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Jian Songyi initially has three points of reasoning about this topic, but Bai Huai already managed to clear two of them.


“Songyi, you can say anything you want, but don’t say that you are irrelevant to me and that I do not like you. For as long as I can remember, all my life has been related to you. I not only like you, but I also love you. I will be sad if you say so otherwise.”


Bai Huai paused for a moment.


“So, do you understand that I love you? Even if you don’t love me, I love you still.”


‘I love you. I fucking love you! I won’t be angry if I do not love you! If I do not love you, I won’t care if you even fucking go now. I even hint that I love you, yet you are saying that I don’t?!’ These thoughts are running through Jian Songyi’s mind. 


Jian Songyi is definitely tortured by the heat he is experiencing right now. Not to mention the fact that he is trying not to indulge in Bai Huai’s pheromones while listening to his low whispers against his ear. Sadness and anger clouded his mind.


Thus, Jian Songyi looked at Bai Huai directly before biting him against his throat yet again.


It was harder than the last time. Bai Huai was obviously caught off guard again that he could not help but let out a low and very restrained sexy groan past his lips.


“Jian Songyi, you’ve bitten me thrice already, yet you don’t let me bite you even once.”


Bai Huai’s voice fell right beside Jian Songyi’s ear. And with that, his mind’s taut string of reasons was gone entirely.


Without thinking about it, he pushed Bai Huai directly on the piano bench behind him, with the corner of his eyes reddening from embarrassment: “No, I can only bite you because you provoked me.”


One hand cupped his chin while the other assisted the back of his head. And just like that, he gave another hard bite against his skin. It was youthful, clumsy, and definitely unreasonable.


Bai Huai did not dare use force against Jian Songyi as he was afraid that he would hurt him, but he could not restrain his love for him anymore, so he could only gently indulge by responding and guiding him.


Roses grew wildly around them as the snow became confusing.


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It was not until Bai Huai sensed something was wrong that he suddenly regained his mind and pressed his hand. “That’s enough,” said Bai Huai in his deep voice.


Jian Songyi wanted him to turn his head back, but Bai Huai clasped his wrist bone.


Jian Songyi was adamant and in a hurry: “Not enough!”


“Be good and obedient!” Bai Huai took his hand from the back of his head and then pressed it against his shoulder. “We are still at school, and you can’t help making trouble.”


Hearing the word “school,” Jian Songyi suddenly woke up and paused, then his ears burned. He dared not make any more trouble, but he unconsciously squirmed because he was uncomfortable.


Bai Huai said in a hoarse voice, “Baby, please don’t move away.”


Jian Songyi lost her temper with grievance and said, “I feel bad!”


“I know you’re upset, so let me mark you first, okay? It wouldn’t hurt anymore if I marked you.”




“Just a little. It’ll only be very light, and I promise the mark will be gone when I get up tomorrow.”




“Be good; it will suffocate you if it goes on like this.” Bai Huai paused. “it will suffocate me too.”


Jian Songyi refused to answer. He did not want to be marked, but he acted recklessly around Bai Huai’s neck by instinct.


Bai Huai closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths: “Be obedient.”


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“No.” Jian Songyi acted like a spoiled girl without reason.


There was nothing Bai Huai could do about him, but he could not be allowed to go on like this. He forced himself to come to his senses. He then held Jian Songyi’s chin and moved his head to look up at him before saying earnestly, “Temporary marks can delay your combination fever.”


“No.” Jian Songyi loosely meant that he was stubborn, and he was obviously sick to death, but he still refused to be soft. “Why do you say what you want?”


The pheromones were released to tempt him while Bai Huai said in a warm voice: “You lost a bet with me and played once; think of it as paying back now, okay?”


“You still say… You stole the first rank in our grade and still want to bite me? You’re dreaming.” Jian Songyi’s tone starts to get softer and softer that by the end of it, there is no difference with a person pouting.


Jian Songyi completely buried himself in Bai Huai’s arms. While his head was on his shoulder, his neck was visibly exposed for him.


Bai Huai then lowered his head to his exposed neck and coaxed in a low voice: “Then let me take a bite, and I’ll give the first rank in our grade for you.”




Jian Songyi can only let out gibberish words.


The pheromone of Alpha has unwittingly wrapped him and seeped into his skin. The extremely high degree of fit makes the emission of Omega pheromone surging and violent. He just wants more comfort belonging to Alpha.


Jian Songyi wants to let Bai Huai hold him, but Bai Huai is just quietly attracting him with pheromones and deliberately keeping his distance.


Time goes by minute by minute.


Jian Songyi couldn’t help it any longer and rubbed himself flatteringly: “Let me kiss, will you?”


Bai Huai gently twisted his earlobe and whispered, “Honey, let me take a bite, and I’ll give it to you.”


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The earlobe couldn’t be more sensitive, which is simply killing Jian Songyi.


He couldn’t stand it, so he just collapsed, his forehead against Bai Huai’s shoulder.


Bai Huai does not seem to give up: “Be good, give me a bite; I will listen to you, alright?”


This man is deadly.


Knowing that he had failed, Jian Songyi bit his lip and tried to save the last face: “then I will reluctantly grant you a bite.”


“Yes, sir.”


Bai Huai smiled.


With that, he slipped his fingers into the back of his hair while pressing him down a little. And then he tilted his head to cover the most vulnerable area at the back of his neck. Bai Huai opened his lips and bit down to inject his pheromones slowly.


At that moment, Jian Songyi felt a cool and powerful pheromone injected into his body, soothing all the restlessness in his blood little by little and branded his mark in every cell. It was a perfect blending, a feeling he had never experienced before.


And the strange thing is.


Instead of the humiliation of submission and possession that he imagined or thought there would be, it was a kind of satisfaction.


At the moment of the perfect blending of the two pheromones, he had never felt Bai Huai’s breath, heartbeat, and his deep love for himself so profoundly.


Bai Huai is his Alpha.


Bai Huai loves him.


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Bai Huai belongs to him.


It only belongs to him.


They fit perfectly, and they own each other.


It wasn’t Bai Huai who possessed him.


But because they love each other, they tame each other.


All this made him satisfied, and he felt secure as if he and Bai Huai were meant to be.


Under the comfort of the fine snow, the rose cleverly closed its petals, and the snow gradually fell, piling all over the ground to quietly accompany the rose.


Jian Songyi slowly closed his eyes and calmed down a little bit, but his heart beat faster, and his body temperature didn’t seem to come down.


He said in a hoarse voice: “Bai Huai, you liar, temporary marks are useless.”


Bai Huai gave a low laugh: “Temporary markers can only relieve the bonding fever; the rest is their own rogue. You can not blame my markers and say that they are not useful.”





Translator’s Note:

Many thanks to Clarificus! I hope you get to enjoy the end of this chapter.

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