Where you are

Chapter 23

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I get in the elevator with him and mention the restaurant that Min-Joon went to, not specifying that he was there or the fact that I want to spy on them.

Dae-Hyun looks down smiling. I didn't say anything funny though.

"What's so funny?" I ask him.

"Oh. Nothing, its just that as soon as you saw me you asked me to have lunch with you because you want a friend. Such a middle schooler way of thinking. I just found that funny" he said. I look down. I knew it, he definitely thinks of me as desperate for friends.

"Its my first day and if you don't make any friends on your first day, it becomes harder as the days go by" I say.

"I wouldn't know" he says. I look at him confused.

"I've been working here for 3 years, haven't made a single friend" he said as he looked forward. I remembered my University. Apart from Desiree, I have no friends there. My brother doesn't count as a friend and I've had a crush on Noah since ever, so he isn't a friend to me. Wow, I'm feeling a bit depressed now.

"Same" I said. He looked at me confused "I've never been good at making friends either"

Dae-Hyun looks at me then looks forwards "Let's hurry. The restaurant you mentioned tends to get full during lunch" he said.

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When we arrive to the small restaurant, I look through the window to find Min-Joon and Yu-Na. I finally see them sitting together. I get back and pull Dae-Hyun towards me. Slowly moving my head to take a closer look at them. A nice atmosphere surrounds them. Yu-Na is hiding a smile, Min-Joon has a grin on his face. This is good.

I want to know what they're talking about, but I can't let them notice me. I don't want to ruin the mood like I did last night. If only I didn't disappear, they could have stayed together.

"Oh, that's the Vice-President" Dae-Hyun says. I almost forgot he was here "Is he on a date?" I don't answer him "Wanna eat somewhere else?"

"We're already here" I say as I pull him by his arm and we walk in. We sit on the table right behind them. I'm shocked how they didn't even notice us pass by but what shocked me more was what they were talking about.

"Hannah was so sweet"

"Well, she is something"

They were talking about me. Really? They're supposed to be bonding over stuff that they've gone through, not me, a girl they both met yesterday.

"How can you tell if she's sweet? You hardly talked to her"

"I didn't have to. You can tell a lot about a person's character within the first few seconds of meeting them"

"What about me?" Min-Joon asks her.

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"Huh?" Yu-Na asks.

Oh, this is getting good. He's making a move!

"You didn't like me within the first few seconds of meeting me. What do you think about me now?" he asks.

Oh my goodness. What is Yu-Na going to say?

"What do you think, Hannah?" I look forward and notice that Dae-Hyun was talking to me. Jeez, I completely forgot about him again. I'm a horrible multitasker. I have to make a good impression on him, if not he won't want to hang out with me again. We didn't even get to meet as regular coworkers who slowly grow into friends, I just dragged him here, first impression isn't doing so well.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you because of all the noise. What did you ask?" There was hardly any noise. My lie wasn't very convincing for either of us, but he played along.

"Can I show you around the building later?" he asked with a smile. I smile and nod. I saw the whole blueprint of the building, but another thing is walking around and seeing the interior. Apart from the lobby and the top floor, I haven't seen much.

"Well, I have to get going. Work is waiting" Min-Joon told Yu-Na.

"What?!" I ask myself in shock. That's it?! They haven't spent that much time here, I mean they didn't even get food. Just drinks. This isn't progress at all. I instinctively turn my body towards them and see they are looking straight at me. I look around the room and a lot of people are looking at me. I then realized that rather than thinking to myself the word 'what?' I actually yelled it.

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"Hannah?" Yu-Na asks. Min-Joon on the other hand crinkled his eyebrows at me. He's definitely gonna yell at me for tricking him into going to lunch with Yu-Na.

"Hannah" Min-Joon said.

"Yes?" I ask.

"We're going" he said to me. I couldn't help but comply. I got up and bowed to Dae-Hyun apologetically. I turn back around to see Min-Joon was already by the exit. I look at Yu-Na and wave at her with a smile on my face. She waves back.

"Let's talk later, okay?" I say to her. She nods.

The good thing about leaving that place was that after the spectacle I made out of myself, staying there would have been embarrassing. The bad thing is that I have to deal with Min-Joon. I'm a stranger to him that he has let into his home and take the position of his personal secretary. As easily as he let me into his life, he can quickly quick me out of it. I'll have nowhere to go if that happens.

I walked behind Min-Joon, feeling like I shouldn't walk next to him since he's angry with me. An awkward silence comes between us. I should break it and apologize but, in my defense, I technically didn't lie to him. He had a meeting. I just didn't tell him with whom. If I just explain myself things should be okay but saying sorry should be the first thing to say.

"I'm sorry" I say, but Min-Joon shows no signs of answering, let alone accepting my apology.

"Why are you sorry?" he asks me. His question surprises me. How do I answer this? "When someone is sorry, they know they did something wrong. Are you saying you did something wrong?" he asks, without turning his head towards me and picks up the pace. I can't tell if he's angry or not. His words sound mocking but the tone of voice he used sounded angry.

Well, I've done a lot of wrongs like lie to him about my mental state and take advantage of him by letting him buy me clothes "Um…" I'm definitely not gonna tell him the truth but I don't know how to answer his question that, now that I think about, might actually be rhetorical.

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Min-Joon stops which makes me almost bump into him. He turns around and says "I have to thank you"

I'm surprised by his words "Why are you thanking me? I set you up on a meeting with Yu-Na" I say. He grins.

"We did clear up some things yesterday, but I didn't get the chance to apologize to her. It was bothering me all morning. Thanks to you I got it off my chest" what he said made me so happy. I made them grow closer and hopefully a step closer means a step closer to getting back home.

"But don't do that again" he said pointing at me as if I was a child that did something bad "Another stunt like this and I fire you" he turns around and keeps walking. I can't help but chuckle then rush after him.

"How can you fire me? I'm technically not working for you" I say "How did you put it? Oh yes, sit still and look pretty" he scoofs.

"Aren't you cheeky?" he glances at me with a smile. I do a mocking face.

I feel like we are also growing closer. If things keep going like this, he'll slowly come to trust me, and I can openly help him with Yu-Na. Although I don't know what troubles might arise, my main priority will always be to get them together. Nothing else matters. I have to get back home.

Min-Joon grabs my wrist "Hurry up, we'll be late for work" I look at his hand wrapped around my wrist then I look up at him.

Yes, nothing else matters.

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