Peng Minghong frowned and pondered for a long time, but he still couldn’t figure it out. Thus, he could only give up. He was about to talk to the two ‘victims’ Omegas when he was called to a meeting.

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When JianSongyi returned to the classroom, everyone looked at him with a bit of a strange look. It’s as if a mixture of panic, disbelief, and a little bit of grievance.


Jian Songyi could not understand their expressions. So, he continued walking to his seat, sat down, and asked Bai Huai, “Why are they looking at me like this?”


“You look good.”


“Maybe it’s because you look better today.”


“Ah, that’s right. Peng Minghongpraised me today too.”


Everyone: “…..”


Have these two people been so arrogant and shameless?


If it weren’t for something more important, they would definitely spurn this kind of narcissistic and touted dog food behavior! 


Jian Songyi was annoyed by their expressions: “If you have something to say, just say it to my face.”


“I have something to say.”




Yang Yue placed his mobile phone in front of Jian Songyi before saying, “Brother Song, is this fake?”


Jian Songyi looked down and suddenly felt that with his own physique, if he went to the entertainment industry, he would probably be able to live in the hot search. 

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On the screen is the familiar post-bar interface again.


The title reads “Nanwai’s most A Jian Songyi, but he’s actually a hooligan who rushes into the Omega toilet.” 


Main Post: When I went to the toilet with my friend today, we discussed a few gossip between Bai Huai and Jian Songyi. And speaking of which, we were actually caught by the master!


2L: [Serves you right for speaking ill of others behind your back.]


Post Owner: [I was in such a panic just now that I sent it out before I finished typing. I would like to add here: Is this a problem of being caught talking ill of others behind their backs?! The problem here is the place he heard us! In the Male Omega toilet! Jian Songyi is in the male Omega toilet! My friend and I were freaked out at the time! Think about how you would feel when you go to the toilet and a man of the opposite sex suddenly appears in the toilet?! Forget it; he even actually violently threatened us! What is the means to deal with an Omega? Needless to say, everyone knows it, right? This is clearly verbal harassment and threats of violence!]


Post Owner: [Because this matter is really important and his behavior is really bad, out of the intention of self-protection and punishing bad guys, my friend and I decided to tell the teacher about this and waited for the said teacher to uphold justice for us. The director did find out about Jian Songyi, so we waited around the corner. Unfortunately, he was let go in less than ten minutes without any punishment! The director did not give us an explanation! This makes us reasonably suspect that because the director is afraid of someone’s family background, he decided to let it go!]


Post Owner: [Originally, we also thought that we shouldn’t make a big deal about this, but we also thought that Omegas are a vulnerable group and are easily bullied. We do not have the ability to protect ourselves, so we must defend the rights of Omegas, not infringed! Thus, we have decided to post and ask everyone to help us get justice and let Omegas get the protection they deserve!]


4L:[Fuck! Shocking melon! Is this illegal?]


5L: [I do not think this is true. If Jian Songyi wants an Omega, he’d just say a word and Omegas would definitely line up for him. As for peeping on Omegas in the toilets, do you think he is a lunatic?]


6L: [I agree. We cannot say whether this is true or not. If it is true, I have reasonable suspicion. It’s that Jian Songyi has a gender cognitive disorder. Wherein deep down, he thinks he is an Omega. This can also reasonably explain his relationship with Bai Huai- their AA love thing together.


7L: [Holy crap, is there such a thing?]


8L: The post owner and the people above, do you have any evidence for what you all have said? Can you stop spreading rumors? Jian Songyi is an Alpha- the Alpha of all the Alphas, and his character is good. Haven’t you all seen it after so many years?!]


Post Owner: [I do not care about the reason why he entered the Omega’s toilet. But as the post owner, I do have evidence. At that time, he did say that he would use the means to deal with Omega- to deal with us, and whether he entered the Omega toilet or not, you will know by monitoring. We can’t make such rumors.]

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10L: [According to the post owner’s words, I believe that Jian Songyi went to the Omega’s toilet. So no matter what the reason was, it is very worrying.]


11L: [Is Jian Songyi a pervert, or does he have a cognitive mental disorder?]


12L: [Psychological cognitive impairment is also considered abnormal!]


13L: [Can they do whatever they want with money? Is society really lawless now?]


14L: [Support rights protection. Omega is inherently weak. If there is no policy protection, it is really pitiful. If we really let this kind of behavior happen because he has money and power, we Omegas really have no way to survive.]


15L: [But I still think that Brother Song is not such a person.]


16L: [It is recommended that the post owner call the police. Calling the police is the best solution. Plus, there would be a fair statement and trial.]


17L: [Yes, AO equal rights! There’s still a long way to go, so we must defend our rights to be protected. Even some privileged classes must not be tolerated!]


18L: [Uncle, wake up. Don’t feel too good about yourself. Does Jian Songyi even care about these things?]


19L: [Jian Songyi is not the kind of person you mentioned at all! He is fine! He often protects Omegas! I have met him many times! Don’t talk nonsense, please! Everyone is in their third year of high school, so study hard, can’t you? 


20L: [I think so too! Jian Songyi is really good. He looks fierce, but he is very honest.]




Jian Songyi rested his head against his hand as he browsed through the discussion, watching the comments slowly.

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The others were also swiping through their phones, watching the real-time updates one by one. 


The party involved was very indifferent, and Bai Huai, next to Jian Songyi, was even calmly coordinating the price.


Zhuo Luo briefly looked at it, but he was already fuming in anger that he had to turn off his phone. He gritted his teeth furiously as he spoke: “Why are these idiots spreading rumors all day long, trying to slander Brother Song’s image? I am more than pissed off!”


“No.” Jian Songyi said lightly. “It is not a rumor. I did go to the Omega toilet.”


Zhuo Luo’s habitual thinking, no brainer to protect Brother Song: “Isn’t it because you accidentally went to the wrong toilet? Isn’t that normal? The last time I was drunk, I went to the Men Alpha’s toilet. There, I saw Lu Qi Feng’s – uuuuuuuu”


Lu Qi Feng covered Zhuo Luo’s mouth immediately.


Jian Songyi looked up at the two of them and smiled: “I see… You have met each other like that quite frankly?”


Lu Qi Feng rolled his eyes at him: “In your situation, you still have the leisure to tease other people?”


“This is such a big deal for the two of you. How can I not tease you both?”


Jian Songyi returned Yang Yue’s phone to him before taking out his own phone. He fumbled with it a little before stretching his arms. “Okay, that’s it. It’s all solved. Don’t worry.”




It’s already solved?


What the hell?

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Can it be solved that easily? Everyone has to come up with evidence and report to the police to elevate it to the issue of AO equality and the privileged class, and Jian Songyi is saying that he has already solved it?


Just when a few people were about to question it, a scream suddenly came within the classroom: “Brother Song is the person who recently replied to the post!”


“It’s really you?!” 


“Well, isn’t it?”     


What reply? 


Everyone immediately bowed their heads. They started refreshing the page until the last reply appeared.


After that, there was silence all over.




Three seconds later.


“Zhuo Luo! Zhuo Luo! What’s wrong with you?! Be strong! Don’t faint! Quick, give him artificial respiration!”




Translator’s Note:

Again, many thanks to everyone who supported this translation. The one who sends me kofi and to the ones who always leave comments for me to read. Thank you all so much.

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