Chapter 37 – I Want to Eat Grapes

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Bai Huai turned a few more pages from his book, but he did not read anything. He glanced to his side with his head still bowed so that he could watch Jian Songyi type calmly. Bai Huai then questioned: “Are you busy?”


“Oh, it’s nothing.”


Jian Songyi made a hum without even raising his eyelid from his phone screen.


He is asking Xu Jiaxing to contact the manager of the post-bar as he wants to find out the IP address of those pests, but the administrator of the post-bar said that their permissions are only limited around the city.


It’ll be useless if they can only locate people around. Xu Jiaxing’s audience is so wide that he is sure that they’re all over the southern region. 


Jian Songyi doesn’t like disorderly conviction without evidence, but if he continues to nag the administrator and kept pulling on strings then the news might find its way to Bai Huai’s ears. 


He was a little annoyed after he thought about it that he leaned all of his frustrations over his phone and then proceeded into throwing it away. He then scratched his head in annoyance as the beads on his wrists crashed into a crisp sound, which was particularly abrupt in the quiet morning. 


Having to hear the noise, Bai Huai said faintly: “If it’s inconvenient, then you should take it off.”


Jian Songyi looked up at him immediately. His eyebrows furrowed as he looked at him with narrowed eyes. “What are you talking about? It won’t work if I take it off.” Because he was in a bad mood and said this in a hurry, it sounded a bit like losing his temper.


However, such a bad tone of temper made Bai Huai, who had just had a sour heart, feel a little relieved.


No matter what, Jian Songyi is thinking about Bai Huai even if he doesn’t want to think of Bai Huai. It’s already done by instinct so no matter how much he refutes it, Bai Huai still runs through his mind. 


Originally, the word “disgusting” was like an invisible hurtful ice pick on his chest, making him stop for it’s too much painful for him to bear. He was afraid to open up about the post and his feelings that Bai Huai could not step forward. He is so afraid that they would go astray and he had made an irreversible mistake. 


But it happened that the man on the other side of the room, who most of the time just engaged him in casual talking, always gave him something to look forward to in an unreasonable way and that made him unwilling and made him hope that there could be something more than just that.


Bai Huai doesn’t know whether he should blame himself for being too greedy or blame the person he likes for being too nice. In the end, all the sourness and the astringent things disappear after he mindlessly writes his names. 

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He felt that he had to take a break. Bai Huai closed the book and placed it back on the table before he stands up: “I’ll go home and change clothes.”


“Oh,” Jian Songyi nodded. “Do you want to have lunch together?”


“No. I’ll stay with grandpa.”


“…..What about for dinner?”


“No. I’m guessing that there would be guests coming over at home.”


“…But. Forget it. It’s alright. You should go. I have an appointment with Lu Qi Feng anyway, so I do not have time to accompany you.”


Jian Songyi is slow, but he is not stupid. He could feel that Bai Huai is obviously alienating himself. 


Bai Huai is always like this. Jian Songyi could bet that Bai Huai still saw the remnants of the posts. What can he say? It doesn’t matter what gossip he thinks this is about, but Bai Huai, who is kind of lofty, can’t stand those kinds of nonsense.


So Jian Songyi lets him go without even seeing him off.


Although Jian Songyi ordered a candy cake, especially for him, it seems like it is not suitable to send it out to him anymore.


Jian Songyi returned to his bed and buried himself there, feeling a little uncomfortable in his chest. It feels stuffy and heavy as if he is suffocating.


It suddenly occurred to him that Bai Huai had just hinted that he had taken off the bracelet and that made him a little angry.


That was socially prepared for him and the words on the grape stone are also painstakingly carved for his own good, so how can he just take it off?


What does Bai Huai want? What is he even afraid of?

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Jian Songyi was ready to pull the string of his bracelet when he thought about it. He froze on the spot and didn’t use any force. Finally, he sent it back to his wrist.


He remembered the post.


Although the post turned out to be inexplicable later, it was all right.


Bai Huai really did those things for him, but he naturally hid the details from Jian Songyi. Meanwhile, Jian Songyi was so used to it that he didn’t feel anything special.


But the onlookers saw it clearly.


This is the way Jian Songyi grew up. He was capricious, picky, delicate, and expensive. Sometimes even his parents disliked and annoyed him, but every time Bai Huai tried to find a way to work things out for him.


There are a lot of instances where Bai Huai made his life more than convenient. Like that one time wherein Bai Huai arranged that four boxes of strawberry milk be delivered to him at noon every day when they were still in kindergarten. Then there’s a fact that for him not to be upset when he is changing his teeth, Bai Huai would give him candy. And then when they stepped into junior high, Bai Huai always kept medicine in his bag at any time after Jian Songyi experienced his stomachaches. 


And in places that can’t be seen by onlookers, there’s the time that Bai Huai accompanied him in the middle of his differentiation and although out his first heat. And for Jian Songyi to get an inhibitor without getting exposed, Bai Huai made himself get a fever. He also went all the trouble to let Jian Songyi practice against Alpha pheromones over and over again.


Jian Songyi said that he is no fool and that he can see whoever does him good. Bai Huai did all of these good things for him, and he could not let his act of detachment erase all of his good doings.


But thinking about those good things, Jian Songyi felt even more uncomfortable on his chest.


He feels like he is going to be out of breath.


It’s all that bastard’s fault.


‘When you find out who is the reason for your pain, you should beat them to death.’ He thought.


Meanwhile, when Bai Huai came home, the house was empty. Only Aunt Liu was there, who was busy cleaning. Once she saw him come back, she wiped her hands and came out to greet him: “Little Huai, why are you back? I thought you were going to eat at the opposite door, so I haven’t prepared anything. Have you eaten yet? If you haven’t eaten yet then Auntie will make something for you right away.”

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“I have already eaten, Auntie Liu. You can return to what you were doing.”


“Are you sure? Have you eaten or not? Would you eat if Aunt Liu cook you a bowl of noodles? Or if you want delicious food for lunch, I could buy it for you.”


“I’ve already eaten. I’ll go back to my room first. Aunt Liu, you can make something for yourself.”


With that, he went upstairs. Bai Huai’s expression was so light that Aunti Liu could not see what was on his mind. 


Aunt Liu sighed helplessly.


What about the child of the rich family?  His grandfather went to the countryside to comfort others while his father is helping the poor in the northwest. Meanwhile, his aunt went to Beicheng to do charity. Only Bai Huai was left alone in the house to celebrate his 18th birthday.


If only Mr. Wen were still here.


It’s a pity, but there’s nothing more that she can do. 


‘Forget about it. Let’s make more delicious food at noon for Little Huai.’ She thought.


Upon arriving at his room, Bai Huai charged his phone and changed his clothes. When he returned to pick up his phone, his messages piled up.


Fortune-teller for a 40% discount: [I’m sorry, Mr. Bai. I’m really sorry.]


Bai Huai himself knows that Yu Zigyo is not to be blamed for the fact that things turned out like this in the end: [It’s not your fault, but don’t talk about it ever again, especially not in front of Jian Songyi.]


Fortune-teller for a 40% discount: [But what a pity, I really think you two are a good match. It has nothing to do with fortune-telling, although I did see it from reading faces the first time. But then I really think you two are really good together.]


Fortune-teller for a 40% discount: [Maybe I am from another place, and I don’t have much knowledge. I’ve never seen anyone like you: handsome, smart, and came from a rich family. And the most important of all is that you are a good person. I envy you, and I think no one else would be good enough to be with you.]

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Fortune-teller for a 40% discount: [I don’t know if I’m qualified to say this, but if I’m too presumptuous, scold me. I just think that if there is anything you want to say, you might as well just say it.].


Yu Ziguo looks silly, but in fact, children who have had a hard time since childhood are more sensitive than others to human feelings, likes, and dislikes.


Bai Huai did not deny or agree: [Keep it a secret.].




Yu Ziguo doesn’t know what to reply to.


What kind of secret is that? If it goes on like this, it will eventually become a secret that only Jian Songyi doesn’t know.


But he is an outsider and dares not say anything.


Yu Ziguo could only reply to one thing: [I am still sorry. You could still blame me. If it’s not for my random post then you and Brother Song won’t receive those disgusting words. Blame it all on me. I’m sorry. Please scold me.]


Bai Huai frowns: [What disgusting words?]





Translator’s note:

*plays thriller music while getting some popcorn from the side*

It’s that time of the day now, huh?

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