Jian Songyi started walking but then stopped to return his gaze to the reporter: “Oh, by the way, add another sentence for me in this article you are making.” 

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The reporter looked at him as if he was like a formidable enemy.


Jian Songyi chuckled: “Don’t worry, our dean asked me to say it. It’s a line with values for students.”




“People who can’t become better because they like each other are not worthy of puppy love.”


After speaking, he raised his eyebrows and smiled. It was only for a moment, looking both arrogant and cute.


Then Jian Songyi turned around completely and walked into the rain screen.


The reporter was stunned for a while, then lowered his head and smiled.


Forget it. Although it’s not a serious interview that adults want to watch, it doesn’t matter.


After all, the stories of young people should be told to young people.


The moment the results were announced, Nanwai’s postbar exploded.


The Nanwai students who witnessed how the two of them went from being a tyrant and a concubine to a tyrant and a favorite concubine, wanted to catch someone and talk about this legendary AO love that looked like AA love.


Even Zhuo Luo’s little nephew, who was a few months old, was not spared, causing his little nephew to cry in fright when he heard the names of Bai Huai and Jian Songyi.


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Just when they were annoying their relatives and friends and were struggling with nowhere to develop new audiences, the interview report came out.


The entry for “the champion couple” followed the hot search.


Netizens even started crazy love stories on the Internet.


Their outstanding appearance, superior family, and proud achievements are enough to be enviable. Coupled with such a beautiful love between two handsome men who have become better because of each other. Both their names will become the name of this summer vacation. They even sit on top of popular spots on the Internet.


Those who are nympho, those who are envious, those who are jealous, those who sigh that people are more popular than others, and those who miss those young love and youthfulness are everywhere.


And the phrase “people who can’t get better because they like each other, don’t deserve puppy love” is also known as the best golden sentence for learning gods in 2020.


It was so popular that it was almost written into the normative handbook for junior and senior high school students.


If it was the previous Jian Songyi, he would’ve probably just taken the summer vacation super easy. 


But after having a boyfriend, Jian Songyi only secretly chilled for one night and flew abroad with his boyfriend overnight to enjoy their graduation trip.


According to the legend, Lu Qi Feng sent the couple to an unhealthy couple traveling venture.


Then the top student in the college entrance examination and the Science champion in the whole province, during this trip, understood that the truth in life is that learning is endless.


What he knew before was still too little.


He doesn’t deserve to be a qualified Omega.

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However, Jian Songyi, who has never liked to go out because of his laziness, also began to feel that traveling is actually not bad.


Together they go to places they’ve never been to before, to see landscapes they’ve never seen before, and learn stories they’ve never known before.


They finally went to the Middle East together, where Wen Zhimian died. They saw the desolation and devastation brought by the war and the poor children who lost their parents because of the war.


They suddenly understood why Wen Zhimian gave up a comfortable and superior life to come here for free support, and why he sacrificed his life to protect a child they had never met.


For tender mercy.


That night, Jian Songyi slept on the ground for the first time, eating hard naan, enduring the scorching heat of summer night and mosquito bites. But he was not picky at all. He even held a dirty child all the way back to the refugee camp.


While sitting on the ruins, he looked up at the night sky where the stars had been lost due to gunpowder smoke, and he said to Bai Huai, “Bai Huai, we are so lucky. So  in the future, we have to do a lot.”


Bai Huai said, “Alright.”


They are all kind and beautiful young people, and the future will belong to them.


It will not only belong to Jian Songyi and Bai Huai, but the future should belongs to every kind and beautiful young man who has enthusiasm, knows love and gratitude, works hard and makes progress.


They may have various shortcomings, but they are the hope of the world after all.




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On the day they went back to school to get the admission letter, the group of teenagers got together again.


Yang Yue has long been recommended to the Department of Biomedical Sciences of Huaqing University.


Yu Ziguo’s hard work, coupled with his inexplicable metaphysics, made him pick up a big bargain when he filled out his volunteers, and he was admitted to a 985 in the same university town and school as Xu Jiaxing.


Lu Qi Feng’s grades have always been good, and with the 20 points added to his score as the second prize in the competition, he passed the admission line of Beicheng University while Zhuo Luo went to Beicheng Foreign Languages ​​on the other side of the city.


Then Bai Huai was admitted to the Omega Pharmaceutical and Medical Research Department of Huaqing University for a combination of undergraduate, master, and doctoral studies.


Lastly, Jian Songyi went to the Finance Department of Beicheng University.


When he got the admission letter, Zhuo Luo was a little unhappy.


Jian Songyi thought that Lu Qi Feng was bullying him again, so he secretly pulled him over and asked, “What’s the matter?”


Zhuo Luo said with a sullen mouth, “The three of us have been playing together since junior high school, but now both of you have gone to Beicheng University, and I am the only one left out. I’m alone on the outskirts of the city. I’ve seen it. It takes two hours to take the subway…”


After saying that, he felt aggrieved.


Jian Songyi patted him on the shoulder: “I understand. You’re thinking that you and Lu Qi Feng are in a long-distance relationship.”


Zhuo Luo’s face blushed when Jian Songyi read his mind.


Jian Songyi continued to comfort him: “It’s okay. Bai Huai and I are also in a long-distance relationship. We are almost the same.”

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Zhou Luo quit mopping as he clenches his fists and shouts angrily: “Beijing University is next to Huaqing University! What kind of long-distance relationship is that?!”


“It takes more than ten minutes to walk.”


Jian Songyi truly felt that he and Bai Huai were in a long-distance relationship.


Bai Huai had sharp ears and listened not far away. For fear that Jian Songyi would make Zhuo Luo cry again, he hurriedly dragged him back: “It’s okay, I can ride a bicycle. I’ll be there in two or three minutes, but I’ll stay home at night. So, It won’t be a long-distance relationship.”


As a result, after their show, Zhuo Luo thought that he would still be able to see Lu Qi Feng in the future. He could do so by taking a four-hour drive back and forth. With that line of idea, his eyes suddenly turned red. 


Lu Qi Feng was so frightened that he hurried over to hug Zhuo Luo and gave Bai Huai and Jian Songyi a stern look: “You two, get up! I just coaxed him two days ago, and if you make him cry again, I can fight you two. “


Xu Jiaxing and the others couldn’t bear Jian Songyi and Bai Huai’s bad behavior, who were bullying others while throwing dog food everywhere. And so, he pushed Jian Songyi and Bai Huai to go out: “It’s okay. It’s okay, the two bosses are okay. Alright, shall we go to Jinyu Restaurant first?”


The graduation party for the third year high school students was booked at Jinyu Restaurant tonight.


The entire hall was filled.




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