Chapter 69 – Humiliate the Country

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Bai Huai did not make much trouble for Jian Songyi. He was not planning to either. After all, they only did it yesterday, and he was afraid that Jian Songyi won’t be able to bear it. So he just pressed him against him until Jian Songyi completely softened under his touch. Bai Huai then slowly let go of him and let Jian Songyi ride on him and dominate him in exasperation.


Half leaning against the head of the bed, he reached out and fiddled with his hair and asked in a low voice, “When did you see that I was pretending to be angry?”


“I found out early in the morning.” Jian Songyi knocked off his hand. “Don’t touch it. It’ll be messed up later.”


Why is he so smug?


When Jian Songyi did not let Bai Huai touch his hair, Bai Huai’s hands returned to his tiny waist and naturally took advantage of it: “I thought you still haven’t found out by that time since you’ve passed the note.”


Jian Songyi is not yet again aware that Bai Huai is trying to pull off something again as he answers his question proudly, “You don’t act like that when you’re mad. I know a lot of things about you. How could I not know that?”


“Then tell me why was I angry?”


Jian Songyi thought about it. Bai Huai was only angry with him once, and that is when Wang Shan found someone to take advantage of him. Apart from that, Bai Huai never got mad with Jian Songyi.


Bai Huai has never snapped at him no matter how fierce, overbearing, and unreasonable he is. This person looks like a piece of ice. Still, he is warm water, with no bottom line of tenderness and tolerance, so he can indulge in it unscrupulously.


Jian Songyi knows this very well, so he doesn’t think Bai Huai is angry at first. But since he didn’t coax Bai Huai, Jian Songyi couldn’t rest assured himself, so he just played along with his scheme willingly.


And Bai Huai, as an animal, clearly took the bait because he was so sure that Jian Songyi was softhearted.


When he thought of this, Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai had been pulling so many pranks on him lately. So, he suddenly lifted himself before sitting against him again. This caught Bai Huai’s guard off, and he had to gasp.


He then naively arched one of his eyebrows: “I don’t know how angry you are, but anyway I like to use violence when I am angry.”


Jian Songyi sandwiched Bai Huai onto his bed as he looked at his spoiled and proud show-off: “Losing your temper like this won’t do you any good. If my waist gets broken, it is not me who will suffer in the future.”


“What does it have to do with me?”


“If I break my waist, what will you do about your heat in the future?”


With a cold hum, Jian Songyi lifted the hem of his clothes. He tightened his waist and then pointed and patted his thighs. Afterward, he said in disdain, “See. This is a symbol of strength. I can move by myself.”


“Okay, okay. Then don’t move if you do not want to.”


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After a while, Jian Songyi stood up, “Forget it. I don’t want to fight with you anymore. I want to go home and review physics. I love studying, you see.”


After saying that, Jian Songyi slipped away. He really went there to say hello to XiaoHuai.


Bai Huai initially ought to let him go. Still, he saw that Jian Songyi didn’t let him go earlier either, so he grabbed him directly from behind and carried Jian Songyi all the way to the bathroom: “I think you may need the first rank to help you review friction.”


“I am better at physics than you are!”


“Huh. You want to try?”


“Just you try!”


The result of the Little Rose’s challenge ended with the Little Rose getting forced to be baptized on the new rose fragrance.


 At the most robust age, when he tasted something for the first time in front of the person he liked, he always had no self-sustaining power. When he touched it, he always felt that it was not enough.


The good news is that Jian Songyi is young and in good health. But nonetheless, he still has some limits that he could not overbear.


When the trouble was over, Jian Songyi began to be lazy again. He stayed on the bed and didn’t want to leave. But he sets his alarm clock on his cell phone to six o’clock.


Bai Huai blew his hair and said, “Why are you so early? You don’t go to self-study in the morning. “


Jian Songyi gave him a glance of disdain. “Are you stupid? What if I don’t go back early and my mother finds out?”


Surprisingly, Jian Songyi has a lot of awareness and experience in sneaking out.


Bai Huai unexpectedly did not know what to say for a moment, so he could only praise his cleverness and coax him to sleep.


As a matter of fact, Jian Songyi was not very honest in his sleep. when he fell asleep, he fell asleep on Bai Huai and snuggled close to him like the softie he is. He is always moving like a small animal rubbing against people.


But it is strange that Bai Huai, who sleeps shallowly, sleeps soundly every time he holds Jian Songyi.


It was probably a habit formed when he was a child. At that time, only when Jian Songyi was beside him would he feel that in this world, he was not alone, and there would be someone to accompany him, and he could relax.


Bai Huai rubbed his chin against Jane Songyi’s head and closed his eyes.


Winter night is the best night for sleeping.

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They both slept comfortably.


But the winter morning is the most difficult when trying to get up in the morning.


Jian Songyi set the alarm clock at six o’clock, but Bai Huai was the only one who woke up at its sound.


On the other hand, Jian Songyi himself seemed to be deaf. The alarm clock rang 800 times, but still no signs of waking up. Bai Huai had already gotten up to wash and dress, but Jian Songyi didn’t move from where he left off. 


Bai Huai stood by the bed and looked at some quiet and clever cub. He could not help poking him. The cub immediately shrank into the quilt, and Bai Huai poked him again. Jian Songyi snuggled into the quilt again, back and forth, and finally curled into a round ball.


Bai Huai had no choice but to pull his head out of the quilt, hold his face, and give him a kiss: “Good boy, get up.”


Jian Songyi pushed him away with ease and then shrank back to the comfort of the blanket.


Bai Huai patiently pulled him out again, held his face, and kissed him again.


Jian Songyi wanted to push him away again, but he was trapped in a daze that he didn’t manage to move at all. He simply closed his eyes and frowned against the kiss they shared. Finally, Bai Huai kissed him so many times that he just lost his temper. But before he could even explode, Bai Huai picked him up and sent him to the bathroom.


After washing, Jian Songyi returned to his state of mind but was still a little bit stunned by how fast everything had transpired.


Seeing that Bai Huai wanted to laugh, he took the blow dryer to help him fix his hair. “It’s past seven o’clock, and I’m probably too late for the first class today.”


“Well- wait a minute… It’s already past seven?!” Jian Songyi was horrified. 


Mrs. Tang calls him for breakfast at 7:20 every morning.


Without thinking about it, Jian Songyi picked up his clothes and ran out, wearing Bai Huai’s pajamas.


He took in on a vigorous pace, but then he had to come to an abrupt stop after coming face to face with another living thing.


In the living room sat a Hale and hearty old man with a newspaper and presbyopia glasses, sitting on the sofa facing the stairs. His head was bowed, but he looked at Jian Songyi through his lenses.


Jian Songyi can’t avoid him: “Grandpa Bai…”


Grandpa Bai placed down his paper and then took off his presbyopic glasses. He smiles at him kindly. “Don’t you mind me asking, but where are you headed in a hurry? Come and have breakfast, or it will get cold.”


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Jian Songyi hugged the pile of clothes in his arms as he didn’t know where to go.


Bai Huai came out of the well-dressed room, passed by him, and calmly patted him on the shoulder: “Have breakfast.”


Then he went straight to the table, picked up the porridge bowl, and casually asked: “Grandpa, when did you come back?”


“I came back in the middle of last night. I heard XiaoYi say that he was coming, and it was too late, so I didn’t bother the two of you.”


“Oh, well, Grandpa, remember to take some rest after our meal.” Bai Huai looked up at Jian Songyi, who was still standing on the stairs, and said softly, “Why are you standing there? Come and have breakfast. The porridge is getting cold.”


Bai Huai was so calm, as if the situation was not awkward at all.


Jian Songyi felt that he still suffered from being too thin-skinned and had to learn more from Bai Huai. He was shameless, and the world was invincible.


So he pretended to be just like him. He put his clothes on the sofa, sat down at the table, and buried his head in the porridge.


He tried to tell himself that it didn’t matter, although he slept in Bai Huai’s room all night, although they did some shady things, although he was still wearing Bai Huai’s pajamas, and although he was caught sneaking out by his own grandfather, it didn’t matter.


As long as he is thick-skinned, these things will never happen, and he should not be ashamed of himself.


However, after eating a few mouthfuls of porridge, his face was burning so hot that he could not help it. “There was something wrong with Bai Huai last night. I told him that it was too late, so I slept here.”


Ten percent of this place has no silver 320.


Jian Songyi finished and realized this, so he kicked Bai Huai under the table and asked him to help make it round.


Bai Huai thoughtfully added: “Well, last night I asked Jian Songyi to review my physics, mainly mechanics and heat, which I am unfamiliar with.”


He said it seriously, and there was nothing wrong with it, but Jian Songyi was so angry that he gave him another kick.


Fortunately, Father Bai was a serious man. After hearing what they said, he immediately smiled kindly at them: “Loving learning is a good thing. Since you two grew up together, you should help each other too. It’s just too much trouble and carelessness.”


“It’s alright, grandpa. He doesn’t mind getting bothered.”


“Well, Xioayi is a good boy. If this happens again next time, say hello to your aunt and ask her to make you some soup. It just so happens that I have brought back some good velvet antlers this time to replenish your body so that your body will not be overwhelmed and exhausted. “

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“Well, okay. It’s time for Jian Songyi to make up for it.”


The more he listened, the more Jian Songyi got ashamed. But the two grandchildren, one serious, one pretending to be serious, seem to be indecent that Jian Songyi could only quickly pick up his bowl of porridge and run away. 


However, if he could do it when he was younger, he could definitely not do it now when he is already coming of age.


As soon as Jian Songyi got home, he looked up before he could even catch his breath and saw his parents sitting on the sofa with their gratified, malicious, and meaningful smiles.




Jian Songyi made a last-ditch struggle: “Mom, would you believe me if I said I went out for a run this morning?”


Mrs. Tang nodded: “Baby, why won’t we believe you? You’ve run in the morning while wearing this expensive-looking pajama.”


Mr. Jian agreed. “It’s just a little big.”


Mrs. Tang watched carefully before raising her pointer finger. “Hmmm. This looks like about 1.9 meters.”


Mr. Jian pushed his glasses and nodded, “Indeed. It’s just right for Bai Huai to wear it.”


Mrs. Tang: “Oh, carelessness, why are you blushing? Are you tired from running all morning? Alas, you walk slowly. Don’t worry. Your mother doesn’t think much about anything! Whatever you say, mom believes you. Really! Mom will always believe you. She believes in you!”




Jian Songyi went back to his room and closed himself inside.


He knew that when the relationship surfaced, it would be the day when someone lost his rights and humiliated the country.


From his biological parents all the way to those smelly idiots at school.


Jian Songyi stroked his black hair and made up his mind.


He has to hide it.




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