Jian Songyi felt bad for Bai Huai’s lack of family love since he was a child, but from now on, he can give Bai Huai a home by himself, which is a bit strange. 

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For this home, he suddenly began to look forward to it. 


Bai Huai opened the door and walked in a while holding Jian Songyis’ hand.


The house that Bai Huai lives in now belongs to Bai Han, and the decoration is typical of modern indifference and high luxury. 


 At first glance, it is where the so-called successful people live. 


But Jian Songyi didn’t really like it. The house was too big and empty, and Bai Huai lived alone. Just by thinking about it, Jian Songyi could only imagine how lonely Bai Huai was living there.


On the other hand, this apartment hidden in the old district in the urban area is not that big. It is estimated to be only 120 to 30 square meters, but everything about it made Jian Songyi to like it. 


Sheepskin lamps, fabric sofas, and thick rugs. 


It looks so cozy and comfortable. 


Bai Huai said softly: “It’s been a month since the decoration was completed. When school starts in September, formaldehyde will be eliminated. It’s just right to move in and live in soon.” 


“You’re not usually busy decorating besides school, are you?”


“My aunt’s friend runs a decoration company, which is quite worry-free. When I go to choose furniture every weekend, I am actually very happy.” 


“There’s nothing to be happy about.” 


“Whenever I think that you would like it, it gets me happy.”


Jian Songyi felt that sooner or later, Bai Huai would be the cause of his death.


Bai Huai took out the slippers and put them on for him. 


“I’ve chosen the softest and widest sofa, which is comfortable to lie on. I’ve chosen a large TV, 86 inches, 4k, so that you can play games more comfortably. And a holographic projection was installed, by the way, so we can sleep together on rainy days in the future while watching movies and playing games on the sofa.” 


“The carpet is also soft because you always like to sit on the ground.”


“Oh, I’ve also installed a rebound board. Here, I’ve placed in a treadmill as well. You are too skinny, so we have to exercise stronger.” After a pause, “Otherwise, you will not be able to keep up with my physical strength. As a result, you will be tired and faint again like the last time we did it with countless rounds. That’s going to be a bit distressing..” 


Jian Songyi, who has his heart being moved, instantly held back his tears: “Bai Huai!” 


Bai Huai took his hand with a smile and continued to lead him inside. 

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“This is the kitchen. I bought a lot of soup pots, and I will cook for you wherever I’m not busy in the future. I’ll make sure to cook nutritious and delicious meals that will keep you fat. Don’t worry, I also bought a dishwasher and a sterilizer. There is no need to fight over who washes the dishes in the future. Of course, if there is no dishwasher, then I’ll be doing the washing because children can’t enter the kitchen.” 


“I installed a double bathtub in the bathroom. In winter, the North City is cold. You can have more bubbles and warm it up. This is better to have it installed beforehand. Otherwise, you might end up freezing.” 


“Actually, the study room and the master bedroom were originally separated, but I thought you were lazy and liked to lie on our bed from time to time, so I let them combine it together and then installed a projector and a large screen in the bedroom. In this way, when I’m busy in the future, you don’t have to sit and accompany me in my study. You can just lie on the bed and play by yourself. When you’re bored, just call me, and I will kiss you as soon as I turn around.” 


“The bay window is very big. I installed tatami, thinking that when the sun is good, we can lie there together and bask in the sun. It should be very comfortable.” 


“Of course, the bed is also the largest and softest I can get, so you can do whatever you want.” 


“In fact, there is still a space left for you to play with Lego.” 


“I bought this floor-to-ceiling window because I liked it myself, but I think you will like it in the future too.” 


While narrating all of this, Bai Huai looks back at Jian Songyi with a smile, ” So my boyfriend, do you like it?” 


Jian Songyi didn’t realize why Bai Huai liked this floor-to-ceiling window. 


He just thinks he likes everything Bai Huai did for their home.


And what Jian Songyi liked the most was Bai Huai’s heart. 


The one who knows all his preferences, thinks about him everywhere, and arranges him fully in his future life.


He hugged Bai Huai and buried his face in his neck: “I like them all.” 


Seeing that Jian Songyi was so pleased and snuggly, Bai Huai felt that his thoughts were really bad, so he rubbed his head and said softly: “There are still places that I haven’t shown you yet, and you would like them too once you see them.” 


Every time Jian Songyi thought that Bai Huai had given him enough and couldn’t do more, Bai Huai would always tell him that there was no limit to what he could give him. 


The door to the second bedroom was pushed open. 


It was an empty room with beige curtains hanging down from the other side of the room,  and a grand white piano situated on the wooden floor. On top of that, there are various paintings, sketches, oil paintings, and sketchy outlines hanging on the walls.


All have different mediums and art style, but it’s all the same teenager as the subject.


With beautiful peach eyes and a wanton smile. 


Jian Songyi looked at them one by one.

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Meanwhile, Bai Huai stood beside the piano and gently stroked the body of the piano with his fingers: “My father left this piano for me.” 


“What about the painting?” 


“I painted it.” 


“How come there are so many?” 


“After coming to Beicheng that year, whenever I’d miss you, I would draw a picture of you. But I don’t dare to look at it after I draw it, but I’m reluctant to throw it away, so I  ended up saving it. I didn’t expect to save so much and have them be tons.” His tone was restrained and calm. It seems that he doesn’t want Jian Songyi to feel distressed about what happened when it was all in the past now. 


But Jian Songyi ended up being even more frustrated.


With his back to Bai Huai, he caressed the paintings inch by inch with his fingertips, feeling the lovesickness and love that had nowhere to tell. 


He didn’t dare to look back at Bai Huai, for fear of seeing him. So Jian Songyi could only help to rush up to kiss him. 


Then he heard the sound of “swoosh” from the curtains being drawn. 


Upon looking back, Jian Songyi was stunned. 


Outside the floor-to-ceiling window is a thick night.


The wide balcony with lights on at the night was crowded with clusters of thorny roses.


In the dark night, reflecting the cold white light, the red is gorgeous and publicized. 


“I found a professional gardener to take cuttings. I’ve chosen ordinary wild roses as they are not a precious variety. It is because I am afraid that I will not be able to raise them well. But they are actually very beautiful and have strong vitality.”


Bai Huai pushed the window open and walked onto the balcony, “Look, the storm was so strong yesterday, not only did they not break, but they all bloomed overnight. Aren’t they beautiful? ” 


After speaking, Bai Huai turned his head and looked at Jian Songyi and smiled: “Do you think they knew that I was going to bring my boyfriend here today, so they gave me this face? ” 


Bai Huai’s cold and white face, surrounded by roses, looks very good. 


It’s just that his lips are too light, so he needs a kiss. 


Jian Songyi walked over to Bai Huai, raised his head, and kissed him. 


A gentle and lingering kiss.

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“Bai Huai, Like me, they bloom for you. ” 


Jian Songyi’s black eyes were full of direct and fiery love. 


Bai Huai’s heart skipped a bit as he lowered his head to cover his lips. He wanted to see if there was sugar hidden in his mouth. How could he say such sweet words? 


Sure enough, the sugar was hidden. It was so sweet that Bai Huai was reluctant to let it go. 


The roses on the balcony turned around embarrassedly because of the lovers’ greediness.


After a long time, Bai Huai finally lowered his voice and said softly, “My boyfriend, can you give me your hand? ” 


Forget about hands. Jian Songyi will give his life for Bai Huai in a heartbeat.


Jian Songyi placed his hand in Bai Huai’s palm. 


His hand is also very beautiful, evenly long and powerful, with porcelain-white joints. 


When the plain ring with a thin diamond was put on the middle finger of his left hand, it became even more beautiful.


The ring is not luxurious, but it is simple and generous. It can be seen that Bai Huai had really put his mind into picking its every detail.


On the platinum ring, there is a row of fine diamonds embedded. Those were very small, each of which is finely cut into dozens of petals. Under the light, the light flows, and there is a subtle implicit luxury. 


For such a small diamond, each one was processed so evenly and finely. This kind of craftsmanship cannot be done by just a  mere low-class master. 


The edge of the bottom ring is also secretly engraved with delicate textures, which can be faintly seen as the totem of roses. 


Before Jian Songyi could react, Bai Huai explained: “I designed this ring myself. Both of our names are also engraved within its inner circle. In fact, I got it two days ago. I wanted to give it to you later, but I always feel that I should give you an explanation.” After a pause, he added: “But this is not a marriage proposal.” 


Jian Songyi’s heart was beating so fast that he couldn’t think. But after his last statement, he seemed to be a little lost.


ai Huai caught his expression and took him into his arms: “Because I think if this is a marriage proposal, it’s not serious enough, it’s not good enough, and it will be too wrong for you. I will be better in the future, and I will give you a better in everything I’ve done today. I will also give you a formal and grand marriage proposal, which will make everyone envy you. I’ve just put this ring on you today, just to tell you, Jian Songyi, I will definitely marry you in my life. This is to stop you from running away from me. You can’t run away anymore.” 


Bai Huai lowered his head and kissed Jian Songyi’s forehead: “Because you are already my Jian Songyi.” 


Jian Songyi buried himself in his arms and said in a stern voice, “Then why don’t you wear yours yourself? 


” Because I’m waiting for you to wear it for me.” 

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“So, are you willing to wear it for me? After wearing it, my sovereignty, ownership, and use rights belong to you.” 


Bai Huai’s voice was unbelievably gentle, but It’s like sincerity has been dug out from the bottom of his heart. 


Bai Huai had really thought through the words that he was about to say as if he had kept all of it safe in his heart.


Jian Songyi felt that he had to scold people. Otherwise, Bai Huai would make him cry. 


So Jian Songyi can only fiercely say: “Bullshit, you are Lao Tzu even if you don’t wear a ring. Your sovereignty has already belonged to me.” 


Bai Huai thinks that he is fierce and cute. 


Bai Huai chuckled and handed him the other ring: “Okay, it’s yours.” 


Jian Songyi took the ring and continued: “If you put it on, you are not allowed to take it off! ” 


“Don’t you dare take it off without my consent, or I’ll chop off your hand.”


“Okay, I’ll hand you the knife when the time comes.” 


Jian Songyi tried his best to think of being murderous, especially fierce and annoyed as if he could be cooler in this way. 


But when he put the ring on Bai Huai’s finger, his eyes were still red. 


He can’t be cruel. 


His voice tightened a little. 


Jian Songyi clasped Bai Huai’s hand and made the two rings hug each other tightly. 


He said: “Bai Huai, wait for me. Wait for a few months… I will come to Beicheng; come to our home so that you will no longer have to be alone.” 


Bai Huai carried him into his arms.


“Okay, I’ll wait for you. You have to keep your word.”




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