After Jian Songyi listened, he obediently slipped off Bai Huai’s lap. He walked to the corner of the sofa, sat with his back to Bai Huai, and took out his mobile phone.

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Bai Huai thought that the little Omega who dared to send himself to the susceptible period of an Alpha’s mouth, who did not know the nature of his family, finally understood that he should be afraid.


He was about to get up and send him away.


However, the little Omega slipped back, got back on his lap, hugged him, and kissed him softly. As if it was a silent and gentle reassurance.


“I checked the Internet just now. There is no inhibitor to use during an Alpha’s susceptible period, so you can only carry it hard, or use Omega’s pheromone to soothe it.”


Jian Songyi sat obediently on Bai Huai’s lap, “And a time like this, Alphas like Omegas who are good and soft. Although I am not very good at these kinds of things, I will try my best to be good and soft… So can you please not drive me away and let me accompany you? I am reluctant to let you feel uncomfortable at home. And I miss you, and I want to stay with you longer.”


Jian Songyi, who has always been irritable and cruel, can be so well-behaved.

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Bai Huai can’t wait to have him now but thinks that Jian Songyi really can’t bear it. So, he can only resist the temptation of the pheromone that is getting stronger and stronger and force his last reason: “Be good, don’t make trouble. You are still young.”


“During the physical examination for the college entrance examination, the doctor said that my glands and genital cavity have matured.”


Although Jian Songyi was good-natured, he seemed to have made up his mind. While chewing on his lower lip, he spokes the ends of his eyes redden even more,”Recently, I have been very serious about reviewing, so I can rest for a few days. It won’t delay my results. So can you please don’t drive me away and let me stay for a few more days? I miss you, I really miss you. Plus I know how sad and difficult it is to combine heat. You used to be with me to help me. This time, I can help you if you let me accompany you.”


Jian Songyi choked upon his words as the lump in his throat rolled up and down: “Bai Huai, I will also feel distressed, just like you felt bad for me whenever I am in heat. And do you know how much I miss you? If it wasn’t for the lack of bonding heat, I would definitely let go for it. You’re totally tagging me right now. I’m so fucking fed up with the feeling of being apart from you. Am I the only one who wants us to truly be a couple that can never be apart for a lifetime? You keep saying that you won’t completely mark me and that you have to wait. Aren’t you afraid that I will run away with another Alpha?”


As Jian Songyi continued to talk about this, the more he thought about it. As a result, he became more aggrieved and started to lose his temper even more.


However, an unconscious angry remark hit Bai Huai’s heart like a heavy hammer.

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Jian Songyi can only be his.


So good-looking, so beautiful, so frustrating that Jian Songyi can only be his.


It was like the last straw that broke the camel’s back, causing Bai Huai’s repressed longing, possessiveness, and love to burst out in an instant, and then infinitely magnified by the physique in the susceptible period. It shows an overwhelming momentum enough to plunder him and every inch of sanity in every cell of his body.


Bai Huai squeezed the back of Jian Songyi’s head and went ahead to kiss him eagerly. While his other hand clasped his waist tightly as if he wanted to rub him into his own blood.


Jian Songyi had never felt a kiss like this from Bai Huai before. It was fierce, domineering, and full of strength like a siege, so that Jian Songyi couldn’t even struggle, but could only sink under his attack and respond with his own instincts.


Jian Songyi’s response to that made Bai Huai, who has always advanced and retreated, lose his sense of proportion, and his excessive possessiveness made him even more plundering.

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The wide white T-shirt was pushed up, and the slender fingers with well-defined knuckles wandered greedily.


Jian Songyi just left him to ask for anything, even if it was so intense that his brain was a little deprived of oxygen. He just hugged Bai Huai tightly and didn’t resist at all.


They miss each other so much that they have nowhere to vent.


Jian Songyi’s mind gradually became blank. He felt as if he was walking in the wind and snow, but also in a pine forest. In short, he lost his way and was defeated.


When that slender hand-picked the most delicate part of the rose, he just indulged it.


No one noticed the fragrance of wild rose leaked out at no time as it was permeated by the wind and snow Both fragrances fought evenly against each other, making the cold snow queen pine forest full of fiery enthusiasm.

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Jian Songyi only felt that his sanity was slowly disappearing, and his body temperature was getting higher and softer. He couldn’t bear such a fierce attack, so he couldn’t help but take a bite of Bai Huai.


The faint sweet smell on the tip of his tongue and the tingling on the corner of his lips made Bai Huai regain his senses.


In just a split second, Bai Huai reacted. He pulled out his hand, pushed away Jian Songyi and stood up to take a deep breath. He tried to calm himself down and said in a low hoarse voice, “Dear, stop making trouble. I’ll take you back.”


He thought he could keep his last sanity and make the right decision.


However, Jian Songyi pushed him down on the sofa, crawl his way back onto his lap, and put his hands on his shoulders. He said with red eyes, “Bai Huai, you fucking hooked me in advance. Do you still want to pretend to be responsible?”




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