“Baby, it’s not deep enough. It will be deep when it pushes into your genital cavity.”

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Bai Huai had tried his best to be gentle and restrained, but Jian Songyi’s attitude completely evoked his susceptible period. The bad Alpha has come.


With one hand on the outside of the sofa, he imprisoned Jian Songyi under him. Bai Huai held Jian Songyi’s waist with the other, lowering his head to kiss Jian Songyi’s sensitive auricle and glands before whispering, “Baby, relax. Relax a little and it won’t hurt. I’ll be a little gentler too. It’ll be very comfortable, believe me, okay?”


Jian Songyi was coaxed into a fascination, feeling the enlargement of Bai Huai’s member inside his body. As this growing length of Bai Huai’s continue to grow, the Alpha also continued into pumping inside and out of him slowly. 


On the other hand, Jian Songyi wanted more. So he turned his head to look over at Bai Huai to quint his eyes at him: “Then don’t lie to me.”


“Well, I won’t lie to you”


However, for the next second, Jian Songyi was left with only broken groans.


Bai Huai’s lowered his body and pumped into Jian Songyi frantically, hitting his most sensitive point with each stroke. The angle of Jian Songyi’s head turned back, just so he could see that Bai Huai was pushing hard against his crotch, pumping between his own hips.


His body that had always been cold and white was glowing with erotic red. His sweat played with the texture of Bai Huai’s lean abdominal muscles dripping little by little, submerging into the intersection of the two.


Jian Songyi felt extremely ashamed. He propped his elbows on the sofa while moaning and panting, but he didn’t know why and never looked back.


Bai Huai had already seen that his Omega had been completely dominated by the desire in estrus, so he tried to go deeper.


His fingers pressed against Jian Songyi’s lower abdomen and moved inch by inch: “Baby, is that it?”


Jian Songyi panted and shook his head.



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He shook his head.


“Is it here?”


Jian Songyi twisted his waist.


Bai Huai raised his lips lightly: “Then it looks like I’m fucking coming soon.”


The swear words that had never been heard in Bai Huai’s mouth made Jian Songyi’s back arch forcefully, and Bai Huai was so disturbed that he couldn’t move an inch.


He didn’t expect that such words would stimulate Jian Songyi so much.


Bai Huai slowed down the strength and speed of his thrusts. He then lowered his head to hold Jian Songyi’s earlobe, hooked the tip of his tongue along the contour of his earlobe, and said in a low voice, “Baby, are you ready? I’m going to fuck into your genital cavity. “


You…don’t talk about it…” Jian Songyi was so ashamed that he had nowhere to hide, “Do what you have to do, don’t fucking say these things.”


“Okay, don’t say it. My baby is thin-skinned, I know. Then I’m going in?”


“You…you take it easy.”


“Okay, I’ll take it easy. Baby, relax. Don’t be afraid.”




Before Jian Songyi could slow down and catch his breath, he screamed out without a sound. There were also physiological tears in the corners of his eyes.

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He never imagined that his most sensitive spot was not the prostate point, but the entrance to the genital cavity. The soft and narrow entrance that had never been touched, and was hit by the Bai Huai’s hot pillar. It was itchy again, but it brought the same pleasure that made his whole body cramp.


And just like that, Jian Songyi lets go.


Neither of them thought of it. Bai Huai was in the entrance still, but Jian Songyi ejaculated already.


With a scream, the turbid white liquid shot from under Jian Songyi onto the light gray sofa.


Because of the spasms of the orgasm, the posterior acupuncture points were tightly contracted, and Bai Huai almost came out when squeezed.


Jian Songyi was paralyzed on the sofa as he pants heavily.  On the other hand, Bai Huai lets himself leave Jian Songyi’s body. He picked him up, made him face him, placed him on his lap, and kissed his tears in the corner of his eyes,


“Baby, why are you so sensitive? It stained my sofa.  What can you say about that?”


Jian Songyi blushed and buried himself in Bai Huai’s neck: “I told you not to do this, if it’s not in bed.”


“Isn’t it because you just begged me to take you here?”


“Bai Huai… ah!”


Before Jian Songyi could get angry, Bai Huai raised his butt and pressed him down on his pillar.


His length went all the way down the slippery and soft corridor.


Jian Songyi had just been fucked into the genital cavity, and the condition of his hole was just right, so although it was irritating, it didn’t hurt that much.

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Bai Huai was afraid that after a while, the little thing tightened and it would hurt again.


Jian Songyi felt that Bai Huai was a beast: “Why are you so thirsty? Can’t you just let me rest?!” 


The corners of his eyes were red with grievances.


Bai Huai put his arms around his waist and rubbed his nipples with the other, and said in a low voice, “No, you’ve had a good time, but I still didn’t climax yet. You can’t make me uncomfortable every time, can you?”


Jian Songyi was about to push him away and ran away, but Bai Huai wrapped his arms tightly around his thighs.


Then the next second, he felt his body hanging in the air.


Bai Huai actually stood up with him in his arms. Jian Songyi instinctively wrapped his arms around Bai Huai’s neck while his legs were tightly wrapped around Bai Huai’s waist. In this way, he unconsciously pushed Bai Huai’s junk to his own. So his member was sent into him deeper.


Bai Huai hugged him and walked slowly to the bedroom, his cock naturally thrusting along with his walking posture.


Jian Songyi is now in Bai Huai’s hands, biting his back tightly because of nervousness. He buried his head before asking half ashamed and half annoyed, “Why did you suddenly stand up?”


“Because you’re going to bed…” Bai Huai paused, “…to fuck you over and over again.”


Jian Songyi’s face suddenly blushed. He wanted to run but Bai Huai threw him into his bed directly.


The snow-white body was lying on the dark sheets with red and swollen lips and nipples. The visual temptation was strong. Bai Huai put his hands on Jian Songyi’s sides, lowered his head, and took in his nipples through his teeth.


Playing with his lips and teeth is far more exciting than playing onto it with fingers. Jian Songyi groaned suddenly as he inserted both of his hands into Bai Huai’s hair. He squinted his eyes and placed his legs together as he tried to use friction to relieve the emptiness behind him.

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However, Bai Huai knelt on one knee between his legs to push his legs open with his kne and said forcefully, “You are not allowed to play with yourself.”


“I am not…”


Bai Huai stretched out his hand to hold Jian Songyi after the orgasm. His softened genital swayed and provoked familiarly. He then looked at Jian Songyi, whose breathing was getting heavier and heavier. Bai Huai then whispered to bewitch him: “Is it comfortable every time I help you like this?”


Jian Songyi chewed his lower lip and didn’t speak.


Bai Huai’s hands stopped moving, and he lowered his head again and touched Jian Songyi’s nipples.


Lust and emptiness strike instantly.


The second wave of estrus has come.     


Jian Songyi’s consciousness began to slacken


He only knew that if he wanted, he had to satisfy Bai Huai: “Comfortable.”


Bai Huai’s hands began to play tricks with him again: “Then after I left, did you play with yourself?”


He poked the horse’s eye at the tip of his finger.


Jian Songyi shuddered and tensed in an instant: “No.I didn’t play like that. I just relieved myself. I can’t play it like this, please. I have… the last time was the one when we’ve gotten together… And I miss you…”




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