It was a long night of drinking and singing without reservations as a teenager.

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Those vivid and bright emotions are their best teenage years.


Bai Huai quietly watched the group of drunk, crying, and noisy people.


And he couldn’t help the small smile in his eyes.


Everyone in this group has a lot of faults, sometimes annoying, but more often they are good and thoughtful.


They are warm, kind, sunny, motivated, and incredibly real.


After they leave, they will talk to him from time to time. They will care about him, worry about him even for the smallest of things.


They even left a little entanglement in his barren and blank world, which made him believe in the simplest friendship in addition to love.


And all this was brought to him by Jian Songyi.


Through Jian Songyi, he saw a world that was completely different from what he knew before.


It’s full of mistakes; it’s colorful; it’s noisy; it’s bright and warm.


This is the world he lives in.


This is mundane.


This is completeness.


Later, when Bai Huai recalled his boyhood, he would remember that he always had such memories.


He should have been cold and lonely, but it was because of Jian Songyi that his youth was fulfilled.


Many people were drunk that night.


But Jian Songyi and Bai Huai never got drunk.


When the song finally left the venue, it was raining in the night in Nancheng.


They walked into this rainy night with umbrellas.

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They didn’t say anything as they just wanted to take a walk that night.


They want to see this familiar city.


The city where they grew up together.


“Bai Huai, will you be reluctant?”


“No. We should meet, and we will meet again.”


“Then do you miss your childhood?”


“I will, but I also like the present. So, I think I will like it in the future too. “


“Bai Huai, do you still remember this cake shop?”


“I Remember. When you were a child, you craved strawberry cakes from this shop. Whenever their cake gets sold out, you would cry all night in their shop. The boss couldn’t carry you away, he could only cry as well.”


“In the end, you tricked me into going home.”


“Well, I was tricked back after I was bitten by your milk teeth a few times.”


“That means I’m more greedy for your body than strawberry cake.”


“Then please be more greedy.”


“Get out!”


Bai Huai smiled and slanted the umbrella towards Jian Songyi’s direction : “Do you still remember this pavilion?”


“Yes, the two of us were really sleepy and slept here all night, right?”


“No, just for two hours.”


“Just two hours? I thought it was a long time.”


“Children take a long time to remember.”

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“We were only four or five years old at that time? Why did you think of running away from home?”


“Because you think you are Monkey King and I am Tang Seng; you have to send me to the West to get scriptures.”


“…..” Jian Songyi rubbed her nose embarrassedly, “Why do you have such a good memory?


“It’s not so good. But I’ll always remember everything that is related to you.”


“There you go again, don’t tease me. I might cry after drinking.” Jian Songyi tilted his head, “Hey, I remember that this place used to be a playground? Why is it gone?”


“It was demolished. It was demolished in 2007. At that time, you didn’t go to the playground for a long time, so you don’t know.”


“Then how did you know so clearly?”


“You like the ice cream here. I come here often to buy it for you.”


“You also said that you forbade me to eat ice cream.”


“It’s not because of your stomach ache back in junior high.”


“…You’re so annoying.”


Bai Huai chuckled as he snaked his arms unto Jian Songyi’s shoulders.


Listening to the sound of raindrops smashing on the umbrella, the two walked aimlessly on the streets they were familiar with as they talked through topics one after another.


Then Jian Songyi suddenly saw a neon billboard: “Wait, this black Internet cafe is still open? How can such a dilapidated Internet cafe be open for so long?”


“It seems that the business is not bad.”


“Master Bai, why don’t you go up there? And play two games?”


“You want to have a  fight with the network manager again?”


“But you also said that I didn’t fight for you at that time, and that punk dared to flirt with you! If I hadn’t been only 12 or 13 years old, I would have castrated him and pissed him off. Do you know, at that time, I thought you were an Omega, but you were so precious that I couldn’t bear to let others touch you. ” 


“Then why didn’t you say so?” 

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“When we were in kindergarten, you said you didn’t want to be my wife, so I didn’t do anything. It’s not that you don’t know my temper. If I suffer a loss once, I will never mention it again. ” 


“Blame me. If I had agreed to your proposal at the age of four, we might not have to be separated by the time we were fourteen. ” 


It sounded like a casual joke.


However, the cold voice through the slight alcoholism wasn’t able to hide the regrets and guilt. In fact,  there is nowhere to hide on a rainy night.


This is always where Bai Huai felt sorry for Jian Songyi.


Perhaps, they could have been better.


Upon hearing this sentence, Jian Songyi suddenly stopped.


He stepped forward, stepped in front of Bai Huai, looked up at him, and said solemnly: “Bai Huai, you have to believe that all the mishaps in the world lead us to the best results.”


Bai Huai looked down to look at his dark eyes.


It was a rainy night, but he saw the galaxy.


Jian Songyi’s eyes were burning, with a little sensibility and hypocrisy that couldn’t be hidden after drinking.


He said: “Bai Huai, I love you very much now. Maybe I’ll be twenty-eight, thirty-eight, and forty-eight years old, but I will still and love you even more. But I don’t think there is any other experience that will make the 18-year-old me love you more than the 18-year-old I am now. Because I can’t imagine how I can love you more at this moment. Do you understand when I say so? ” 


“I understand.”


Bai Huai lowered his head and kissed him, with the greatest intensity and passion they could imagine for eighteen-year-olds.


It is all the luck and misfortune, struggles and partings that have been experienced that make Bai Huai and Jian Songyi who they are now, so why blame the regrets that were missing in the past?


After all, he loves him now, and he will continue to love him in the future.


He has participated in his childhood all the way to his teenage life, and he will never be absent from his future life.


There is nothing better in this world than this.


So Bai Huai thinks that he is so lucky.

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On a long street on a rainy night in Nancheng, there is an umbrella and two teenagers that will forever be remembered.


The raindrops fell along the rib of the umbrella into a curtain, separating the teenagers under the umbrella from a world that belonged only to them.


Nancheng’s rainy season has since remembered the two teenagers of that year.


They met again in the past rainy season, and they embraced each other in this year’s rainy season.


They have no doubts.


They are in love with each other.


They will grow old with their sons.


They will also be forever young.




——End of the full text——


The author has something to say:


The main story is over here.


Thank you for your support, liking, and tolerance along the way. I know that I have many shortcomings. The writing, characters, and plots are very immature, but I have worked hard to write this story.


I like Jian Songyi and Bai Huai very much. They both have many shortcomings, but these shortcomings make them real. The rest of their lives are very long, and they will grow better.


Thank you to all of you who like them too.


In addition, although the full story is marked as complete, there are actually about ten extras. I will write about college, work, and childhood according to the timeline. The title of each chapter will be indicated, and you can decide whether to buy it according to your taste. 




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