However, when he returned to the classroom, Bai Huai found Jian Songyi’s seat to be empty. 

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What about his glucose?


Bai Huai quickly turned and asked Yu Ziguo who was just next to him. “Where is he?


“Huh? Why are you still here, master Bai? Brother Song mentioned that he will go home with you.”


Bai Huai’s eyes became cold in an instant.


There was only one way from the north building to the infirmary, and when he came back, he did not meet Jian Songyi.


Without thinking about it, he took out his cell phone and called Jian Songyi.


He didn’t answer.


Nanwai covers a vast area and its location is relatively remote. A few years ago, it is not too rare to say that it is inhabited. In recent years, Nanwai has led to the development of industry, and an old street has sprung up behind it, specializing in the business of students. Behind it is the residential area of the suburb, mixed with fish and dragons.


In the southern city, there are many alleys, which are narrow and partial, and occupy a lot of gangsters.


Therefore, it is not surprising that Jian Songyi is in Wang Hai’s place.


Jian Songyi took out the inhibitor as he ought to spray it all over him, but after spraying it on him twice, he smelled an unfamiliar scent. He wondered if his spray had gotten expired or something. Nonetheless, he stopped spraying and placed the bottle away so that he can turn into an alleyway.

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It is an autumn evening in Nancheng, so the sky was dimmed early. The deep alleys are surrounded by withered ivies while the bluestone walls were covered with moss. It air feels heavy and damped.


“If you have something to say, spill it already.” Jian Songyi said sloppily as he stood at the entrance of the alley.


And then he spotted him. There is only Wang Hai in the middle of the alley.


But then, three people suddenly appeared behind Jian Songyi.


He saw the shadows from his peripheral view. He swept a quick glance towards them and they looked all dressed up like gangsters picked up nearby. They all have masks so he won’t be able to see their identities clearly.


Jian Songyi scoffed: “Your blackmailing failed, so you’d now turn to robbery?”


Jian Songyi knew that he was falling into a trap. Wang Hai seemed to be only following orders from someone.


It was a very clumsy tactic, but Jian Songyi still fell for it and that’s what matters. Besides, there is no way that the other party would’ve caught his soft spot. It’s just that he took him too lightly. Nonetheless, he fell unto the trap easily. There’s no one to blame but himself. 


He threw down his book bag and turned his wrist a little. He asked lazily: “Come on, what do you want? I still have work to do, so I do not have that enough long time to wait.”


Wang Hai smiled at him sympathetically. “Don’t worry. Just wait a few more minutes.”


He knew what Wang Hai was waiting for because he sensed that there was something wrong. The pheromones that had been well suppressed by the inhibitor messed up and leaped up from his body with a shuddering hot current.

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The blocking agent just now was replaced.


Fortunately, he did not spray much.


Wang Hai took out his cellphone and waved it around in front of Jian Songyi with a very sly smile. “If I take a picture of the young master Nanwai school bully in heat, I should be able to exchange it for a lot of money.” 


But before he can completely finish his statement, he was kicked in the knee socket, making him kneel against the bluestone. He then picked up his head by dragging his hair to slam it hard against the door.


 “Why don’t you try?”


Jian Songyi’s speed and strength were so great that Wang Hai had no room to resist.


But Jian Songyi is also aware that the three people behind him are mostly Alphas, But he could not avoid them. He must do everything he can so that he, an Omega in heat, would not be properly recorded.


He can’t leave just yet.


It would be better to make the first move. He can at least bluff them into thinking that the inducer was ineffective and that he may be able to kill them if he wanted.


The bluff Jian Songyi pulled on them really stunned them for a moment.


Wang Hai was pushed to the ground and his phone rolled far away on the ground. With that, the camera stopped rolling- facing up. Jian Songyi just wanted to pick up the phone and call the police, but one of the Alphas has a quick reflex and ought to beat him to pick it up.

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Jian Songyi can’t do it. He has no choice but to give it up. 


He grabbed the masked man’s wrist and fold it down severely. He lifted one leg and whipped it out obliquely. He pushed it straight on the other person’s lower abdomen. Jian Songyi then managed to block a wooden stick with his arm and then counterattack by hitting the other person’s shoulder socket with his backhand. When the opposing party loosened his hold on the stick, Jian Songyi caught it to chop the other Alpha’s back with it.


He is a thin teenager in a school uniform- pale and beautiful. His whole body is enveloped with an overall cold temper and a kind of disdain between his eyebrows. Jian Songyi’s every movement is vicious and agile. He looks like a lonely hero in a movie in a desolate alley after sunset. 


Jian Songyi and Bai Huai grew up in the army. They learned about fighting well and fought badly. 


But in fact, Jian Songyi is not very willing to fight. Most of the time, it is frightening, or at most, it is a fight between classmates, which is only emotional. It will be all over soon and no one would actually fight it over until death.


There were only two encounters when he was desperate.


The second one is the fight that is currently happening now, and it happened because of Bai Huai. 


Then there was the first one wherein happened when he was in his second year. It was also for Bai Huai.


At that time, Bai Huai was not an Alpha yet. He was very beautiful, looking so gentle and like snow. And then there were two people who skipped classes and went to a black internet bar. They had a short-sighted eye and unexpectedly spoke to flirt with Bai Huai. At that time, Jian Songyi didn’t say a word. He just simply directly hit the keyboard on the person’s head hard enough to split the keyboard in half.


Bai Huai was barely 178 tall back then and then there’s Jian Songyi who is still a small bamboo pole. He didn’t know where he had gotten the courage to fight with a group of big gold chains.


But if it wasn’t for the Internet bar owner, it’s hard to say what would happen in the end.

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Nonetheless, he has to work very hard to get through that incident.


When Jian Songyi loosely held the stick and chopped another Alpha with his backhand, he cracked a smug smile.


He felt that he also seemed to be good at this like Bai Huai.


Now that the three opposing Alphas from the other side saw that Jian Songyi has still the nerve to taunt them with smiling, they’ve decided to release oppressive pheromones to try and force the Omega in front of them to bow.


Unfortunately, it is a pity that they’re not first-class Alphas and their pheromones do not even match 50% of Bai Huai’s strength. Thus, its impact on Jian Songyi is negligible, which is not as good as the inducer sprayed.


They are already three people and yet they still don’t have the upper hand.


They find it hard to believe that an Omega can’t be overwhelmed by Alpha pheromones. Not to mention the fact that this same Omega inhaled some inducers. Why is he still too powerful to overcome?


This is very different from the stereotypes. Omegas are supposed to be weak, independent, and dominated by physical desires.


And yet, this Omega can still defeat three Alphas and taunt them aimlessly.


They were too annoyed at the fact. This situation that they are in is so ironic that they don’t have anything better in mind but to press the Omega in front of them to dirt and break his pride. They do not care about the press or if this even resurfaces. 




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