Chapter 60 – Let Me Take A Bite, and I’ll Give You The First Place In Our Grade

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Jian Songyi pushed Bai Huai away from him. “No. I brought an inhibitor this time.”


“Where is it?”


“In my schoolbag.”


“Didn’t your mother take it away?”




“It’s not my fault. It used to happen every beginning of the month, but it didn’t give me any warning this time around.”


Jian Songyi could not believe that he was stressing about this again.


Bai Huai can only coax him with kind words: “You have just been divided and not yet used to it, so you’re not to be blamed. But since you’re experiencing your heat right now, I think it is better to go home first and then scold me later on, okay?”


Jian Songyi decided not to argue with Bai Huai first. 


Meanwhile, Bai Huai was worried about his weak legs: “I’ll carry you down.”


“Oh.” Jian Songyi straightened himself up with a sneer and turned around to walk on his own instead: “ I am afraid that you have forgotten your father’s heroic deeds of singling out three Alpha while in heat.”


He walked pretty neatly, but when he went downstairs, his legs staggered softly.


Bai Huai went up to hold it, but Jian Songyi clapped it with one hand: “Don’t touch me.”


With that, he held unto the stairs railings and took two steps simultaneously to run much quicker.

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It seems that Jian Songyi is still angry with Bai Huai.


Bai Huai helplessly followed him: “Slow down. Be careful not to fall.” 


Jian Songyi just gave out a short and powerful “ha.”


While walking downstairs, Jian Songyi did not step back all the way to the art hall’s door. He didn’t even look back to check on Bai Huai or amble.

Jian Songyi is aware of the heat flowing inside his body that he has this undeniable strong attraction towards Bai Huai right now. His legs are too wobbly, and his face is too hot. If he walked by slower, she would want to turn around and push Bai Huai down to do god knows what.


But he is still feeling alive and slightly well due to Bai Huai’s scent, so he can’t just simply turn away the dirty thoughts and feelings that instinctively resurface, so he decides to walk faster. He just wanted to reach home as soon as possible and inject his inhibitor so that he could continue scolding Bai Huai about him leaving again.


However, when he got to the back door, he froze.


The back door of the Art and Sports Museum, which was never locked, was locked today? With a chain lock? Locked like a demon tower?!


Screw this shit.


Jian Songyi reached out and pulled the chain to shake it hard: “Is anyone there?”


There was no response.


He shook it a little bit more.


Still no response from anyone.


And then tried shaking it again.


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But Bai Huai held his hand this time and said, “ There must be no one around here. I will call Yang Yue.”


Bai Huai took out his phone and, surprise, surprise… There’s no signal.


Jian Songyi took out his cellphone as well.


It’s out of battery.




“I’ll go somewhere else to see if I can get to contact someone.” Bai Huai said as he took off his coat to place it on the ground. He checked if its soft enough for Jian Songyi to sit upon. When it was not, he went ahead to put his sweater down as well.”


Bai Huai then looked up at Jian Songyi with a calm expression engraved on his face: “Are you afraid of the dark?”



“Good. Wait for me here. Don’t move.”


“I’ll go with you.”


“You told me to slow down. If your pheromone is always next to me, I am afraid that I won’t be able to help myself.”




Jian Songyi bowed his head with ease and guilt. He always thought that he had good control of his pheromones.


“Well then, go.”


Bai Huai’s figure slowly disappeared at the end of the corridor. 

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Without Bai Huai by his side, Jian Songyi’s particular period’s affliction is becoming increasingly apparent.


Jian Songyi leaned his back against the wall and then curled into a ball to tilt his chin against his knees. He tried to slow his breathing and suppress his feelings, but as soon as he closed his eyes, all he was feeling was coldness.


It is gaining more pressure on him.


In the end, all Jian Songyi can do is let himself slide down the wall and hug his legs with his arms. He fully buried his head against his knees and gasped for breath.


Binding heat is so intense and sudden that almost no Omega can resist it, so it is plain common sense for an Omega to carry inhibitors with them. 


After he suffered a loss last time, Jian Songyi remembered to take it with him all the time.


But today, because of the performance, he had to put the inhibitor in his schoolbag first. And as if on cue, this has to happen.


What a total coincidence.


Does God dislike him and insist on playing with him? He lets him be an Omega, not to mention a very awkward one.


Jian Songyi can only smile in despair.


He wanted to be the best Omega, yet he could barely suppress his instincts without losing his temper.


But what else can he do?


It has been engraved through thousands of years of human evolution. It’s already written in their genes that being strong and stubborn about it only feels terrible.


It is very deeply rooted that his desire grows from the soil. Then the roses grow savagely, which resulted in his seductive pheromones spreading endlessly that night. 

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Jian Songyi’s hands droop freely, making his fingers touch the cold floor. He has his head against the wall as his Adam’s apple rolled down his elongated neck due to his heavy breathing. As the moonlight falls, beads of sweat form all over his neck and forehead.


Every minute and second that passed was extremely difficult for him.


Jian Songyi didn’t know how long it took for him to be able to hear the footsteps that were coming again.


He turned his head, his eyes glowing with water. Jian Songyi’s eyes are so red that he can only open his lips to say: “Bai Huai.”


The teenager’s clean and clear voice echoed through the empty space.


Bai Huai quickly picked up his pace and walked over to Jian Songyi as fast as possible. He immediately squatted down and hugged him into his arms. “I’m here.” He whispered against his delicate skin.


“How’s it going?”


“Not so much luck. There’s no one on duty for the weekends, and I still didn’t get any signal.”


Jian Songyi smiled helplessly: “I really didn’t mean it. I think God is playing with me.”


Bai Huai wiped his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand: “We can probably stay here for the night.” 


“Blame me for getting you into trouble.”


“What do you mean by that?”




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