Omegas in heat while in front of the Alpha who marked them has no trace of defense as they only want to absorb them.

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Basically, this is the most uncomfortable time for him. He is in front of the person he likes while the alcohol temporarily gives up those shy thoughts of his. On top of that, Jian Songyi is starting to feel his lower body going hard and his lower abdomen getting this strange itching and muscle spasms. He feels sick to death.


It’s so hard. He wants Bai Huai.


Jian Songyi raised his head slightly and the beautiful peach blossom eyes of his are no longer the usual cold, ignorant, and seductive ones.


He licked his lips and said hoarsely, “Help me.”


Bai Huai caressed the corners of his eyebrows and then kissed his red and swollen lips lightly. “What do you want me to do for you?” He asked in a low voice.


“Help me.” Jian Songyi was unbearably thirsty, but he could not come up with bolder words.


Bai Huai’s fingertips went down his neck. Little by little trickling down his spine. He then found his lower thigh which Jian Songyi mentioned the last time and ran over it slightly.


Jian Songyi fell directly towards Bai Huai as he gasped for air. He grabbed Bai Huai’s wrist with his hand but could not post dominance nor hold it properly for he does not have the strength to do so.


He wanted it more, but Bai Huai had no next move after that.


And so, Jian Songyi had no choice. He buried his face against Bai Huai’s neck, rubbing himself against him painfully and consciously: “Brother Huai, can you help me?”


Ever since he was a child, Jian Songyi is used to getting what he wanted. He would act like a spoiled girl, call him Brother Huai, and even if Bai Huai posed resistance at first, he will eventually come around again to get what Jian Songyi wanted. 


When Bai Huai was confused, Jian Songyi had to whisper it against his ear.


When can Bai Huai stand the coquettish act from him? He turned their positions around swiftly. With a low voice, he muttered seductively: “Little bastard, just know you’re the one who flirted with me. Flirt and don’t be irresponsible with its consequences.”


In the end, Omegas are the ones who are so soft that when Bai Huai pressed Jian Songyi who was under him, he only felt how soft he is. 


Bai Huai held Jian Songyi’s earlobe as he gently flirted with it with the tip of his tongue. He licked and sucked the outline of Jian Songyi’s ear, making Jian Songyi squirm softly as his breath start to become heavier by the second.


Bai Huai’s hand went down his skin inch by inch to grasp his extremely narrow waist. “Do you really want me to help you?” He whispered against Jian Songyi’s ear.


Jian Songyi bent his legs as he gently wraps his fingers on Bai Huai’s wrist and nods: “I’m uncomfortable.”


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Bai Huai placed his hand down into Jian Songyi’s trousers but did not touch the hot and hard place building on it. Nevertheless, his hand came into contact where it was wet and sticky sooner than later.


It turns out that there would be what seems like a waterfall for how wet he is.


Bai Huai’s fingertips stopped there. He twisted his hand gently before pressing his member harder than he intended.


Jian Songyi tensed and tightened his body in an instant as he fished to grab Bai Huai’s wrist. “No, not there.”


Bai Huai gently appeased him: “Good boy, do not be afraid. I will not go in. Omega here is the most sensitive. I just want to make you comfortable.”


“No, don’t. Don’t touch me there. You should take your hand out.”


Even if he is drunk in his heat and his consciousness is vague, he still is Jian Songyi and is ashamed instinctively. 


Bai Huai listened to him and took out his hand. Under the light, his white fingers were covered with crystal liquid. Knowing that it was his own, Jian Songyi turned his head and covered his eyes with the back of his hand.


Bai Huai chuckled and said, “Honey, there’s nothing to be shy about. You like me. That’s why you do this. It’s all normal.”


Jian Songyi’s desire not only was not resolved but was provoked, even more, rising and hard. But now, he could not be relieved. So he unconsciously brought his own hand down as he wanted to solve this problem on his own.


But Bai Huai pinched his wrist and pressed it to one side.


And just like that, Bai Huai poked his hand back into Jian Songyi’s trousers and grasped the hot and hard member sticking against his piece of clothing. 


As if on cue, Jian Songyi lets out a low moan.


Bai Huai feels Jian Songyi’s length carefully. Its ratio is not as thick as an Alpha. It’s the size of a normal Beta Male, which is very rare for an Omega.


Bai Huai’s fingers are very slender. His bones are very distinct as it wraps on Jian Songyi’s member, making him very comfortable.


But Bai Huai didn’t move further.


“Move…” Jian Songyi complained in a whine.


Bai Huai still did not move his hand. He just leaned over and kissed Jian Songyi’s earlobe. His lips then travel to his neck all the way to his Adam’s apple and stop for his collarbone.

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“Baby, do you like me?”


At such a moment of shame, Jian Songyi’s consciousness was instinctively trying to escape.


He did not speak.


Bai Huai bit out his buttons, causing his satin pajamas to spread out, revealing his simple lean chest with his two hard nipples. Bai Huai’s mouth moved all the way towards it to pleasure them.


Jian Songyi’s legs curled again as his back arched up while clutching Bai Huai’s shoulders tightly: “No, don’t do it again.”


Moisture has risen from the corners of his eyes.


In the end, Bai Huai didn’t have the heart to do it for fear that the child would really feel bad.


He instead kissed him in the corner of his eyes: “Okay. I’ll stop here. Relax. I will help you.”


Bai Huai’s hand clutching Jian Songyi’s member started to pump it up and down. His cold palms wrapped tightly around his hot length while his fingertips stroked his balls lightly, making sure to knead and rub them gently once in a while. 


With the other hand, he propped himself up and looked down at the beautiful boy softening into a pool of water at 11 o’clock under his hands.


A pair of good-looking eyes squinted slightly, making his vision more blurred. Jian Songyi’s Adam’s apple rolls up and down his throat as small gasps are given to life with his lips slightly opened. His pajama has been messily lifted revealing his thin and narrow waist.


Because of the stimulation of his lower body, his abdomen tightens for a while, revealing his muscle lines as well.


Alpha’s possessiveness quickly kicked in and is instinctively aroused as Bai Huai wanted to hold such a waist and eventually enter him.


It is a pity that they’re both still children and not yet adults.


Bai Huai exerted a little more effort on his hand.


It was Jian Songyi who provoked him. He couldn’t blame him for not being a gentleman.


Jian Songyi had never experienced such a thing. He was so thin-skinned that he didn’t even dare to watch a film about these kinds of things. Bai Huai’s teasing made him completely defenseless.


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Squinting his eyes slightly, he seemed to want to miss the beginning, but his eyes always fell on Bai Huai’s long arms intentionally or unintentionally.


The arm that fell further down into the black satin pajamas was the stunning hand that played the piano during the day.


Jian Songyi could not see it, but he knew how beautiful his hand was. Now, it was caressing him in such a secret place. And perhaps, that very hand of his might caresses him deeper than he is supposed to.


The idea that stimulated Jian Songyi’s mind made him more excited.


On the other hand, Bai Huai felt Jian Songyi’s length that he was pleasuring on his hand started to get bigger again as it constantly spits out a ribbon of that vanilla cream of his. 


From there, he knew that someone is having such dirty ideas in their terrible mid. 


So he whispered with a smirk, “Songyi, it seems like you have such a desire for me.”


Jian Songyi quickly covered his face with his hands acting like the shy boy that he is.


Bai Huai likes to watch him act all shy like that, so he quickly took off his hand from his face, making Jian Songyi groan in an instant.


“No, Bai Huai. Uhh… Uhm…. Don’t do this. I-I can’t stand it.”


Bai Huai used some force on his hands, kneading the bag repeatedly and flirting flexibly at his fingertips.


Jian Songyi felt a little uncomfortable at first, but after getting used to it, he felt very pleased and wanted more. He puts his hands around Bai Huai’s neck and said, “Kiss me.”


Under Jian Songyi’s directions, Bai Huai took whatever he wanted. So he bent over for his neck and licked his skin there, dragging it all the way to his collarbone gently.


“Honey, I like you like this.”


With such a sentence, Jian Songyi’s sense of shame faded. She only felt more excited and the feeling of being turned on became more and more obvious due to his member.


He gasped softly: “Bai Huai, I’m almost there.”


Bai Huai received the hint that Jian Songyi will be hitting his high. With his speed and flexibility in playing the piano for many years, it was enough to defeat the unskilled Jian Songyi.


All the blood rushed to his bottom, enough to make his brain go blank. With that, Jian Songyi can only unconsciously shout Bai Huai’s name over and over again.

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Bai Huai once again attached his lips against his ear with a low and gentle voice to coax him: “Baby, I want to hear you say you like me.”


Jian Songyi was gasping for breath as the pleasure waves sends him to his peak. His fingers clutch the sheets tightly until his knuckles turn white. His voice eventually breaks through a murmur.


Once he was about to hit his climax, the pain he had suppressed all night would finally be released, but unfortunately, Bai Huai’s finger blocked the outlet of that desire for him to be able to cum.


Jian Songyi could not stand it. He could only whimper in defeat: “Bai Huai…. Ugh.”


“Honey, I want to hear you say you like me.”


Bai Huai’s lips fell gently on the corner of Jian Songyi’s eyes.


Jian Songyi could not help it at last. So he hugged him and gasped. “I like you, Bai Huai. And I like this. I- uh… huh. Uh.”


Upon hearing that sentence of love, Bai Huai immediately opened free Jain Songyi’s member and quickly set it up in his hand. Jian Songyi’s pleasure and desire what unprecedentedly stimulated, and he could not help himself. His climax made him unable to say a word.


Finally, it was vented along with the love.


He felt that his body was more enjoyable than ever before, his mind was blank, and all his senses were extremely relaxed.


Then a stream of scalding sticky semen shot into Bai Huai’s hand.


Convulsing and trembling, Jian Songyi blushes like the most delicate rose.


Bai Huai gently kissed his lips.


“I like you too.”


“Then, I’ll help you too.”





Translator’s Note:

This chapter is nothing but Krazzzzy. I stan drunk Jian Songyi, and I know you would too in the chapters to come. *le winks.

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