And with that, that early Monday morning, Lao Bai stood on the podium. He strokes his local support for the central hairstyle, with the same smirk before each bad news. It’s already a tradition before his announcements. “Good morning, class. As usual, we have good and bad news. Which one would you like to hear first?”

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“Bad news.” The class said listlessly in unison.


“The bad news is that on the 29th, we will have another monthly examination for two days. This monthly exam is the same as the last one, and it is still a simulation of the college entrance examinations. The five classes will be randomly distributed. Then the results of the monthly examination are the same as those of the joint examination, which will be recorded in the usual scores as an important reference index for self-enrollment and school promotion, so I hope students can pay attention to them. “




It’s not bad to get used to it.


“Then, let’s start talking about the good news. The good news is that the school sports meeting will be held on the 30th. Considering that everyone’s life in the third year of high school is very boring, in order for you to combine work and rest, which is conducive to your physical and mental health, the school decided that after the examination, all senior three students can also participate in the sports meeting the next day. Everyone goes to the sports committee and enthusiastically signs up! “




This is clearly not bad news, but a very bad news.


Lao Bai hastened to add: “After the end of the games, there will be a National Day holiday that has attracted a lot of attention since it’s going to be for three days!”




There are three days without classes. That’s not that bad.


Lao Bai was heartbroken: “You are young, why are you all so lifeless? How’s it going? Where’s the sunshine? What about vitality? “


Everyone looked so dull as they bow their heads to brush through physics, chemistry, biology, and mathematics. Their professor received no response.


Lao Bai covered his heart and left.


As soon as Lao Bai left, the classroom became lively and there was a low whisper going around already.

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Although the voice was soft, the articulation is clear. It is so clear that the eagerness of the onlookers does not fall. Even a few of them heard the relaxed feeling in the corner.


“Have you heard? There’s a student from Class Five that came into the lab in the middle of the night last night. And then the computer suddenly turned on automatically to flash bright red characters, saying ‘You are seen’.”


“Really? That’s mindblowing!”


“Really. He was so scared that he pissed his pants. He came back and was ready to call someone but the computer was then turned off again. His mother thought that he had secretly left the house to play games in the middle of the night and was beaten up.”


“Why do I want to laugh so much when it’s the beginning of a horror story?”


“There seems to be more than one incident. Something similar happened with the student in Class Three as well.”


“Yes, the sports minister of the second year of high school, even the junior before me was also saying that. I thought he was joking, but I didn’t expect it to be true. Is this still a collective psychic incident?”


“Shit, it’s so fucking scary.”


“What’s scary? The computer must have been hacked.”


The person concerned agrees with you. He is also engaged in information technology competition, but he did not find a virus nor did he find any information that has been stolen. There is no trace of browsing the hard disk either. 


You say this is a hacker, and the Public Security Bureau does not recognize it. After all, what is the purpose of this hacker? Just to scare people for fun? “


“Who did you offend?”


“Who can you offend?”


“Who knows.”

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Jian Songyi was forced to take part in the discussion. He sounded uninterested as he picked out a poetry book: “Who is this boring primary school chicken? Are you all bluffing? Are you not aware that this is a violation of the network security law?”


As soon as Xu Jiaxing was ready to speak, he was blocked by a faint look in Bai Huai’s eyes.


Bai Huai, looking all-natural, glanced at the book Jian Songyi took out. He picked it and turned over a few pages: “This one is not easy to use. The answer here is not standardized. Plus you cannot score it according to the marking standard. Do not read it.”


Jian Songyi was already distracted from the earlier discussion of the hacking. “Doesn’t it work? I spent a lot of time examining books. I just read this one because it has the most beautiful cover.”




Jian Songyi only buys auxiliary books only to see if the covers are beautiful.


“The next time I buy Chinese teaching aids, I’ll go with you. You can read my materials here first. I sorted them out myself.”


As he said that, he pulled out a stack of bound A4 paper, which contained the breath of a high achiever at a glance.


Jian Songyi reluctantly accepted it and drew a few strokes on Bai Huai’s paper: “Here. Do you understand this?”


Bai Huai nodded: “Yes, the spirituality of your auxiliary line is comparable to the golden light behind the Buddha.”


“What’s wrong with this ugly painting? This is impractical and ugly back to back. My auxiliary line is worth at least 15 points. “




Yu Ziguo scratched the back of his head before speaking: “Brother Song, Master Bai, can you lend me this reviewer when you are not using it? I’ll just borrow it for one night and return it to you immediately.”


It is common to make photocopies of high achievers’ notes and materials in high school.

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Bai Huai felt that Yu Ziguo had carried a pot for himself inexplicably before, which was not easy, so he nodded: “It’s all right, you can take it. If you need a reviewer for other subjects, you can also ask me. I still have a few basic knowledge points of science ensemble here.”


Yu Ziguo was flattered: “Thank you, Master Bai!”


Then he buried his head and began to revise the wrong answers he had gotten serious.


Although no one blamed Yu Ziguo this time, he still felt very guilty, so he secretly made up his mind to change from their cp fan to their loyal couple fan. In the future, he will criticize whoever speaks ill of them, and the first step is to raise his grades so as not to lose the face of his brother.


With that, Yu Ziguo sets a radical goal to be at least the second to the last in this upcoming exam’s ranking.


While Jian Songyi looked at the notes arranged by Bai Huai, he had to admit that this person has the temperament of a high achiever more than himself.


Jian Songyi is willing to learn well, relying more on his skill and talent. He understands many things at a glance, and sometimes he doesn’t understand such questions that can’t be answered at a glance. How could anyone not do it?


Gut feeling is greater than analysis, so he is not a good teacher.


However, Bai Huai is not like that.


Jian Songyi believes that Bai Huai can’t be smarter than him. Otherwise, he won’t take two or three months to learn about comprehensive management.


But Bai Huai is more meticulous and serious than him. Bai Huai can answer most of the questions at first glance, but he tends to think why is that the answer to that certain question.


He takes it one step at a time to buckle them all together before he could actually stop and have the finality as the answer.


Even if it is a subjective question in Chinese, he still acts the same. 


Jian Songyi thought that Bai Huai’s Chinese is better than him because he is more sensitive than him. It was not until he saw his notes that he realized that this person was really rational to the bone.

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Every word, every inference, must pursue the most perfect conclusion. There is no room for a little error, even a little bit of randomness may bring error.


Bai Huai is so careful that Jian Songyi wondered that if he is this careful with all the things he does, won’t Bai Huai be tired?


Jian Songyi thinks that sooner or later, Bai Huai will take a detour because of this character of his. 


Although he condescended to Bai Huai, Jian Songyi felt that he appreciated poetry to another level after reading Bai Huai’s notes for a day. And because of that, he wanted to reward Little Bai’s classmates and enjoy milk tea with him.


But before he could even say a word, Bai Huai got up first with his school bag: “I have an appointment tonight, you can go back first.”


Jian Songyi: “You have someone outside behind my back?”


“If you continue talking like that, there will surely be a humor tomorrow that we already passed up for marriage. Would you want that?” Bai Huai said lightly. 


Jian Songyi quickly shut himself up.


The scum smiles and left poor little Jian Songyi alone. He then left the classroom and went to the back of the school. 


The ivy at the back door of the school has withered, several old trees have begun to fall into disrepair, and only the lights of the old street outside the back door come in, vaguely showing a figure hidden in the branches and leaves.


When the man saw that Bai Huai was coming, he whispered, “What do you want?”


Bai Huai paced slowly as he slowly took off his gold glasses. He folded them and bowed his head while making a mockery of a smile hinted at the corners of his lips.


“I remember saying that Jian Songyi is a good person, but I am not.”




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