But Jian Songyi was so uncomfortable that he could not help but continue acting coquettish. “I feel bad, Bai Huai. I feel bad; you let me touch it.”

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“Please, Brother Huai. Please let me touch it. I feel so bad. I want to come out. Please.”


Because Jian Songyi’s hole has never stopped being violently inserted, Jian Songyi felt that he only wanted to release through his member in panic.


“Ah…Um… Huai~”


He was answered by broken groans.


Thus, the movement of Bai Huai’s hand became faster, more violent, and more ruthless than before. With that, Jian Songyi was so pleased that he could not say a complete word.


Jian Songyi wanted it, but at the same time, he could not bear it.


Water vapor rose from the corners of his eyes: “You let go, you get out, you take it out, I don’t want it. I really don’t want it… Slow down, will you? Stop poking there, please. “


“Slow down; you can’t get out.”


All the good and bad things have been said but to no avail.


Jian Songyi can only put his arms around Bai Huai’s neck and feel a surge of desire.


The feeling of being filled; the feeling of being sucked; the feeling of being attacked on a sensitive point; the feeling of being licked and sucked; and the feeling of his lover hugging him.


The fragrance of roses rippled out one after another. Jian Songyi had never experienced such a feeling. He suddenly imagined that the three fingers were like this, and what should he do if Bai Huai really entered himself?

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At the thought of that picture, the senses of the stack suddenly became strong. At the same time, Bai Huai’s fingers inside Jian Songyi’s lower body also reached an unprecedented frequency. All the desire and enthusiasm poured down into his belly. Once he could not keep it in, he was finally convulsed all over and shaken out.


Jian Songyi’s hole contracted for a while, clamping Bai Huai’s fingers. After a while, the muddy semen shot directly into Bai Huai’s abdominal muscles, one after another.


Jian Sangyi’s mind was left blank due to the pleasure he had never had before. With his eyes closed and his mouth open, he gasped heavily and could not say a word.


He felt Bai Huai’s kiss fall gently and heard Bai Huai whisper in his ear: “Honey, you are so beautiful.”


He was bewitched and opened his eyes, and then he saw his dull semen flowing slowly down the outline of his abdominal muscles.


He ducked his head in shame.


Bai Huai gently kissed the corner of his eye: “Honey, you have learned to be an omega.”


This sentence reminded Jian Songyi that Bai Huai’s three fingers were the ones responsible for him to shoot up like that.


Jian Songyi could not help himself but blush suddenly: “You animal, I told you to stop, didn’t I?”


Bai Huai simply grabbed his hand and chuckled: “I can’t stop. How could I make you comfortable if I stopped? Besides, you can’t stand not being able to finish. What about a complete mark in the future? Or do you want me to be a widow all my life?”


Jian Songyi blushed even more as he tried to push Bai Huai away.


Bai Huai hugged him and said, “Baby, help me.”


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During this hug, Jian Songyi loosely felt that the sex organ clinging to his lower abdomen was completely hot.


He also knew that he had stirred up the fire a few times before. After Bai Huai helped him, he had never helped Bai Huai since he was lazy. At this age, he should have suffocated long ago.


What’s more, with today’s dissoluteness, if he lets Bai Huai hold it back, he will seem to have gone too far.


Thus, Jian Songyi put his arm around Bai Huai’s neck, buried his face between his neck, and whispered, “I’m fine. I’m not afraid of pain. I’ll get a condom.”


Often no Alpha can handle such an invitation.


But Bai Huai just dropped a kiss on his head: “Baby, no, you are still young. I don’t want you to give it up yet.”


Jian Songyi grumbled, “I’m not young anymore.”


But Bai Huai was very firm with his decision: “Be good and obedient. Listen to your husband.”


Bai Huai usually only claims to be his boyfriend, but at this moment, after the two are infected with lust, this dumb husband makes Jian Songyi lose.


Bai Huai is always the first to think about him at any time.


How could his boyfriend be so nice that Jian Songyi was so cheeky that he licked his lips: “then how can I help you… “


Bai Huai kissed his earlobe and said in a low voice: “Turn around, hold the wall, and kneel.”


Jian Songyi suddenly blushed at the thought of that gesture.

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Bai Huai’s hoarse voice then suddenly came ringing: “Good. Since you agreed to help me, you will do it, right?”


Jian Songyi loves Bai Huai. He loves Bai Huai so much. This is his weakness more than anything else.


So at Bai Huai’s mercy, Jian Songyi turned around, propped himself against the wall, and knelt on the bed as he asked him to.


Bai Huai knelt behind him and put his arms around his waist from behind. The two men clung to each other as Bai Huai slowly inserted his member in between Jian Songyi’s legs. 


Jian Songyi felt the hot member coming in from behind, making his body stiffen. 


Bai Huai buried his face against Jian Songyi’s neck: “Don’t worry. I will not go in. I love you. I will just rub it, alright?”


The teenager’s legs are strong and slender, white and delicate, and Bai Huai’s thick flesh color apparatus is rubbed slowly on the inside of Jian Songyi’s leg.


The lust in Bai Huai’s heart had already surged, but he still pressed his voice and asked, “If there’s anything uncomfortable, I’ll go to the bathroom.”


Jian Songyi didn’t answer but went too far and kissed him.


With acquiescence, Bai Huai kissed him deeply.


Two hands covered Jian Songyi’s hands as their fingers interlocked against the wall. With their waist and abdomen taunting to shrug back and forth while Bai Huai’s member quickly twitched between Jian Songyi’s legs.


Desire has been held back for a long time, but it is still not to be released.


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Jian Songyi half-squinted, seeing that Bai Huai’s cold eyebrows and eyes were full of blurred lust. With that, he felt the hotness in between his legs again as his desire grew just the same.


Bai Huai’s hoarse voice was heard: “Baby, you are hard again.”


Jian Songyi was so ashamed that he wanted to hide underneath.


But Bai Huai held his member before anything else.




Jian Songyi could not escape, so he could only tilt his head and kiss him deeply. However, he could not hide the fact that his body was trembling as his legs got more vulnerable due to his length being grasped like that.


Bai Huai was always restrained, even if he always teased Jian Songyi. He never wronged him, either. In fact, this is the first time Bai Huai appeased himself with Jian Songyi’s help.


The room is full of snow and the smell of roses entangled, unscrupulous, emitting strong love between the both of them.


Finally, the two let out a low sigh at the same time.


In the sigh, it is a sentence with deep feelings.


“Honey, I love you.”




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