There is an hour between the math exam and the evening self-study.

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But because the school canteen was not officially opened, there were only two windows in the school canteen. Jian Songyi was so relaxed that he lost his appetite. It was raining outside and he was too lazy to go out, so he simply decided to stay in the classroom.

To think of it, he was a little slower than Bai Huai in all three exams. Although the final time gap was only a minute, he knew it was an utter defeat. And to top it all up, he has seen Bai Huai’s papers. It’s clean and tidy with clear and beautiful writing.

That ticked him off a bit.

It’s decided then. Jian Songyi will practice his handwriting first and then he would find sense to the problem at hand. After that, he would teach a certain Bai this evening and force him to be a man tonight.

And that certain Bai certainly does not care of what he is thinking. 

Anyways, at the time of dinner when everyone was in line, the news spread that the new handsome Alpha in Class one is a big demon just like Jian Songyi.

Blood and tears could be seen from their classmates while the other students from lower classes only had a sense of innocent admiration towards the two. 

People with a larger gap are less likely to be jealous of Jian Songyi and Bai Huai. They could barely even finish their test papers on time. With that, they felt no pressure and only felt admiration for those two who can hand in their papers even if the work time isn’t even halfway through yet. In fact, they’re more concerned about whether the two demons are handsome. 

The students of class one are very vocal about this, especially Xu Jiaxing, who was sitting in front of the two big devils while his arms are tucked over his chest. “Oh! You all know our Brother Song, right? He is very handsome.”

All of the chicks blushed slightly as they continued to eat their rice. They all seem to feel a little bit bashful after hearing the word ‘Brother Song’.

Xu Jiaxing was very satisfied with their reaction. “Although, the new transfer student ain’t that bad either. He also differentiated as a mature Alpha. And that’s not all. He seems to be a little taller than Brother Song too. Look at your taste, isn’t he extremely handsome?”

The proud pride in his tone seemed to resemble as of a father. 

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Xu Jiaxing and Jian Songyi have a good relationship, so people knew that what it is he was saying was most definitely true. 

People began to whisper. 

But then, a voice suddenly resurfaced from the crowd, “You all went to Nanwai in junior high school, so not anyone of you really knows Bai Huai. Shut up all of you!” He started. “But if you really want to know, then I will tell you. He is at the number one school in Beicheng. Bai Huai was the school bully and the most handsome male student there. He is also the top student there! If he had transferred here earlier, then he would’ve been the top student in the high school entrance examination.”


“Wait, isn’t this the characteristics of Brother Song?”

“Then Brother Song just met his opponent.”

“So exciting!”

“A decisive battle against the best of the best!”

“Come on place your bets to who do you think will score higher in Science this time.”

“It must be Brother Song! Here, I bet three packs of spicy gluten.”

“As a student of Nanwai, I believe in the legend of Bai Huai. I bet on six-packs!”

“I’m going to bet too! Five bags on me.”


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“I’ll have my bet on Jian Songyi too. If he is not the top student in his class then, I will treat everyone a cup of milk tea.”

The voice was thin and small. It was a little timid from the group of loud voices, but it is by far the most arrogant and extravagant bet.

Everyone looked in the direction where the voice had come from. And what welcomed them was a girl with a round face and round eyes. 

Xu Jiaxing raised his brow. “Lin Yuanyuan, don’t be impulsive. According to my firsthand information, Bai Huai should be ahead of Brother Song by a very small margin.”

“I am not impulsive. I simply believe in Jian Songyi.” The little girl blushed after saying this. He then picked his meal and then left abruptly.

Everyone was not surprised by that random admirer. Jian Songyi is very popular, after all.

Only the tall boy who had just come out of the teacher’s canteen with a lunch box glanced inadvertently at the corner, then walked slowly into the rain curtain with a black umbrella.

When Bai Huai returned to the classroom, Jian Songyi was talking to an Omega.

Jian Songyi titled his chair while carrying the yogurt from his hand. There’s also a sandwich and a rice ball that reside on the table. The Omega sat on Xu Jiaxing’s seat and helped him remove the plastic wrapper of his food.

The Omega then whispered something to Jian Songyi’s ear, but Bai Huai did not quite catch it. Nevertheless, he saw the way Jian Songyi’s lips curved into a smile. His eyebrows raised while his eyes sparkles as it resembles a surprised and yet very amused expression.

Bai Huai had to admit that since childhood, Jian Songyi has been good-looking with red lips and white teeth. He is bright, flamboyant with a little bit of aggressiveness on the side too.

Bai Huai went to his seat and stuffed his lunchbox under his table. He seems to be indifferent as if he didn’t witness anything from when he entered the classroom. 

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It was only then after he was seated that he clearly saw the Omega’s face. If he remembered correctly, it was the one who defended Jian Songyi yesterday.

‘I think his name is Zhou Luo’ He thought.

Slender with fair skin. He seems to have a good temper. That kind of man is suitable for Jian Songyi. Bai Huai thinks they would make great partners. But he just watched them for a couple of minutes. He didn’t comment about it and simply shrugged the thoughts away. Bai Huai decided to start browsing his new physics book instead of wasting his time on them.

The tip of the pen rustled across the paper, and the knuckles were whitened by force.

Since Bai Huai came in, Zhou Luo shuddered because of the sudden drop in temperature. He opened his bag quickly and pretended he is looking for something. He secretly tried to compose himself. 

Good-looking is really good-looking. From his eyes, nose, and all the way to his mouth. Not to mention his small mole imprinted on his face. 

Even if he looks cold and serious, his charisma is overpowering still. Whether it’s his decision to alienate himself and drag the iceberg like a protest, he is still one of the most handsome in class.

When he thought of what Lu Qi Feng had told him about Bai Huai’s past when he was 14, Zhou Luo was even more in awe. He pushed the peeled sandwiches and rice balls in front of Jian Songyi: “Brother Song, take your time eating. I’ll go back after I finished memorizing history.”

With that, he ran away without further notice. 

Jian Songyi loosely took off the yogurt’s lid. He was about to eat a spoonful when his eyes darted towards Bai Huai. “What? Look at you. Do you always look at people like that? I won’t be surprised if anyone ended up scared of you.” 

Bai Huai met Jian Songyi’s gaze. “Aren’t you afraid?’

Jian Songyi raised his brow at him. “Why would I be afraid of you? I was simply kidding. You are so naive as always. Don’t forget. I am your Brother Song.”  

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Bai Huai never paid much attention to anything Jian Songyi said. He knows he always had a lot to say, but this time seems to be a different day. He was not sure why, but Bai Huai felt like replying to his snarky remark. He placed down his pen and turned to face him. And as if taunting Jian Songyi, Bai Huai leaned over to the table so he could rest his chin against his hand. He then snickered. 

“Jian Songyi, believe me. You will always be afraid.” 

Bai Huai’s eyes resembled a phoenix. The shade of his eyes darkened while his light smile seemed to be implying something more ruthless than what he had said. 

Jian Songyi was stunned for a second but then he started to laugh. 

Bai Huai- is he trying to threaten him? 

Jian Songyi continued to laugh in amusement until he had lost the sense of gravity and his chair tilted more than he intended it to. The chair ought to fall straight back. Fortunately enough, Bai Huai’s reaction time was short and he was there before anything bad had happened. 

Bai Huai instantly hugged Jian Songyi towards him. 

Originally, it was just an instinctive ration to help him stabilize his figure. Bai Huai was only supposed to be holding off the chair until Jian Songyi can sit right up again. Huh. But it ended into Jian Songyi in between Bai Huai’s arms in the most delicate position. 

The chair fell to the ground with a clang.

The classroom door was pushed open.

Xu Jiaxing’s mineral water bottle fell on the ground.

And the classroom door once again closed down.

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