Where you are

Chapter 3

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Suddenly my screen goes dark and instead of a dimly lit hallway full of empty classrooms I'm sitting on a carpeted floor and my surroundings are full of bookcases, a desk, black furniture and a huge floor to ceiling window where I can see skyscrapers. The view is beautiful but also confusing. I'm from Chicago, buildings don't look this fancy and the billboards announcements aren't written in Korean.

"Who the hell are you?" It was the voice of a man.

I turn my head and to my surprise I see Lee Min-Joon and Hwang Ae-Ra. It's impossible but they are right in front of me. I quickly get up. Without thinking about my laptop that I just threw to the side.

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"How did you get in here?" Min-Joon askes me.

Holy shit, he talked to me. Min-Joon just talked to me.

"I thought you had tight security" Ae-Ra said to Min-Joon, looking at me with a disgusted look in her eyes.

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Ha, ha. That's Ae-Ra for you.

"Did you schedule a meeting?" Min-Joon asked me. I can't bring myself to answer, he's definitely pissed off. You can't talk to someone when they look that pissed.

Also, this situation is beyond real, characters from a drama are looking and talking to me. Min-Joon's threatening stare that could make me cower in a corner can't outweigh this amazing, fantastical moment.

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"Hello? The Vice-President just asked you a question" Ae-Ra said snapping her fingers at me, yet her bitchy attitude doesn't seem to bother me. What's starting to bother me is, how the hell am I understanding them? I don't speak Korean. I chuckle and hit my head. Duh, this is a dream. I must have passed out and I'm dreaming I got sucked into this drama. Finally, a dream I like, but out of all the places to dream about. I have to dream about being stuck in this situation? This kinda sucks now.

"Are you alright?" Min-Joon asks me. I look at both of them and can't help but laugh, but I quickly cover my mouth when I notice them looking at me confused, almost frigthened.

I take a deep breath and uncover my mouth to say one sentence.

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"I think I'm going to pass out" I say. Min-Joon and Ae-Ra look at each other and then back at me. I fall forward and everything around me goes dark. But rather than hitting the carpeted floor, I feel arms around me.

"Who is this person?" Ae-Ra asks.

"I don't know" Min-Joon tells her. He then screams "Secretary Chang. Bring the car around back!"

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