It’s embarrassing.

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It’s really embarrassing.


Jian Songyi buried himself under the blanket and wrapped it around himself tightly. He felt his blanket was the happiest and warmest place in the world. He wanted to spend the rest of his life there inside.


Bai Huai watched the ups and downs of the quilt getting lower and lower. For fear that Jian Songyi would end up being bored, Bai Huai reached out and pulled him out of the blanket. 


Bai Huai hugged and kissed the shrimp as soon as he left his blanket: “Are you going to hide for the rest of your life?”


Jian Songyi buried his face even lower, hoping that his whole self would just disappear on the spot.


Bai Huai lets him continue to sulk as he asks in a low voice: “Are you that ashamed?”


“Nonsense! Why don’t you try?”


“I don’t feel ashamed. I think it is cute.”


“You think that everything is cute!” Jian Songyi gets angry when he thinks about it. He looked up at him and growled. “Why didn’t you stop me last night? Can’t you drag me away? Did you do it on purpose?! Are you just waiting for this day?”


“I’m sorry. It’s all my fault, but I didn’t mean to.”


Bai Huai’s patience and tenderness made Jian Songyi suddenly feel guilty.


He knew full well that it had become a habit for Bai Huai to indulge himself. And as long as he wants to do it, no one can stop him. Not to mention the fact that he is drunk, he will only be more unreasonable.


If Bai Huai does not comply with him, he may make it even more embarrassing.


It is really unreasonable for him to vent his anger on Bai Huai now.


And this remark is a bit hurtful as if it was said that Bai Huai intended to open up their relationship to everyone.

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Thus, Jian Songyi hurriedly put his arms around Bai Huai’s neck and rubbed his skin: “That’s not what I meant. Don’t be unhappy. I’m ashamed of myself because I’m drunk and insane. I’m not ashamed of sharing our relationship with the public.”


Bai Huai didn’t think much about it at all. He noticed that Jian Songyi was suddenly clever and stupefied, and then he reacted as if he was thinking too much, so he couldn’t help smiling.


Who says that Jian Songyi is loose and rough? He is obviously more considerate than anyone. He is already too embarrassed, but he still decides to coax him first.


How could his boyfriend be so sweet?


Bai Huai cannot help but to bow and kiss Jian Songyi: “What are you thinking? You expressed your love to me so sincerely last night. How could I misunderstand you, my overbearing handsome schoolboy? “


“…Get out!”


Jian Songyi could not see such a brilliant person as Bai Huai, who always gives a little color to his life. Thinking of him as an overbearing school handsome boy who Bai Huai spoiled last night, his face suddenly flushed red. As a result, he gave Bai Huai a hard kick. “Get out of here! Get out now! I never want to see you again, roll!”


Bai Huai smiled even more. He tilted his face to kiss Jian Songyi harder: “Okay, I’ll go home and pack my things first. As long as we don’t break up, everything will be easy. You can fight and scold me as long as you want.”


“Get out!”


Jian Songyi threw his pillow at Bai Huai and then drove him out of his room.


He then turns over to slam his forehead against his headboard, smashing it over again and again. When he felt that it was not enough, he started kicking his legs around.


Like a firecracker that was lit and twisted flat on the ground, Jian Songyi wished he could eject and send himself to heaven to bid farewell to the world from then on.


After being grumpy for ten minutes, Jian Songyi was finally exhausted. He gasped for breath and accepted that he could not go to heaven. That’s when he decided to calm down and think about remedial measures.


Plan 1: It is better to die in pieces than to pay for everything.


Forget it. He is still young.

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Plan 2: To transfer to another school.


As long as Jian Songyi transfers fast enough, the gossip and Peng Minghong won’t be able to keep up with him, saving his face and hair.


He’d call his father, “Oh,” then he will hang up.


He’d call his mother, “Oh, be careful. You have to transfer Xiaohai too. Otherwise, you little lovers might end up in different places…” Jian Songyi hangs up himself.


Plan 3: Drop out of school and run away from home.


As long as he leaves Nancheng, he will have a new world, and the past has nothing to do with him from then on, But he would not have enough food, no warm clothes, no money transfers, and no tens of thousands of money in his pocket.


Forget it.


Plan 4: Violence control and evaluation to curb the growth of rumors.


It’s possible.


Jian Songyi took out his phone and opened the biggest gossiping site in Nanwai.


And from there, he was stunned.


He thought that it must be a bloody day as the Internet must have full new stories about his love story with Bai Huai and merciless mockery of his drunken gaffes.


However, there is none.


It was so clean. There were no bad rumors or rumors at all.


He quit the post bar and opened his moments again.

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It’s still the same.


Weibo, the campus space, and all the social networks he can think of are as calm as ever.


Accustomed to the simplicity of his constitution, he felt that there must be something wrong.


So he directly messaged Yang Yue: [What happened after last night?]


Yang Yue: [Shit, Brother Song, you have to ask Master Bai! I really don’t know what happened to you!]


Jian Songyi: [I mean, why are you all so conscious and honest this time?]


Yang Yue: […..]


Yang Yue: [Forget it. I think I still have to say, to contribute to your love.]


Jian Songyi: [?]


Yang Yue: [originally, everyone would have quarreled for a long time. But last night, Master Bai messaged each of us, saying that you had drunk too much that night and caused everyone trouble. He said he was very sorry that you disturbed everyone and paid the bill without saying. He even handed out red envelopes. After that, he also explained that Peng Minghong grasped puppy love strictly, so he kept it a secret and made everyone misunderstand. He apologized. Master Bai said that he didn’t mind everyone making jokes, but he hoped that everyone would refrain from talking about what had happened that night. He said that he didn’t want you to be unhappy on your 18th birthday and doesn’t want others to post bad comments about you.]


Yang Yue: [To tell you the truth, Master Bai has been around such a long time, but he still hasn’t said a word to most of our classmates. But last night, he added everyone on WeChat one by one and explained it to each and every one of us. He probably didn’t send it in a group to show his sincerity. Even the students from the international class, he tried to shut them up. For a man like Master Bai, I never thought that he could say so much. In fact, what a big thing it is. He just proved how much he loves you as he was afraid that you will feel ashamed and unhappy about the incident.]


Yang Yue: [Brother Song, Master Bai really cares about you. To tell you the truth, if I fall in love with someone and that person values his face and image more, enough to willingly hide me, I would be really upset. Are we not at the age in which we want to show off everything? It’s not easy for Master Bai to do this.]


Jian Songyi: [Thank you.]


Yang Yue: [So I think the sooner you use the gift I gave you, the better.]


Jian Songyi: [Get out!]

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Jian Songyi placed down his phone and quietly buried himself under his blanket.


He is a little angry. Bai Huai is so aloof and indifferent. Why should go to others to owe them a favor?


He is the one who is face-saving and not Bai Huai.


He felt distressed to death. Why should his has to Bai Huai suffer such grievances?


Blame yourself for being the smelly brother who loves his image so much. No matter how important it is, can it be as important as Bai Huai?


And Yang Yue is right. At this age, when he is with someone he likes, he must be eager to show it off. This is also the case in his subconscious. Otherwise, he will not do such a middle-aged thing after being drunk.


So since this is the case, it is better to admit it generously.


Bai Huai has done so much for him. He would lose his image and have his head shaved but so what? What’s wrong with him?


This is the symbol of the love of youth.


In the future, when he talks about his love for baldness, it is going to be awesome.


Jian Songyi made up his mind and decided to give Bai Huai a surprise. 


So he got up and changed his clothes. Jian Songyi picked up a dark green woolen hat, went out, and walked all the way to the barbershop outside the mansion.




The author has something to say:


Master Bai, who came back after packing up: Where’s my wife?

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