he got back to the room after taking a bath, the clothes that he had changed from had been carefully folded and placed on the clothes rack. And then there’s a glass of warm water at the head of the bed. Next to it is Bai Huai who is already sleeping.

He is lying flat while covered with the blanket up to his chest. Bai Huai is breathing lightly and evenly with the black satin pajamas that he is wearing slightly open. Looking at it closer, it could be easily noticed that his face and collarbone are frail and pale with his thin lips and perfectly-sculptured jawline.


Even with his collar open, Jian Songyi had unconsciously restrained himself. 


He is obviously a reserved and indifferent person. If that’s the case then why does Bai Huai always act frivolously around him recently?


Jian Songyi felt that there must be something wrong with him.


Although Bai Huai is a real gentleman, whether when it comes to the terms of his differentiation, his first heat, or even when he doesn’t have any inhibitors left, he has not taken advantage of him and had always done his duty as a friend.


So Jian Songyi must be the one with the problems.


Probably due to the influence of the Omega hormones after differentiation, he feels different looking at an Alpha now. But Jian Songyi thought it was not a problem, since he has already established that he could not like an Alpha. 


It’s not because he likes sweets and soft models. It’s just that he doesn’t like anyone yet. Jian Songyi doesn’t even know what type does he like. But one thing is for sure, he doesn’t accept being marked.


To be marked is to be possessed, and he will never accept being possessed by anyone in this life of his.


Since neither he nor Bai Huai has that line of thought, there is no need to care too much about the difference between the so-called AO. After all, for so many years, Bai Huai is the only person around him, and the only one who Jian Songyi can trust and lose his temper unconditionally. It’s only Bai Huai. 


Thinking of this, Jian Songyi loosely wiped his still slightly wet hair twice before he lifted the quilt. He crawled under the blanket first before turning off the lights. Then, he was ready to go to sleep. 


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The day has not yet completely cooled down. And with only one blanket available on his bed, he accidentally touched Bai Huai’s arm when Jian Songyi was trying to lay down.


It seemed to wake Bai Huai a bit that he murmured something softly. The pronunciation was a bit vague to understand that Jian Songyi didn’t quite hear it clearly. He thought that it might be a person’s name which made him a little bit interested, so he turned his body towards Bai Huai and asked in a low voice: “What did you say?”


Jian Songyi wanted to take advantage of Bai Huai‘s lack of unconsciousness, so he could take and keep this a secret if he is going to be honest. But since Bai Huai isn’t really fully awake, his lips move slower than normal. Bai Huai spoke so slow that Jian Songyi had gotten impatient and decided to return to his supposed slumber when more vague words were let out in between the blanket.


“I miss you.”


“I’ll come back.”


“Don’t be mad at me.”




The voice that came from Bai Huai was gentle, but it felt a little sad. 


Bai Huai misses a person. He misses coaxing him into his dream and wants nothing else but to go back to find him.


It’s probably the guy he likes in Beicheng.


It seems that he thinks too much. With such an excellent and perfect Alpha, Bai Huai will certainly have a good Omega to accompany him through this life, while he will gradually fade or even disappear in his life as the so-called best friend.


At the thought of this, Jian Songyi was suddenly a little angry. He felt that Bai Huai was really a big trash that valued his colors over his friends.


If he valued his wife over his friends that only meant that he could end up with a wife with zero friends. What if his wife doesn’t allow Bai Huai to hang out with him because Jian Songyi is an Omega? And then Bai Huai likes her so much that he will certainly listen to her and not really hang out with him anymore. To think that they’ve been buddies for more than ten years.


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This is really rubbish. The more Jian Songyi thinks, the more he gets angry and wants to strangle Bai Huai in his sleep.


So he really held out his hand and drew it in around Bai Huai’s neck. But as soon as his fingers touched Bai Huai, Bai Huai grabbed him by his wrist.


The speed and strength of that pull obviously stem from instinctive self-protection.


Jian Songyi suddenly feels relieved. He thought that this person doesn’t have a sense of security. He was so nervous when he was about to sleep that he dared not let his guard down.


Jian Songyi forgot that this is the same person who folded his clothes neatly after being so drunk. 


Isn’t Bai Huai tired of being so careful and restrained?


But Jian Songyi could not blame him.


He could still remember the fact that after Uncle Wen left, the whole Bai family was so busy that evening that they had forgotten that there was a six-year-old child who had just lost his father and was stuck in a large European-style building.


At that time, Little Jian Songyi would lay on his window and see when the light on the opposite window would be turned off. As a result, his eyelids began to fight when he saw that the lights on the opposite side were still on.


He guessed that Little Bai Huai must be afraid of sleeping alone, so he cried and pestered him to sleep with him.


The bed was also very large back then while the edges are surrounded by fences covered with film. Even so, the two little children would snuggle together. 


Little Jian Songyi wanted to comfort Little Bai Huai just like when his mother would comfort him. That’s why Little Jian Songyi ought to hold him but his arm was so short whenever he tried to reach out for Little Bai Huai’s chest.


It was obviously the age when it was hard to wake them up, but Bai Huai woke up as soon as Jian Songyi touched him faintly. And so, Bai Huai grabbed his short hand on his chest. He looked uneasy at first but then smiled after seeing Little Jian Songyi. He then turned over and hugged him instead.


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The two children slept well, and no one was making any trouble.


Twelve years later, this scene repeats itself.


Bai Huai grabbed the hand that was supposed to be strangling him by now. He then slowly opened his eyelids and looked at the person in front of him. A small smile instantly appeared on his lips. He then lowered his eyes and turned over to hug Jian Songyi. And just like that, he fell back to sleep.


He was too sleepy, too tired, and too drunk to keep his eyes open.


Bai Huai slept soundly, but Jian Songyi was a little embarrassed by what had transpired. Bai Huai hugged him. One of his hands buckled around him, making his hand rest on his chest. Jian Songyi tried to break free, but he could not completely pull out for he is afraid of waking him up. Thus it ended up that the two men clung to each other while their satin pajamas slid down their shoulders.


For two teenagers who have grown to more than 1.80 meters, this action is no longer the same as the simple and naive warmth of childhood, but a kind of unspeakable ambiguity.


The pheromones of Alpha and Omega blend shallowly and match perfectly.


Jian Songyi was a little uncomfortable at first, but Bai Huai smelled so good that he eventually slowly fell asleep in his embrace.


As before, the two children slept well.





Translator’s Note:

I want more adorable drunk Bai Huai moments! Who is with me???

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