But when the host announced: “Next, let’s invite the third-year students from Class One, Bai Huai and Jian Songyi, to play the piano repertoire for you, Liang Zhu.”

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The audience slightly regained their energy and enthusiasm.


Some simply turn into nymphomaniacs while others are waiting for the two to make a fool out of themselves. And then there are those students who are simply there just for the gossip. In short, everyone is moving their muscles and bones, ready to see if it is a mule or a horse.


The curtain slowly opened.


The stage turned out to be pitch black.


Slowly a beam of light fell on stage, hitting the two teenagers who seemed to appear out of nowhere. They gave a salute of a polite bow to the audience.


The crowd let out a low cry of surprise.


When Bai Huai and Jian Songyi stood side by side, both looked perfectly tall and slender. Not to mention the fact that the suits they’re wearing are perfectly fitted, showcasing their flat, broad shoulders, narrow waists, and long straight legs. 


One is dressed in a white suit accompanied by his soft black hair. He has dark eyes and red lips. And the neat beautiful eyebrows that are slightly arched to display an arrogant and cynical youth persona. He is like a little prince raised in a noble and wealthy lifestyle from an early age, with his beauty unknown to human sufferings.


And then there’s the second man beside him. He is slightly taller, with his chestnut hair slightly pushed back meticulously. This made his perfect and cold demeanor become more evident. Thick eyebrows, pale lips, skin almost as white as the light, and that gold glasses on the bridge of his nose with thin chains to tie out the look.


The strong visual contrast made the audience feel a little restless,


However, before they could even point fingers as to who was more attractive, the light went out with a bang, which resulted in the stage being covered in darkness yet again.


Everyone was stunned in shock until they heard the soft sound of the piano being played in the background. 


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Along with the melody, several little butterflies suddenly flew from one side of the stage to the other. And when they reached the three-fifths of the stage, the butterflied gradually dissipated, twinkling like glitters due to the beam of light.


And due to that same beam of light, the transparent crystal piano shrouded and twinkled shallowly under it.


While the two teenagers sat together side by side in front of the piano with an elegant demeanor, four of their slender hands flew smoothly unto the keys. As a result, the poignant and graceful sound of the piano poured out, immersing everyone listening in the concert hall bit by bit.


Both are skilled with excellent timbre and tacit understanding of perfect coordination, all of which made the people enjoy the show. 


However, the most commendable part is the deep love that even a layman could even feel through the melody alone. They could hear and feel about the difficulties and obstacles as if it were the two of them starring in the song as well.


At this age, there are many young people with outstanding piano skills, but not everyone can make their audiences feel feelings. 


Such a deep feeling of affection touches the hearts of their listeners.


The audience settles down and listens quietly; they didn’t notice it until the song ended. 


When the two of them finished playing, they did not immediately leave. The beam only started fading until the darkness once again engulfed the stage. In the darkness, they turned into pair of butterflies, and then flew away.


After that, the curtain closed. 


It was over. 


There was a brief silence from the audience, followed by warm applause.


Zhuo Luo could not help but to jump around and start screaming: “Ahhhhh! Brother Song, I love you! Master Bai,I love you! Ahhhh! Bring home the bacon!”

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After he finished shouting, he realized that everyone was silent around him. Not to mention the fact that there were also parents and teachers present in the concert hall as well. He immediately shrank down in embarrassment as Lu Qi Feng hid him from the crowd. 


Good-natured laughs erupted within the concert hall.


What looks good is good, and what sounds good is good after all.


That was enough for everyone.


They’re not deaf or blind. It is undeniable that the custom-made suits, the holographic projection on the stage, and the crystal piano with a good sound all add points to their performance as well. It was the icing on the cake.


Someone recorded a video and immediately directly upload it on the spot.


[Ah ah ah!!! Why did I have to leave so early? I am so sorry for sneaking away and missing this wonderful show! This is pure heartache!]


[Money can’t pile up the art of the mediocre, but it can pile up the art of the handsomeness.]


[My god, Jian Songyi can really play the piano! He played so well! What kind of perfect man is he? The Omega he will get to end up with is so lucky! Wohooo!]


[Damn it. What kind of vampire prince did Bai Huai become? I am dead. That golden glasses of his have officially killed me.]


[Isn’t my brother Song so beautiful? Oh, why do I think that he is exceptionally more beautiful than Bai Huai? Ah, take my heart!]


[Aaah! The CP powder was resurrected in place! Master Bai, make a giant attack! Rush it! Take down the man in the little white suit!]


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[I am declaring and putting the flag here! Jian Songyi and Bai Huai are not just brothers! They ate that performance! Listen to me! What an affectionate song!]


[Get married! Get married right there! Get married in those two suits! I’ll be your emcee, and crowdfunding will help you pay for the wedding reception and other fees!]


[I’ll also donate on crowdfunding.]


[Me too: ID Number]




The two teenagers were resting backstage, waiting to receive the award. So they have nothing better to do but to brush through the post. While looking through the crowdfunding, Bai Huai could not help but chuckle: “You have helped the people save money.”


“Get out.” Jian Songyi said with a deep frown. “I am not in a hurry. It’s none of their business whether who I am with or what’s the status of my relationship.”


Jian Songyi is really not in a hurry but mentioned it to Bai Huai on purpose.

Bai Huai thought that Jian Songyi didn’t like being urged like this, so he said lightly, “Well, there’s really no hurry.”


Jian Songyi slid his finger against his phone screen to launch WeChat with Mrs. Tang as if nothing had happened.


Mrs. Tang: [Baby, do you want to have a party tonight?]


Jian Songyi: [Mhmm.]


Mrs. Tang: [Then mom won’t wait for you. Mom has something to do. Mom has to go now.]


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Mrs. Tang: [Your bags are here with mom. Mom will be taking it back for you so that it won’t be inconvenient for you to have a party in the evening.].


Jian Songyi: [Okay, good.]


While Texting with his mother on WeChat, Jian Songyi pulled at his neckline and then frowned: “Do you feel hot?”


Bai Huai took off his hand: “it’s almost zero degrees. Where is the heat coming from? Don’t pull your suit; you still have to receive the award later.”


“Okay.” Jian Songyi muttered even if he still felt uncomfortable. “Why is the award still not presented?”


“It seems to be our turn now. Let’s go.”


The awards are being presented.


They won the first prize in the musical instrument category and the most popular award.


On the other hand, they didn’t get the epic musical award for their class because their score was forcibly cut by a third because the choreography and script were too long and rigid. In the end, they only manage to take the consolation award for excellence.


When Bai Huai and Jian Songyi were about to receive their award, the people at the bottom of the stage were like uncontrollable prairie dogs screaming at the top of their lungs. Meanwhile, Yang Yue, in fear that Jian Songyi would speak his mind instructed the host not to give the microphone to him at all cost. In case he says: “I just want to say today, money can fucking pile of art.”




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