EXTRA VI- Proposal

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Bai Huai decided to propose for it after he applied for his first patent and successfully sold his invention to a pharmaceutical company.


That year, he became a researcher.


He earned his first pot of gold in the true sense of life.


It’s not a particularly powerful patent, and the price is not high. It’s just a few hundred thousand dollars. It’s really not much for a rich family like Jian and their children.


It was Bai Huai who was still very happy, and he felt that this meant that he had begun to have the strength to truly take on the life of a simple and easy life.


What’s important for him is that he is not always hungry, as well as his picky little Omega. 


So in December of that year,  he asked for leave from his mentor.


The instructor didn’t even think about it and lets him go.


Bai Huai is probably the most talented and hard-working student of the Omega Medical Research Department of Huaqing Medical College in the past few years.


Apart from having to go home for one day, every night and every weekend, he spends his time in the laboratory. He is humble, has good understanding, is eager to learn, and is diligent.


And there is always an energy in him as he works with passion.


It’s just that no matter how busy he is, he still sometimes stays until three in the morning. He will just go home to rest, and at seven or eight the next morning, he will come to the laboratory again.


The instructor once asked, in such a situation, why not simply make do with it in the lounge.


Later, he found this student who was usually cold and quiet, smiled softly, and said, “There is someone at home, waiting for me to go back.”


That kind of tenderness is like remembering something and putting it on the tip of his heart, as if thinking of a baby he cherishes or even nostalgia.


The instructor is an understanding person, so he doesn’t ask any more questions.


But this time when Bai Huai was asking a leave, the instructor still couldn’t help but ask something.


Bai Huaiyi smiled softly: “Because I don’t want to make this person wait.”


The instructor smiled: “Okay, then don’t make this person wait, go ahead. if this doesn’t work out, don’t come back to see me.”


Although Bai Huai didn’t say it, he has always wanted to study this in order to make Omega effectively immune to Alpha’s pheromones. It can obviously be seen that Bai Huai is a person who really wants to protect his Omega.


He hopes this student of his can marry this Omega at home.


Because he ‌‌likes this student too much.


He is calm, rational, smart,and hardworking. Not to mention meticulous, gentle, and deep.


Such young people deserve to be liked by their Omega.

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After Bai Huai left, the instructor stood by the window.


He‌ found that it was snowing outside, and a young man was waiting for someone with an umbrella. After Bai Huai appeared, he quickly walked up to him.


Afterwards, the two kissed under the snow.


The old mentor couldn’t help laughing. Stinky boy, he doesn’t know how to avoid it at all, and why are they still so sticky after being together for so many years?


This is outrageous.


He should start preparing the red envelopes.


It would be very nice.


He doesn’t know when he will retire, so he doesn’t want to embrace his disciples and rookies yet.




When Bai Huai asked Jian Songyi to ask for a leave, Jian Songyi thought it was because Bai Huai finally got a vacation and wanted to go out  together, so he didn’t think much about it.


Both of them have recently been preparing to go abroad next year. They haven’t had a good rest for a long time, and it’s time for them to relax.


On the day of departure, it was Christmas Eve.


Bai Huai borrowed a private jet from Bai Han and flew to Hokkaido.


Bai Han agreed, and he also helped them to apply for an international flight.


In the past few years, the relationship between Bai Huai and Bai Han has been a little strange. They say they are close, but they are not close. It is because Bai Huai is hostile to Bai Han, but it became milder over time. On top of that, when Bai Han thinks of them occasionally, he would also ask his assistant to ask them one question: Do you two need anything?


There was even a Spring Festival one year, and a New Year’s gift was prepared for the two of them.


The father and son seemed to have reached some kind of subtle reconciliation, but because of the same wound, they did not completely let go.


On the other hand, Jian Songyi became more sensible and occasionally moved to talk to Bai Han about his current situation with Bai Huai.


As for what for, probably because of what Bai Han said to Bai Huai, “I’ve taught you about it before, don’t forget it.” and Bai Huai’s reply was only, “You already have gray hair.” .


While thinking about this, Jian Songyi knew that Bai Han is still suffering, and most people probably don’t understand it.


Following that, a thought came into his mind. If one day he would die before Bai Huai, or if Bai Huai left him first, he would feel the heartache unbearable.


Therefore, Bai Han there should also be suffering.


Jian Song thought that Bai Huai should not have such a day because they are very lucky. In fact, he has  to sell 30,000 little roses to Bai Huai everyday, and he doesn’t get sold out.


Nonetheless, he has some reservations that Bai Huai asked Bai Han about borrowing a private plane, which seemed very corrupt.

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On the other hand, Bai Huai didn’t feel it at all. He was very righteous and made great use of the benefits of private jets by doing whatever he wanted, which made Jian Songyi blush.


Even though they have been together for five years, the two have let go a lot in matters, but Jian Songyi’s shyness is always there.


Even though sometimes Bai Huai has moved back and forth, his progress still can’t keep up with Bai Huai’s progress as they do it. In the end, he still just scolds Bai Huai as a bastard with a blushing face.


After a lot of trouble, he finally got off the plane and was liberated. When Jian Songyi checked into the hot spring hotel in Hokkaido, it was a lot more in action of the did.


In the past few months, except for Bai Huai who asked for leave to accompany each time Jian Songyi combined with his heat, Bai Huai has only one day off each week as his rest day. So the frequency of the two of them doing it is probably once a week.


It stands to reason that old husbands and wives were almost the same as them.


The two of them seem to not have left the honeymoon phase yet. No matter how much they crave each other, they can’t crave enough.


Their minds and bodys were a little suffocated, but they kept on wanting more.


In addition, they don’t know if it’s because they know that the hot spring has a good environment, or because the atmosphere is magnificent, but the two of them are in good condition as they make love.


Heartily, they haven’t enjoyed themselves for a long time.


In the end, Jian Songyi was paralyzed in Bai Huai’s arms, soaked in the warm spring water as he looked at the cold night in the snow country. He could only say that the moon is really beautiful tonight.   


Bai Huai lowered his head and kissed him.   

‌It’s a lot lingering than a normal one. 


They longed for each other.


Bai huai kissed him deeper until Jian Songyi couldn’t take it anymore, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.  


When Jian Songyi woke up the next morning, Bai Huai was not in their room. 


He opened the window only to see that the light outside the house is slightly brighter than he expected. the sky and the earth are white, the snow is endless, and the sky is clean and pure. 


Jian Songyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath.   


Yes, he likes the taste and the feeling.   


Before, he hated winter. But later on, because of Bai Huai, Jian Songyi had learned to love it 


‌ Because there is snow in winter, everywhere smells like Bai Huai’s pheromones.  


He just didn’t know where Bai Huai went so early in the morning.  


Jian Songyi thought for a while. Because today is Christmas and it’s their fifth anniversary as a couple,  the old beast, Bai Huai, should be playing some tricks. He came to deceive this pure Omega.


While thinking of this, Jian Songyi couldn’t help but smile.


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He really likes Bai Huai very much. They have been together for five years, and he could only like him more and more. In fact, there are  times when he doesn’t understand, how can there be a Bai Huai in his life? Bai Huai is such a good person, and how lucky he is to be liked by Bai Huai.


Jian Songyi touched the engagement ring on his hand.


He has already thought about it. When the decision to study abroad is settled, he would propose to Bai Huai.


If Bai Huai is not willing at that time, he will break the dog’s legs.


Jian Songyi thought of this and couldn’t help but smile.


Really, ‌he likes Bai Huai too much.


Just as Jian Songyi was about to think of something silly, he suddenly heard someone call his name.


That voice was cold and gentle, especially clear in the early morning of the quiet snow country.


Jian Songyi looked for the sound. He turned around, walked to the other side of the room, and pushed open the door.


The moment he opened the door, Jian Songyi thought he was dreaming.


In the dream, he saw the endless white snow, and three thousand flowers bloomed on the white snow, all of which were extremely red roses, spreading to the sky, seemingly endless.


The extremely pure white mixed with extremely strong red gave strong visual contrast, making it rise to the ultimate beauty.


On the other hand, Bai Huai stood on the snow, among the flowers, standing quietly.


When he saw Jian Songyi ‌coming out, he smiled lightly: “Do you like it?”


Jian Songyi hasn’t returned to his senses yet.


Bai Huai said softly: “There are 30,000 roses in total here. You have agreed that you will sell them to me per day, so that I will have little roses every day in my life.”


“I count what I say.”


“It’s me who is actually a bit domineering. I’m afraid that if your words don’t count, then I will lose a lot, so I decided to buy and sell it to you strongly. You can see if I can.”


Jian Songyi’s heart beat a little faster and his breathing changed. It was a little heavy, and the air in the cold place formed a cloud of white mist, obscuring his sight.


In Jian Songyi’s blurred vision, Bai Huai smiled, softer than usual.


He then continued: “Jian Songyi, we have known each other for 23 years, and we have been together for five years. Ever since I can remember, I wanted to take care of you, protect you, and make you happy. Later, you also took care of me, protected me, and made me happy. I am happy. In my whole life, you have brought light and warmth to me, so there is no second person in this world who makes me feel important, and there is no second person in this world for me to be willing to work with, share the rest of my life with. So I think no matter what happens in the future, whether it is life, old age, illness or death, natural and man-made disasters, there is no way to let me leave you. I love you. I can’t help myself.”


Jian Songyi’s throat rolled, and with a trembling voice, he looked straight at Bai Huai: “I love you too.”


Bai Huai smiled deeply this time.


He said: “I know that you loving me is the luckiest thing in my life. On my eighteenth birthday, you gave me half of your luck. I got lucky at the age of eighteen. You didn’t lie to me. But I’m a little greedy. I’ve been lucky for five years, but I still don’t think it’s enough. I still want to be lucky for many, many years, until we are old, until we disappear into this world. I want to be lucky all the time. Knowing that I’m so greedy now, would you hate me?”


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Jian Songyi smiled: “It’s okay, you can actually be more greedy.”


Bai Huai also smiled.


He slowly took a few steps towards and walked to Jian Songyi before looking down: “Then I will be more greedy.”


Jian Songyi’s heart beat faster, so fast that he couldn’t help it.


After seeing Bai Huai closer, Bai Huai knelt down on one knee.


He took out the diamond ring that had used up all his savings. He then looked at Jian Songyi.


A cold person has the most direct and fiery feeling.


He asked: “Jian Songyi, are you willing to become my lifelong partner? Forever and ever fall in love with me, and spend the rest of your life with me?”


Jian Songyi looked down at Bai Huai’s eyes, which were filled with tears easily.


Jian Songyi never questioned Bai Huai’s love for him, and he never questioned his love for Bai Huai.


Because he can’t imagine what it would be like if there was no Bia Huai in his life one day.


He thinks, if there is such a day, then life must lose all its colors.


Therefore, such a day is not allowed to exist.


So he leaned over, held Bai Huai’s face, and kissed him deeply, without shaking his determination.


Jian Songyi said: “Bai Huai, I am willing. I am willing to become your lifelong partner. I will love you forever and ever, and will spend the rest of my life with you.”


It was a quiet early morning, every inch of snow, every rose, heard their sworn oath.


And at the moment when the ring was put on the ring finger, there was a lot of snow falling from the sky,  the vast world being covered with snow white.


Two teenagers, ‌ booked for life like this.


Later, Jian Songyi thought that that snowy day was probably a good omen from God.


After all, every time snow falls in this world, the sky gives the earth a white head. And Jian Songyi used his whole life to give Bai Huai hope in his life.


They will love each other forever, so they should take good care of each other.


For all eternity it will be them, together.




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