Chapter 65 – Sir, Do You Want to Buy a Little Rose?

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Bai Huai held Jian Songyi’s hand and found that there was nothing in the palm of his hand.


Just like that, there was a smile at the bottom of his eyes.


While lowering his head, Bai Huai looked into Jian Songyi’s eyes and said softly, “This gift, he is also in my heart still.”


Jian Songyi blushed a little more. 


“Isn’t that so, my boyfriend?”


Bai Huai’s last statement is a bit loving and seductive.


The tip of Jian Songyi’s ears was already red as he nodded.


“Yes, my boyfriend.”


The word ‘boyfriend’ was not spoken that loudly but was not hesitantly said. 


The young man’s voice was clear and sure but also a little shy and nervous. Nonetheless, it is more than enough to flood it with countless joys in Bai Huai’s heart.


In his cold and barren life, the only seed he has full of hope finally blossomed into the most beautiful rose in the world after long years of caring for it alone.


He had never been so happy that he forgot what to say.


Bai Huai was so happy that he felt that maybe this was all simply in his head. Thus, he can only ask in a low voice, “Why?”


“Why? It’s because I like you.” Jian Songyi meant it, but he was still a little too thin-skinned that he had to bow his head while saying it. 


“I am miserable when you were not with me these past few days. I’ve wondered why I was so upset. Later, it turns out that it’s just because I like you more than I thought. I never thought about who I wanted to be with before, whether it was an Alpha or an Omega, because in my mind, I thought I was a good catch, and no one was good enough for me.”


Bai Huai could not help but chuckle.


Due to this, Jian Songyi’s face immediately heats up: “Don’t laugh! If you laugh again, I won’t say anything like this anymore!” 

Bai Huai quickly wrapped his arm around Jian Songyi. He immediately placed his coaxing into play: “Okay, I won’t laugh. I will listen to you. I want to hear you say it.”

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Jian Songyi pursed his lips and lowered his eyes. “But now, I think you’re too good, so good that I don’t think I deserve it. I am very hypocritical and unreasonable, but you always bear with it. That is why I thought that you could only be mine. You spoiled me too much that you have to be responsible. I have relied on you all my life, and I don’t think I can have it any other way.”


“You don’t have to worry. I am all yours, just yours. I’ll be responsible for you. Rely on me all you want.”


Jian Songyi listened to Bai Huai and then thought that Bai Huai was really a goblin as he planned to make him completely unable to quit. 


He tried to hide against Bai Huai’s arm. “ I am sure that I like you. It has nothing to do with being an Omega or an Alpha. It has nothing to do with pheromones. I like you more than anyone else put together. So it’s just a matter of whether to accept this gift or not?”


Bai Huai responded by lifting Jian Songyi’s chin and pressing a lingering and affectionate kiss against his lips. 


The snow continued to fall, leaving the two teenagers with snow all over their shoulders and heads.


It was not until it was difficult to breathe that he let go. His fingertips gently touched Jian Songyi’s flushed lips gently and earnestly: “If you seal and sign, it will be mine.”


Jian Songyi narrowed his eyes at him, but he was smiling. He then quickly pecked another kiss on the corner of Bai Huai’s lips. 


As soon as Jian Songyi finished pecking Bai Huai, there was a mournful scream behind them that was given to life. 


“You-you! You guys! What the hell are you?!”


It was gruesome as hell.


When Jian Songyi looked back, he saw the flathead brother leaning over with his hands against his knees to catch his breath angrily and in fear.


Jian Songyi looked at him guiltily, “Should… be in love?”


Brother Pingtou’s breath hitches. He straightened his back and looked Jian Songyi directly in his eyes.

Bai Huai pulled Jian Songyi against him reluctantly: “Are you Zhu Gong?”


When he was about to answer Bai Huai’s question, Jian Songyi blinked at them and fired a question: “Who is Zhu Gong?”


Bai Huai: “Your roommate’s name.”


“Huh?” Jian Songyi was obviously shocked. “Isn’t his name Brother Pingtou? Flathead?”

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Zhu Gong, who was pulled back from the realization, was stunned yet again. 


After a long delay, he pointed his finger as it went back and forth between them. “Aren’t you two Alphas? How can you fall in love? Oh! You’re really in a pure Alpha-to-Alpha relationship! I knew it!”


Jian Songyi was silent. He was contemplating whether Alpha-to-Alpha relationship would have a more significant impact on him or if learning that he is an Omega all along would drive Zhu Gong mad.


Without waiting for Jian Songyi to be able to process and analyze his options, Zhu Gong suddenly ran in their direction. As soon as Jian Songyi was ready to dodge him, he found Zhu Gong passing pass through them as if they were just one with the air. 


Watching him go, Zhu Gong ran to a girl. He immediately hugged her and then cried: “Wife! I was so scared!”


The girl arched an eyebrow towards him.


Zhu Gong cried and then pointed over Jian Songyi and Bai Huai while trembling and letting his girlfriend tower over him. 


The girl’s gaze followed the direction her boyfriend was pointing at. And then, she nodded at Bai Huai before saying faintly, “Long time no see.”


And then she glanced over at Jian Songyi. She shook his hand before smiling: “Congratulations.”


“Thank you.”


Zhu Gong looked at the situation in front of him. He was so confused that he hugged his girlfriend immediately. “Wife! They are both Alphas!”


The girl pulled him aside in disgust: “What’s wrong with that?”


“Alpha-to-Alpha love! It means they have to pay a fine! “


His girlfriend then explained calmly: “It’s only 50,000 yuan. It’s not like Bai Huai can’t afford it. Alright, where’s your dormitory? I’ll collect your things, and then we can have dinner.” 


“Alright, wife! I love you, wife! Honey, come with me! Hold me.”


“Go away and put your gloves on.”


After admiring the flirting couple for a while, Jian Songyi narrowed his gaze towards Bai Huai: “Why didn’t you make her yours when the girl is clearly so virtuous and stylish?”


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Bai Huai liked Jian Songyi’s sour expression plastered on his face. He pressed him against his waist before speaking with a playful smile, “I like the unvirtuous and ferocious one better.”


As soon as Jian Songyi raised his fist to try and give him a reasonable knocking, they heard some honking from behind them.


The two looked in the direction of the noise, and their smiles faded away.


Not far from the roadside parked a black business car. It is not a top luxury car, but the license plate is a little special.


Jian Songyi tried his best not to frown: “Is he here to catch us?”


Bai Huai did not reply but took Jian Songyi by the hand and walked over to the vehicle.


The window rolled down to reveal no other than Bai Han.


“Get in the car.”


“But I have to pack my things first.” Jian Songyi said unwillingly.


“I’ve already asked someone to collect your belongings. They will send it directly to the Bai Hotel. I also got your cellphone for you already.”


Even Bai Han knows where he is staying, and he obviously came prepared.


The two men didn’t bother to argue. They stepped into the car quickly as instructed.


The car slowly left Beicheng University.


Bai Han sat next to them while looking down at some documents. But even so, he did not forget to criticize Bai Huai still. “You shouldn’t have come here. It’s a waste of time and resources for such a low-cost performance.”


Jian Songyi could not help but reply: “I think it’s okay. After all, I am the son of the richest man in Nancheng. I am valuable enough, so this trip should be more than worth it. This deal should be a bargain.”


Bai Han turned over a page of the document he was reading: “Wherever Bai Huai goes, you’ll be. You’ll be close. Anything more than that? Thus, it is a waste.”


Jian Songyi actually felt that Bai Hain was right on this one.


However, Bai Han sneered at his father: “I don’t think anything else is important. Anyway, I’ll probably waste my whole life on him, so it doesn’t matter at all.”

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“You’re still childish. Both impulsive and emotional.”


“At least I won’t die alone.”


Bai Han was silent for three seconds and then slowly said, “Bai Huai, you shouldn’t say that.”


“You shouldn’t say that either.”


The tone between the father and son is not lighter than the other but more hurtful than the other.


They both are standing up to each other coldly.


Jian Songyi held Bai Huai’s hand as he wanted to pass his warmth to him. Bai Huai laced his fingers with him.


Bai Han noticed the action and decided to comment on it, “You don’t have to be nervous. I am just taking you to a place. I do not mean to beat you up like mandarin ducks.”


It was only then that Jian Songyi and Bai Huai noticed that the car had entered a not-so-new community. It was very close to Beicheng University and Huaqing University.


The car has stopped without giving them a chance to question it.


Bai Han handed a set of keys to Bai Huai: “801, you go up first. I have something to say to Jian Songyi alone.”


Bai Huai did not move and said coldly, “Just talk to me.”


“Don’t worry, I won’t embarrass him.”


Jian Songyi squeezed Bai Huai’s hand. Bai Huai looked at him and saw that Jian Songyi had that look of firm persistence to reassure him that there was nothing to fear.

Bai Huai felt that he could trust Jian Songyi. He is strong and reasonable enough.


So, Bai Huai smiled and hugged him in front of his father. He even placed a soft kiss against his forehead: “I’ll be waiting for you.”


Bai Han did not respond. He waited until Bai Huai’s figure disappeared from his field of vision. He then said slowly, “I can answer the question you asked me that night.”




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