It must’ve been because Jian Songyi and Bai Huai’s aura are too equal apart, or maybe because it’s for the fact that there’s a deep-rooted traditional concept that two Alphas never end up getting into good terms.

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In short, it was obviously a somewhat ambiguous picture, but the news from Xu Jiaxing’s big mouth spread like wildfire. This will result in a fight between the so-called two Alphas, they presumed.

There are going to be smashing tables and chairs segment, hand to hand combat, and so much more. It felt like an endless cycle of fighting that some might’ve thought that it was then turned into a life and death situation.

And to make everything spicier than it was before, it was speculated that the reason why Bai Huai ought to walk away after that face-off was because Jian Songyi had stolen Bai Huai’s love. This will be the fight of the century!

But little did they know that this will be a different fight. A fight for a certain Omega’s life who have managed to escape earlier and had the news spreading like butter on a toast.

Heroes fight for beauty.

It’s as true as it is.

Jian Songyi believed that it was the reason why Xu Jiaxing announced it to everybody. Although, it does not mean that he would let him off the loop.

He sat behind Xu Jiaxing, staring faintly at the back of his neck, wondering whether it was better to strangle him or pierce his glands. Jian Songyi thought about the pros and cons while waiting for a blank test paper to finally come his way.

Xu Jiaxing shuddered through his spine. He doesn’t have to look to know that there’s malice behind Jian Songyi’s gaze. Someone was planning his death already.

Nevertheless, Xu Jiaxing straightened his back and bravely faced his death. It was not until the paper was handed out that he dared to turn around carefully and respectfully presented the answer card with both hands to Jian Songyi.

“Please don’t look at me like that, brothers. I was wrong. I shouldn’t have faced you. I was also wrong to tell what I’ve witnessed to everybody. I was so wrong, I wish my mouth gets sore after tonight. I shouldn’t have talked about nonsense.”

Jian Songyi grabbed the paper from him angrily. “Do you have eyes in the back of your head?’
“No, Brother Song. I just felt two pairs of eyes piercing through my skin like kitchen knives. It’s a sizzling cold feeling of death.” Xu Jiaxing tried to say apologetically in hopes that Jian Songyi would pity him.

But Jian Songyi waved his hand impatiently in front of his face. “Turn around and don’t let me see your face for two whole hours.”

He gulped and quickly turned around.

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Meanwhile, Bai Huai started writing his name on his paper, and then he said lightly. “You are lucky that you are not an Omega.”

Jian Songyi thought about it for a moment and realize that what he had said was right.

If he was to be an Omega, then the exchange would’ve been different. It would’ve been that the schools’ most handsome bully forced an Omega to make love to him.

That would be all wrong.

It is impossible for Jian Songyi to be an Omega. It’s true. It’s so impossible that even imagining it felt wrong for Jian Songyi.

It’s not that Jian Songyi is sexist. He simply thinks that an Omega should be soft, weak, sweet, and cute- such as his mother, Mrs. Tang, and his good friend, Zhuo Luo.

It’s just that he is naturally strong. He is accustomed to commanding heights to fight and protect the things he believes in and values. He also has the kind of leadership and repressive instinct similar to an Alpha.

Not to mention the fact that Jian Songyi’s temper is not very much appropriate to be an Omega.

And where would anyone see an Omega having a height of more than 1.8 meters, an eight-pack abs, acing sports and fighting as if he is just breathing, and looking like a beast that could conquer anything in his way? Where?

It does not exist.

While thinking about this, he had finished most of the comprehensive examination paper.

The ensemble is too simple for him and can be done by feeling. In the beginning, he will often make some detailed mistakes, but since he entered the review stage in the second year of high school, his ensemble has not been lower than 290 points. Well, not to brag but it’s most common that he gets full marks.

He can finish his paper as fast as a dog can eat one.

When Jian Songyi changed his third paper, out of the spirit of comparison, his eyes could not help but look over at how Bai Huai was doing.

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Bai Huai was lagging behind. He had only written on the upper half of the paper. He still has so much to cover.

Smirking on his own, Jian Songyi could not help but feel a little prouder. Bai Huai is not that very reasonable.


But before Jian Songyi could even utter a word of mockery to his so-called opponent, a loud bang was given to life. Something fell on the wall from the outside of the building.

Jian Songyi listened to the voices from the outside. He assumed that what hit the wall was a ball. It was hit very hard at that. If the thrower just tilted a little bit more, then he would’ve hit the window next to him.

He had made two possibilities of why this had happened. The first one is that someone wants to harass him during the examination. While the second one is that the thrower is just a clumsy idiot who drastically missed his shot.

Whichever it was though, it distracted him either way.

Jian Songyi bit back his tongue and displayed a very amused smile, but it was not in a positive way. It was a devilish one with a sign of mischievousness. His eyes darkened with a sign of a little hostility.

Somehow, Xu Jiaxing felt that aura coming from Jian Songyi that he had to look back and see for himself to check. He regretted it right after. Jian Songyi was so scary he wanted to dial 120 directly and call for help. But fortunately for him, Jian Songyi simply changed his pen and continued on writing his piece on the paper on his desk like nothing had happened nor interrupted them.

Xu Jiaxing thought that it was safe now, but so much for being safe. A second ‘bang’ from the wall was heard all over the room again. And as if on cue, Jian Songyi had just finished writing the answer to the last question.

Jian Songyi pressed his fingertips against his paper and then handed it over to Bai Huai. “Hand it in for me.”

Jian Songyi did not even wait for Bai Huai to answer. Instead, he went for the window and opened it. He propped up against the windowsill with one hand, and before anyone could react, he jumped with his long slender legs.

The movement was smooth and neat it looks as if he was flying.

The evening self-study teacher and the students of Class One could just stare blankly at the figure that disappeared before them on a rainy night after just three seconds. Nevertheless, after they recovered, they all just bowed their heads and continued what they had to do.

It’s not like they’re not used to Jian Songyi pulling impossible stunts like that all the time. They just ought to forget about it. It’s not like Jian Songyi didn’t jump to the ground from the second floor for Physical Fitness too.

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Either way, Bai Huai followed Jian Songyi in surprise and looked out of the window.

The rain was lighter than what seemed to be a typhoon this morning. Even if Jian Songyi. were to walk under this light rain, he won’t catch a cold. After confirming this, Bai Huai left him be to return to his seat and continue answering.

The students are estimated to be more frustrated and burdened within the examination periods, so if they need a little venting up then they let them let it go.

The one who doesn’t see it is the fool here.

Once Jian Songyi returned from the window, there were still twenty minutes left for the examination. But obviously, Bai Huai was also already through with his test that he was already playing with his phone without even acknowledging Jian Songyi’s return.

Xu Jiaxing in the front row was the one to turn around and ask in th below voice, “Brother Song, which son of a b*itch is it this time?”

“Iron Niu”

“Iron Niu?” That guy had been too arrogant lately. Even if he attended a school from the United States, doesn’t mean he could walk on the corridors of the second floor and relay that he is an Alpha that puts on pheromones every day to exert pressure on others. That’s not right at all. He’s so full of himself.”

“I can’t smell it anyways.” Jian Songyi loosely discarded his schoolbag and obviously could not care less about what Xu Jiaxing was talking about.

“But how dare that little sh*t bother you? He can’t beat you at all.”

Jian Songyi zipped up his schoolbag before whispering, “He also brought two Alphas with him.”

Bai Huai finally raised his eyelids and looked at them. “So it took you half an hour?”

‘No wonder Jian Songyi said that it would not take so long to deal with that Iron Niu.’ Bai Huai thought.

However, this remark fell on Jian Songyi’s ears as if Bai Huai was mocking him. It’s as if it became a provocative question in his mind- ‘Oh? It took you half an hour to hit only three Alphas?’

Jian Songyi sneered angrily at him. “How long do you think it should take, huh?”

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Bai Huai, on the other hand, didn’t read the situation correctly though, and answered with all honesty. “One minute.”


But if truth be told, one minute is still a conservative estimate.

If it’ll be content between two, Alphas, then it’ll be much simpler. It’ll just be based on pheromone checks and balances. The stronger gene will be able to secrete pheromones enough to make the other person lose his helmet and abandon his armor in an instant.

This retains the most simple and direct law of the jungle mechanism in the history of human evolution.

Although Jian Songyi isn’t differentiated yet, he is already well-enough briefed about this kind of matter. But even so, he still thinks that Bai Huai is a show-off f*cker.

He is not yet differentiated yet, that’s why Bai Huai is still a level higher than him, but he will see. Jian Songyi promised himself that he will make Bai Huai eat his dust.

As if on cue, the bell rang as the sign of the end of class.

Jian Songyi swung his bag against his shoulder before standing up. He went up to the door but before that, he passed by Bai Huai and placed a hand on his shoulder. He then tilted his head to whisper something in his ear. “One minute might be fast for you, but I can definitely finish the job faster after I differentiated.”


When Bai Huai said this, a wisp of unreal heavenly fragrance swept across Bai Huai’s nose. It made him stunned from his position for a while.

Bai Huai flickered his eyes a couple of times, his amber eyes crossing a strange light wherein ice metaphorically starts melting. It was the sign of spring and joy, warmth, and everything nice.

Hopefully, no one noticed his quick daydream.

Nevertheless, after Jian Songyi’s provocation, he left the room, leaving Bai Huai to sit helplessly at the corner of the classroom. With a deep sigh, he closed the book he was also reading to move ahead and tap his fingers against his table.

That expressed great volumes.

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