[Where’s your proof? Do not defile my god. My god is pure and clean!]

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[Okay, I see. My god likes to drink strawberry milk, likes girls who are good at math, and planetarium. Thank you!]

[Maybe he likes male Omega?]

[Hey, you. I can spread a rumor too, open my mouth and refute everything you have said. I could even break your leg if you want. Do you have a basis for what you are saying? If you stand with Jiang Songyi, then do so, but you don’t need to destroy Bai Huai’s reputation. Next time you casually diss my family, don’t blame me for the blood that will spill. And if you happen to find me then teach me how to write something like this. It is not up to us Omegas to decide who is the best.]

[Whoever calls our god Bai Huai like this will have his whole family scolded. Don’t touch our flawless porcelain!]

[where did this story come from? Gosh. Ugly people make so much trouble. Brother Song and Bai Huai have their own beauty and skills. We all like it. Don’t write posts like this to create dispute.]

Jian Songyi: “…..”

Bai Huai glanced at someone’s slightly dull expression. He was happy about it.

Straight Alphas will not understand the combat style of some Omegas and its effectiveness.

But Jian Songyi was not the kind of person to flinch easily. He was stunned for a while, but after he recovered, he picked himself up again and rolled up his sleeves to fight again. His face was filled with righteous indignation while his fingers kept tapping on his cellular phone’s screen that his truncated arms were even stretched with muscle lines.

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The Owner [Why don’t you believe me? I am telling the truth. If I am lying, then I won’t be the rank one in our school.]

The Owner [What do you mean I can’t rank one in my year in the first place? I only take the top my whole life okay?]

The Owner [What is my addiction to lying? What do you mean I am pretending to be your Brother Song? What do you mean I don’t match either of their shoes?]

The Owner [No, I admit that Jian Songyi is better and more handsome than me. But for one thing, I am definitely better than Bai Huai.]

If it’s a hands-on thing, then Jian Songyi would certainly not lose, but in terms of quarrel, he stood no chance and would never win towards the Omegas holding keyboards.

Even the sweetest omega scolded him with the worst words possible.

Bai Huai watched Jian Songyi as he was so aggravated and grumpy as he continued to fight with the Omegas on the net. He could not help but suppress a smile. Nevertheless, he placed his hand in front of him and knocked over at the desk lightly. “Alright. That’s enough.”

Jian Songyi immediately placed his phone down in guilt and worry before asking. “What’s enough? Have you finished the problem yet?”

“It’s done.” Bai Huai answered graciously. “I also strolled around the internet for a while to post it.”

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“,,,,,” Jian Songyi almost choked with relief. His ears are even flushing a little in nervousness.

He never thought that people like Bai Huai would go to such a boring place like a page from the net, after all. All is well.

Little did he know, that Bai Huai’s small smile that is currently playing on his lips held a different meaning. “I also read a very interesting post.”


“After it talked a lot about my past, I can only think of one person in Nancheng who knew all about it.” Bai Huai spoke slowly, his smile turning into a smirk the more the statement progresses while Jian Songyi’s ears become redder and redder in comparison. 

Jian Songyi decided not to lie about it, since he was already caught redhanded. So he questioned Bai Huai confidently, “Wat’s the matter? Which sentence was is false?’

“Everything is true.” Bai Huai clicked his pen against the table for a moment. “It’s just that I think I need to remind someone of the full version of the story.”

“You see, strawberry milk…. If I remember correctly, it was certain someone’s favorite drink. He likes it so much that I don’t get more than a sip really. There’s nothing that I could do about it, though.”


“There’s also this someone who has to do their math homework, but he also wants to play games. His solution? He decided to throw his assignment for me to do. He even literally threw his exercise book towards me.”

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“I didn’t know how it was too the day it rained, but I needed to cancel last minute on the girl for the planetarium because I had to carry someone to the hospital. He fell so badly, you see.” Bai Huai pointed out of the window. “There, that innocent person might be willing to act as a witness.”

Jian Songyi thought of a comeback, but nothing was coming up.

He rubbed his nose awkwardly. “It’s no fun that you always remember these things.” 

Bai Huai nodded. “Well, you interest me.”

As he said that, he sent mobile screenshots to Jian Songyi, which was impressively filled with evidence of guilt.

Jian Songyi was angry but relaxed.

Even if he is compared with Bai Huai, his name of being the school most handsome for many years didn’t guarantee anything from the beginning anyway. He is even abused by his nymphomaniac and stupid fans. 

He just wanted to guide the teenagers to right conduct and manners, but he was caught face to face, and he just wanted to bury himself on the ground alive.

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Isn’t this guy labeling the discussion post groups as boring? Isn’t he a flower that doesn’t hear anything no matter how you talk to him because he is minding his own business? Why is he suddenly doing a physics problem to posting about it as if it’s interesting to others?

Ha… This must be intentional.

He must’ve deliberately wanted to see how much power he was holding as he can easily shoot down everyone just like that. He must’ve used that post to show off and confidently express his disdain.

What a piece of garbage.

Jian Songyi became angrier the more that he thinks about it. He was so angered by his thoughts that he quickly stood up, picked up his school bag, and left Bai Huai in his room. 

Bai Huai accidentally saw his scarlet neck and ears when he slipped away. Jian Songyi just admitted defeat tonight.

Bai Huai is in a good mood. He leaned back and continued scrolling through the posts leisurely.

He then saw a post with an ID of ice cream-something. [Jian Songyi fan support club was officially established today!” Recruit all-round new students! Register and vote to get a cup of milk tea! ]

Bai Huai paused for a while. He contemplated for a bit, and then he clicked in.

His fingertips moved quickly as he replied with a few words as a guest on the site.

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