The soup was not cold, but today it was crucian carp soup. Jian Songyi didn’t like it very much. He stirred it around with a spoon until it eventually runs cold. Most of the people in the classroom swallowed saliva, but he was expressionless as if he wanted to die bravely.

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Bai Huai couldn’t really see much. Even with that, he decided to take off his glasses and pinch the bridge of his nose. “I finally know why it takes you too much time to grow tall. You’ll never grow tall enough.”

The seventeen-year-old Jian Songyi with a height of 1.83 meters: “…..”

Other people who are less than 1.83 meters tall: “…..”

Jian Songyi loosely placed the spoon down. “What about you? Are you so tall you can mend the sky?”

“Auntie said that you are too thin because you don’t eat your parsley. It takes a lot of effort for you to be able to grow taller and stronger you know.” 

Bai Huai easily found Jian Songyi’s weakness.

Sure enough, although Jian Songyi was reluctant, he grabbed the spoon, held his breath, and took a spoonful of the soup one after the other.

Yang Yue, the monitor, came over to have something to say. After a faint glance at Bai Huai, he sealed his mouth and stood waiting until Jian Songyi finished his soup. “Mr. Lao Bai and Mr. Peng Minghong asked you to go to the office of the grade director. You two must be there in three minutes, and if you don’t, the punishment will be doubled. “

“…..” Jian Songyi looked up at him with ease. “How long have you been standing here?”

“Seven or eight minutes.”

Jian Songyi questioned, “Are you targeting me?”

Yang Yue quickly answered. “No, Brother Song. It’s not my fault. I didn’t report you or anything.” 

Bai Huai calmly wrote a physic question on his paper before speaking. “Anyway, it’s too late to eat the fruit now.”


Jian Songyi opened the lid of the tupperware with the fruits on it. 

Yang Yue felt like they were not taking what he had just said seriously. He needs to step a little firmer with these two. 

With that, he cleared his throat. “Brother Song, please take this seriously. Mr. Lao Bai and Mr.  Peng Minghong are really angry. The office is as serious as a funeral parlor. Don’t add fuel to the fire.” 


But his message doesn’t seem to come across the two people. Instead, Jian Songyi asked. “This cherry tastes good today. Would you like one?”

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Yang Yue panicked and answered the first thing that came into his mind. “A-all right. Thank you, Brother Song. “ He took the fruit in his mouth. “Mhmmm. Can I have more?”

When Jian Songyi and Bai Huai arrived at the grade office, Comrade Peng Minghong, the teaching director, and Comrade Bai Pingshan, the grade director, were spitting on more than a dozen tall Alpha.

Comrade Bai Pingshan looked at all of them as if they stole his cabbage at home. Once he saw Jiang Songyi and Bai Huai, his look became worse as the stolen cabbage became a stolen wagon of cabbages.

Meanwhile, Mr. Lao Bai is fine and calm. 

But then, unfortunately, there’s Comrade Peng Minghong. He had already entered the menopause of middle-aged and elderly men ahead of time and was entrusted with an important task to take the third year of high school.

Now that there is no official start of school, the principal is not here. He is the only one to carry the beam, only he is in charge for now.  In case something goes wrong, then Comrade Peng Minghong is fully responsible.

Not to mention the fact that he also wants to rush to the vice principal after the third year of high school, so getting into trouble is not a matter of choice. He needs a clean record from all of the students he is seeing over.

He stroked his not-so-thick hair, pointed to them, and said, “I’ll let you come here in three minutes!” How long has it been?! “

Jian Songyi glanced at his watch: “About fifteen minutes.”

“Don’t you understand a rhetorical question? You’re so relaxed. Don’t think that because you have good grades, you could act reckless and do whatever you want, Jian Songyi! You are now a third-year student. As long as I give you punishment, all your standings, school tricks, and achievements would be all gone! Gone! Are you aware of that?!”


“Oh, what?! Don’t you understand the seriousness of the situation? Don’t you want to go to Beicheng University or Huaqing University?”

“No, Director. I can go to Qingbei without school enrollment, so it’s really not that serious. Please calm down.” Jian Songyi’s tone was quite indifferent that which made Comrade Peng Minghong even more furious than he is already.

In fact,  Comrade Peng Minghong’s face is so red, they feel like he is going to explode out of anger. That’s why Mr. Lao decided to step in. 

“We should talk about why the two of you are here as well. Huang Fuyi admitted just now that they did it first. It’s just that, after all that happened, we can’t turn a blind eye. One of you beat someone up, and the other one deliberately released high levels of pheromones in a public place which violated the school rules. Punishment will be punishment, and there are no excuses accepted to evade that.”

Jian Songyi gave a court nod. “Of course, sir. I am quite generous. I am to cooperate.”

Bai Huai agreed. “I am okay with it too.”


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Other suspects in the room felt that the two men were too un-politically conscious.

However, their family achievements are there and in a high position so there’s nothing to fear on their part, but the teachers on the other hand are crippling and careful with them.

But then, Lao Bai is just and upright. “After discussing with Director Peng, we have decided to treat all the people who took part in the fight today equally. They will all be given a warning and a punishment!”

Everyone’s heart was half cold with that announcement.

If the warning punishment is not lifted as soon as possible, independent enrollment and going abroad will be over.

“But.” Mr. Lao changed his tone for a while. “You took the initiative to admit your mistakes, and you had a good attitude, and you are in your third year of high school. For the sake of your future, the school decided to give you another chance.”

Their cold hearts warmed up a little in hope. 

“For those who are in the top 100 in the joint examination of the schools, the punishment can be changed to a notice of criticism. But to those students who won’t make it to the top 100, then take care of yourselves.”

The eight people in the international class were heartbroken.

The international class doesn’t really take entrance examinations and now that they have to take part in the five-school joint examination, they can only imagine what was bound to happen to them. The five schools have a total of 3000 to 4000 students. If they want to get ahead then they might as well just let them die.

Fearing that Huang Fuyi would not be convinced with this deal, Mr. Lao put on an extremely ferocious expression, “Finally, Jian Songyi and Bai Huai, you two, as students in my class, I must strictly discipline you and enforced more stringent requirements. While the other may only need to be within the first hundred ranks, you two have to take and sit within the top five spot!”


Another light sound.

At least Jian Songyi was at least willing to answer. Bai Huai just stood there the whole time while thinking aimlessly. 

At this time, Huang Fuyi was starting to get really suffocated. He was contemplating whether to say it or not, but in the end, he could not help but to make an outburst. “Mr. Lao, I think your decision is a little too biased and relaxed.” 

Jian Songyi nodded. It was unknown whether he is mocking him or not. “Yes, Mr. Lao. I think so too. That is why I am suggesting that you exchange my punishment measures with Iron Niu.”

Huang Fuyi becomes pale-looking by the second, “…..”

It does sound like a good way to correct favoritism. He is unblessed to accept this kindness.

Lao Bai said lightly: “Don’t give your classmates nicknames blindly.”

Bai Huai, who had been in a daze next to him, finally made a move. He turned his head to Jian Songyi with a serious look. “Iron Niu is not his real name?”

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Jian Songyi recalled it carefully before saying firmly, “It’s his real name. I don’t remember him by any other name.”

Huang Fuyi: “…”

Fearing that Huang Fuyi would be triggered by Jian Songyi’s remarks, Mr. Lao hurriedly waved his hand before dismissing them “All right. All of you could now return to your self-study evening classes. It is important to study..”

The people in Class one and Class two left the office briskly, while the people in the International Class could only look up at the sky and pray for their future.

It’s a beautiful moonlight tonight.

It’s perfect for domestic violence.

On the way home, everything caught up to Jian Songyi and he eventually fell asleep in the car.

Meanwhile, Bai Huai sat on the other side of the back seat while looking at the thin silhouette of the teenager reflected under the warm yellow headlights.

According to his observation, Jian Songyi’s reaction to differentiation is mainly lethargy, fatigue, tiredness, and pain. This is not quite the same as how most of the Alpha he knows reacted when they’re in the process of differentiating. 

As far as he knows, most Alphas during differentiation are irritable, impulsive, eager to showcase their power, and rarely have this kind of sick-like reaction. 

Jian Songyi might be different because he is experiencing the differentiation late, resulting in some adverse reactions in the body. Nevertheless, he still has to take good care of himself. 

Not long after, the car they are riding parked at the mansion, and the two of them got off to go home. 

But before they could completely go to their separate ways, Bai Huai spoke. “I think you should take a few days off of school, or you could let Aunt Tang come back early.” 

“What’s the matter?” Jian Songyi turned to Bai Huai with a puzzled look.

Bai Huai didn’t know what to say for a moment. When he is trying to act smart, Jian Songyi thinks of him as a monkey, and when he is acting stupid, he really looked like a single-celled creature.

He explained patiently: “Don’t you find yourself in the differentiation period?”

“Oh. that must be it. Something doesn’t feel quite right these past few days.”

Bai Huai thinks he insults single-celled creatures.

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He sighed, his voice a little helpless, slowly in the night, showing a bit of tenderness: “Your reaction is not very good. If you don’t have enough rest and nutrition, it may be very hard when you become differentiated. I’ll let Aunt Liu take care of you at home.”

Perhaps because that tenderness has nowhere to hide on the quiet Indus Road, the dull and dense as Jian Songyi also felt that this is not a provocation, but pure concern.

‘It’s rare for him to speak like he cares’ Jian Songyi thought.

“It’s alright. I love to sleep. Even if there is so much noise at school, it’s the same when I sleep at home as I sleep at school. Today, I’ve managed to recover and got over that uncomfortableness just by sleeping. I’ll be fine.” 

Bai Huai did not tell him that he was able to recover because he was guided by pheromones, otherwise, it might’ve been too painful that he won’t be able to walk anymore. 

Nevertheless, Bai Huai simply nodded. “Whatever you want.”

Without anything anymore to raise, Bai Huai turned his heel so that he could finally go home, but then Jian Songyi grabbed his wrist and stopped him. 

“Well, I think there seems to be something wrong with the physics problems you did today. Would you like me to take a look at them for you?”

The teenager stood lazily under the street lamp with a schoolbag belt, glancing away because he could not adapt to taking the initiative to be nice. The proud Jian Songyi wanted to save face and even out his tone. “Otherwise, if you don’t get into the top five in the future, you won’t have the face to meet Grandpa Bai. I’m warning you.” 

Bai Huai turned around and lowered his head to look down at him. He pursed his lips together, the moonlight glistening over to the corner of that very lips of his. 

“Well, it happens to be a little difficult to synthesize the magnetic field.”

That question was the last one for the independent enrollment of Huaqing University last year. It was really difficult that he thinks that even with the second-ranking in class, Yang Yue, will have difficulty answering it.

However, Jian Songyi simply clicked a few sentences on his phone and then found out that Bai Huai already knew how to go around with the problem and answer it.

Jian Songyi thinks that he is a really talented teacher.

That’s why, all of a sudden, he tried to find several similar problems for Bai Huai to answer. He insisted on doing it and went as far as correcting and checking those questions after Bai Huai answered them.

Bai Huai was also serious with his pen. He kept on answering the physics questions while ‘teacher’ Jian Songyi sat beside him. He is tilting his legs, eating fruit while playing with his phone leisurely. 

The two men rarely lived in peace without provoking each other, but they’re they are.

Well, at least until Zhuo Luo broke the original calm of this beautiful night with a link he forwarded.

[Shocking News! The most handsome boy in Nanwai might change soon! The No.1 Alpha of Nanwai is the best, but this Alpha literally outshines the audience! Let’s wait and see the arrival of Bai Huai!]

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