Where you are

Chapter 36

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The next day I was woken by a loud knock on my door "Get ready for work. If you're not down in half an hour you'll be walking to work"

I was surprised by how Min-Joon was so ready to go to work. He was sick yesterday.

I took a shower and for today I decided to wear a short, grey dress that reached just above my knees and it's sleeves reached just under my elbow. For shoes, I chose golden heels and got golden earrings, one being longer than the other.

When I got downstairs I saw Min-Joon in the kitchen. Cooking. It was like magic, Min-Joon was up as if he never had a fever…That's drama logic for you.

What surprised me though, was his outfit. He was wearing a gray suit and his tie was a light yellow. We were practically matching. If we left the house like this anyone would assume we planned this and also think we are dating.

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I can imagine all the cliché misunderstandings that could ensue just because we are matching.

"You look pretty today" Min-Joon said that so straightforwardly that I felt I was hit, right on the chest, by an arrow. I felt my face grow hot. I didn't expect him to call me pretty. Male leads don't call girls pretty, they only call their love interest pretty!

"Thanks" I say, forcing a smile "You don't look so bad either" Mi Joon smiles and gestures for me to sit down. I decide to bring up the clothes issue "Don't you think it's weird? We're practically matching"

"It sure is a coincidence" Min-Joon says. It's like he doesn't even care about rumors.

"I think I should go change, just in case" I get up and head out, but Min-Joon grabs my arm and turns me around.

"You look fine" he told me "Now, sit down"

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He puts a plate of food on the table for me and one for him. It surprises me that it doesn't look like the ones in other dramas. It looks like regular breakfast a westerner would eat, like me. Did he cook this for me.

"Don't think too much into it" he told me "It's not like I searched on the internet what breakfast foods westerners liked to eat most" he looked away and started to eat. I can't help but smile, he just gave himself away.

We eat breakfast in silence and then I run upstairs to get a sweater. If we're going to be matching, I at least plan to hide it as much as I can.


At work, people were eyeing us. I knew it! Why are my predictions always head on? Can't there be a plot twist in any of this? At Min-Joon's office both of us are surprised when we see Se Jin sitting on the sofa reading over a document while drinking, what I suppose is, coffee.

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"What are you doing here?" Min-Joon asked his cousin. A dark expression in his eyes.

"Is that any way to treat your cousin?" Se-Jin asks him with a smile. He then locks eyes with me, a devilish grin on his face. Min-Joon seemed to notice his cousin looking at me because he quickly stood in front of me.

"We meet again" Se-Jin said to me. Min-Joon looked at me confused.

"You two met?" Min-Joon asked me.

"He came to your place yesterday, wanted to know the wager you and the Chairwoman made so he could sabotage it" I say quickly before Se-Jin comes up with anything. But sabotaging a project that would cost the company millions of dollars doesn't sound like Se-Jin's style, maybe rather than sabotage it, he wants to take over it, that way the company won't lose money and Min-Joon would have to follow his grandmother's wishes, something they both know Min-Joon doesn't like to do, but one of the marriage dates is Ae-Ra and Se-Jin obviously likes her, so telling him would put my whole work in danger or we could gain a powerful ally.

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I look at Min-Joon who is having a stare-down with Se-Jin.

"The wager is none of your concern since it was between grandmother and myself" Min-Joon told his cousin "Now if that's all you wanted to know, my secretary can show you out. I have a lot of work to do" Min-Joon heads to his desk and quickly sits down to work.

It's obvious to see that Se-Jin is not pleased with his cousin's attitude towards him. I walk closer towards Se-Jin, and although I don't want to, I give a slight bow and gesture to the door. He walks out and I follow after him.

I sit down on my desk but Se-Jin stops and stares at me, placing his hands on my desk.

"So quick to throw me under the bus" he smiles.

"I didn't know we were in the type of relationship where we should look after each other" I say "After all, my boss is the Vice-President, not you" Se-Jin grinned at me. If I didn't know any better, it looked like he liked the fact that I was being rude to him on purpose.

"You really should watch your words. That mouth of yours could get you in trouble" Se-Jin winks at me, fixes his jacket and finally leaves. I don't know whether I just made an enemy or got Se-Jin to want to take me as his own personal secretary, that will end up causing more turmoil between the two cousins. I don't want either, so hopefully I'm just looking too much into it.

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